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So... would you consider sexting a need to go to a bishop? What I mean by that is sending a picture message to someone where I'm not completely clothed. We live in different states. I know I need to repent, the question is if it's something that a bishop must be involved in. Thanks.

if you're wondering if you need to, then you probably should.
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Does sexting only mean pictures or can it include words? What about words that are not meant to be arousing. I received a text saying my date bought a new short black dress for our date. That drove me wild. Maybe it was meant to arouse me.

i think in general ppl think pictures when they talk about it but personally i think it could include words. however i'm not sure i would qualify "i got a new short black dress for our date" to be "bad".... now if she said i got a new short black dress and then went on to discuss the underclothes she intended to wear (or not wear) with that short black dress for the date that would be bad.

flirting and intending to cause inappropriate arousal are not the same thing.

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what if you are a dr who is aroused, but saves people. should he or she stop putting himself in that position, or is this okay because of the good works?

I just want to thank you, MorMan55, for your significant and meaningful contributions to our message boards. We were pleased to have you announce that you'd recently converted from four other religions and dismayed when you told us 24 hours and 5 minutes later that you had left the Church to become a 'moonie.'

We were greatly appreciative of your commentary on the fallacies of research, because there is no one here more qualified to talk about research than you.

It was very helpful when you explained that sexting is a gray area, and then stated that it must be okay because the Book of Mormon makes no references to the misuse of cell phone technology. It was especially enlightening when you explained that the intent behind sexting is not necessarily sexual arousal. It was also helpful when you took people's statements out of context, reframing them in an attempt to make people look foolish (here and here). I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't pointed out that sexting is a stupid word. And I think the issue would be forever unresolved if you hadn't thanked someone for confirming your original point when no one has yet said anything to which you agree with on the matter.

We are in definite need of more innuendo.

We love that you made a formal introduction, and then used a tired joke to tie our religion to drug use. And if then you had us rolling on the floor with a polygamy joke. I wonder why no one has ever thought to do that before.

Since I'd never heard of Under the Banner of Heaven, it was good that you informed us that it exists. How else would we come to understand the religion will ultimately get us killed.

And now that we know we're narrow-minded, we can start working on the problems and accept a greater world-view...presumably one that satisfies the kindness, maturity, and respect that you have demonstrated to us.

Now that we have recognized you for being such a valuable asset to this community, I can make a full decision about what it means to me to have you here.

Now, stop being a

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the problem with sexting someone else, even if not fully undressed in the photo, is you are showing signs of emotional and spiritual weakness. Why must a person send a naked photo to anyone else? There really is no worthy reason. The only reason to do so is to entice, embarrass, or encourage shameful thoughts in oneself and others.

See your bishop. He needs to get you on a path of protection and repentance.

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