new set of scriptures ?


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I'm Liz, 16. I'm looking to buy a new set of scritptures. Tabbed, with my name on them. Black, genuine leather.

however I'm unsure if what size i should get. I'm going for the standard triple combo and standard bible.

I'm buying these with my own money so I can appreciate them even more, so although I don't want to say keep the cost low, they do get quite pricy.

These scriptures I plan on keeping as mission scriptures-eventually.

I'm rrly into writing in the margins and taking sticky notes and posting them in and glueing quotes in.

The standard dosen't have a lot of margin space.

Any advice?

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I use the Bonded Leather Quad Large Print Indexed for everyday use. It is BIG though so it is not very practical to carry around all over the place. It has good margin space for notes. I use the electronic version in my phone for travel.

My son is 8 and he has the Bonded Leather Quad Compact Indexed. He likes it because it is easy for him to carry (I got him the leather case to go with it) but it doesn't have much room to write on. He has notes on post-its inserted between the pages. Might not be a good idea for long-term tho coz the post-its tend to fly out sometimes.

Most missionaries use the Bonded Leather Quad Regular. It is also the cheapest one. The margin space is still a bit smaller for my taste but I've seen missionaries cram tons of stuff in those margins.

If you have a chance to go to a bookstore, it would be beneficial for you to actually hold one in your hands and take a good feel of it.

Hope this helps!

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Lizz, are you a convert or is your parents members of the church? Sorry for asking.

no biggie. My parents are members. I was given a set of scriptures when i turned 8 but lost them when we traveled cross country to all the church sites. Ironic right?

So, now although they would pay for them i rrly want to pay for them myself.

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Even the oversized copies don't provide a ton of margin space, because the text is proportionately large as well. I used to keep a small pad of paper with my scriptures -- about the size of Post-Its, but not sticky, and I would write on those. I would label each piece of paper with the reference and page number, so that if they fell out, I could easily put them back in again. If you're planning on using these as mission scriptures, I would advise against actually gluing anything in.

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i'm also looking at a new set of scriptures. i have the standard triple combination and bible, with the black econ. binding. it was my gift after i was baptized and confirmed a member of the church a year ago (AH!! :D) by my missionaries, with their testimonies written in the bible. i had a hard enough time bringing myself to even mark them with a light pencil line at first because i didn't want to marr up this great gift, but eventually i prayed about it in a trip to the temple, and realized they would want me to mark them up to my hearts content and feed upon the words of Christ. after that, i've gone crazy :P

i purchased a set of tabs from Deseret Book for the triple because i was starting to get frustrated at being so slow to look things up when i had a particular impression or thought. they've worked pretty well, but bend easy. however, they're good. there's also a set available for the bible.

however, i'm most likely going to be getting a quad, indexed, genuine leather and blue, as my next set. i'm also considering going on a mission. from my experience of seeing what kind of scriptures missionaries use, it's fairly split between the quad and the triple/bible set, but all have been indexed. sometimes they even have two sets, a compact quad and a standard size set as well. i think it's largely your choice as per your preference and comfort :)

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that's why shopping is God's gift to us girls :D LOL

i would talk to some of your leaders at church, see what you think about theirs. even your friends.

Darn it, I guess God missed me when he handed out that gift. I hate shopping with a passion. Any kind of shopping.

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I would go for the separate triple combo and Bible, rather than a quad. I say this for a few reasons.

First, they have book bags that are really nice, which will make them work just like a quad, but you can separate them if you need to. The book bags will also have pockets for pencils, visual aids, and your discussion notes.

Second, because you can separate them, they are easier to handle. You can flip through them easier, and when reading in bed, or on a couch is just easier with smaller books. The quads are really thick.

Third, since these will be your missionary scriptures, they make for good visual props, especially when talking about the stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph. And if you ever run into anyone who doesn't believe we use the Bible, you can just pull out your King James and prove them wrong without trying to explain how the other three books relate. Also, your investigators will likely have their own Bible to look at stuff through, and it will be easier to teach with the same one book.

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however, i'm most likely going to be getting a quad, indexed, genuine leather and blue, as my next set. i'm also considering going on a mission. from my experience of seeing what kind of scriptures missionaries use, it's fairly split between the quad and the triple/bible set, but all have been indexed. sometimes they even have two sets, a compact quad and a standard size set as well. i think it's largely your choice as per your preference and comfort :)

For a mission, I think separate books are much better.

Third, since these will be your missionary scriptures, they make for good visual props, especially when talking about the stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph. And if you ever run into anyone who doesn't believe we use the Bible, you can just pull out your King James and prove them wrong without trying to explain how the other three books relate. Also, your investigators will likely have their own Bible to look at stuff through, and it will be easier to teach with the same one book.

This is exactly why. My focus is more on the Book of Mormon, though. You want people to read it, but they don't see you reading it. As far as they can tell at a glance, you're just reading out of another section of the Bible.

Also, if you are in an area where you walk or ride bikes a lot, you're going to want to lighten your load as much as possible. I often left my Bible at home, and brought with me pamphlets and pass-along cards, giveaway copies of the Book of Mormon, and my triple. Most of the people I taught were Catholic, so if I needed to read a verse in the Bible, I'd ask to use theirs. I also found this effective because then they couldn't rebut with "maybe that's in your Bible..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

The thing that most missionaries do nowadays, and something that I did toward the end of my mission when it was available, is carry a couple of the blue BofMs as well as the newer blue Bibles that don't have the references at the end and these are used for street contacting and tracting while using the larger personal set for studying and teaching set appointments.

Personally I preferred my quad as a missionary because I found it easier to handle, but to each his or her own. Seeing as you've already decided on the separate books that a moot point anyway.

For missionary scriptures I would definitely go with the standard size edition, and in my experience the real leather, while a bit more expensive, hold up a little better after hours of study.

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