Has anyone prayed about Evolution?


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When I was in college about 10 years ago I took a biology class. The topic of evolution came up, of course, and it started the typical discussion/disagreements. It was very upsetting to me. I read, studied, questioned, but couldn't find an answer that made me feel better. So I prayed about it.

Has anyone else prayed about evolution and where Adam really came from?

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I don't think Heavenly Father would give us an answer to that. We really don't need to know right now. It's a non-issue. Evolution could have been the tool by which He created man, or it may not have been. That doesn't change the fact that He created us, which is really all that matters.

Edited by PrinceofLight2000
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When I was in college about 10 years ago I took a biology class. The topic of evolution came up, of course, and it started the typical discussion/disagreements. It was very upsetting to me. I read, studied, questioned, but couldn't find an answer that made me feel better. So I prayed about it.

Has anyone else prayed about evolution and where Adam really came from?

I have studied and prayed about Adam and Evolution. I have not received any revelation beyond what our prophets and Holy Scriptures have indicated.

However, in my quest for knowledge and understanding, I have come to better understand the process of evolution. Contrary to what many teach, I have found nothing contradictory in evolution that excludes G-d from being the creator of us all or Adam being the first man.

I believe the scriptures tell us plainly that G-d created all things. That G-d is the creator of every human that is alive today. I also find no indication that Adam was created in a different manner than any other person alive today. We can observe in great detail how human kind is currently created. The first step is the fertilization of an egg that becomes a single cell zygote. This single cell will evolve to create a body for a human spirit to reside in and thus a human is created. Please note that evolution is very much involved in this process. I know of nothing in scripture that indicates Adam was created differently.

Evolution however, is not the answer to all things of creation. By itself, evolution is not a complete answer but for all my investigations – it is the best answer that supplies the most detail we have with so far.

The Traveler

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Yes, I pray about everything I learn, I don't believe there is such a thing as secular education. Everything we learn has an eternal consequence. My understanding and belief about evolution and creation has changed over the years, and will continue to change it may not resemble what i currently believe in a few years. (That in itself is evolution lol) And once the veil is removed my understanding will be greater still.

My current belief is that Adam and Eve were created by God. Evolution occurs and happens but it is not how our particular group of humans came into existence.

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I don't care enough about evolution to pray about it. Or even think about it with any frequency.

From the LDS Bible Dictionary:

As soon as we learn the true relationship in which we stand toward God (namely, God is our Father, and we are his children), then at once prayer becomes natural and instinctive on our part (Matt. 7: 7-11). Many of the so-called difficulties about prayer arise from forgetting this relationship. Prayer is the act by which the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other. The object of prayer is not to change the will of God, but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant, but that are made conditional on our asking for them. Blessings require some work or effort on our part before we can obtain them. Prayer is a form of work, and is an appointed means for obtaining the highest of all blessings.

I highlighted a thought you may consider - if you would care to do so.

The Traveler

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When I was in college about 10 years ago I took a biology class. The topic of evolution came up, of course, and it started the typical discussion/disagreements. It was very upsetting to me. I read, studied, questioned, but couldn't find an answer that made me feel better. So I prayed about it.

Has anyone else prayed about evolution and where Adam really came from?

What part of evolution is true and what is a man made fabrication is really based on your receipt of such a prayerful answer. There is nothing preventing you in receiving such an answer and can open other questioning doors of life upon the receipt of the first.

There are only handfuls that have seen it first hand. Now, why GOD doesn’t answers prayer based on this specific topic for any member is still questionable. Nor does HE give a complete detail or allow the complete scenery ‘be written.’ Noticed any real clarity between Abraham, Moses, or even Joseph Smith after viewing such an event? I have not seen it.

I only know one individual in this field who is LDS and received an epiphany of this event. Even he does not discuss with any detail of what transpired. Though, what is remarkable, this has transformed his life views regarding this topic. I guess it would for any of anyone to see it as first hand vice reading it.

To receive such answer, I believe the Lord will not allow you to write it or be allowed it to be give to the masses unless they are the same caliber of those who already received it. Arguing or becoming a heated topic, becomes meaningless when you view it. Even what was written in great details, Brother of Jared account, Joseph was commanded not to translate it or give it to the telestial world but be allowed for those who are terrestrial level beings or higher after millennium begins. Who resides in the millennium? “Terrestrial beings.”

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Yes, I pray about everything I learn, I don't believe there is such a thing as secular education. Everything we learn has an eternal consequence. My understanding and belief about evolution and creation has changed over the years, and will continue to change it may not resemble what i currently believe in a few years. (That in itself is evolution lol) And once the veil is removed my understanding will be greater still.

My current belief is that Adam and Eve were created by God. Evolution occurs and happens but it is not how our particular group of humans came into existence.

Just wondering - do you believe G-d has drastically altered his methods of creating man after Adam and Eve were created? If so – I would be most interested in why to thin so?

The Traveler

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From the LDS Bible Dictionary:

I highlighted a thought you may consider - if you would care to do so.

The Traveler

How exactly is evolution a blessing that God wants to give me? My point was that I have far better things to worry about than evolution, which affects neither my daily life nor my salvation.

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Just wondering - do you believe G-d has drastically altered his methods of creating man after Adam and Eve were created? If so – I would be most interested in why to thin so?

The Traveler

As far as Earth goes I don't think so. However I don't think the creation of man necessarily happened the same way before us.

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How exactly is evolution a blessing that God wants to give me? My point was that I have far better things to worry about than evolution, which affects neither my daily life nor my salvation.

It is the quest for truth - which does affect both your daily life and salvation. I submit that the honest quest for truth is always good and noble cause.

The fact that you felt to respond to this thread would indicated that evolution is at least important – even to you to consider formulating an opinion. Thus if offering an opinion has any importance at all – should not that opinion be well grounded in an honest quest for truth?

The Traveler

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As far as Earth goes I don't think so. However I don't think the creation of man necessarily happened the same way before us.

Elgama: When someone has come to a different conclusion than I have - I am curious what they may be considering that I have missed. What about the principles that define evolution troubles you?

The Traveler

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It is the quest for truth - which does affect both your daily life and salvation. I submit that the honest quest for truth is always good and noble cause.

The fact that you felt to respond to this thread would indicated that evolution is at least important – even to you to consider formulating an opinion. Thus if offering an opinion has any importance at all – should not that opinion be well grounded in an honest quest for truth?

The Traveler

Exactly...I truly understand her point, [paraphrasing it] if it is not part of my salvation, then I really don't need it. That is a truism in a sense. Focusing on what is more important principles than to enter a tangent road crossing of the mysteries of GOD. For others, it may not be. The case of Abraham, he would need it in order to become a FATHER.

I but I do agree on your statement, the quest for any person, whether LDS or not, is the quest of truths, will only lead a person closer to Christ.

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Elgama: When someone has come to a different conclusion than I have - I am curious what they may be considering that I have missed. What about the principles that define evolution troubles you?

The Traveler

they don't trouble me I have no problem with evolution happening. It happens in labs with fruit flies:) By evolution I was referring to us sharing a common ancestor with apes rather than Adam and Eve just being created as homosapien.

Evolution has nothing that concerns me and I believe it has been used at various points in eternity. Sorry if I was unclear.

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Even in Abraham's account of Genesis, it is never stated that the GODs came forth to create the animals. Listen to what is given by Abraham versus man(woman) being created:

24And the Gods prepared the earth to bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kind; and it was so, as they had said.

25And the Gods organized the earth to bring forth the beasts after their kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after its kind; and the Gods saw they would obey.

26And the Gods took acounsel among themselves and said: Let us go down and form man in our image, after our likeness; and we will give them dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27So the Gods went down to organize man in their own image, in the image of the Gods to form they him, male and female to form they them. (https://beta.lds.org/scriptures/pgp/abr/4?lang=eng)

Why didn't Abraham specifically spell it out with the creation of animals vice man?
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Elgama: When someone has come to a different conclusion than I have - I am curious what they may be considering that I have missed. What about the principles that define evolution troubles you?

The Traveler

The fact that the very basic tenets of evolution can't be proven, but it's basically become a gospel all on its own.

1) We have never seen an organic molecule become a living cell within a controlled environment that allows us to see what happens. Silly idea? It could take billions of years? Okay, so the very basic necessary assumption can't be proven and we have no evidence of it whatsoever other than that living cells exist. Wonderful. That's a religion, not a scientific theory.

2) We have no evidence of cells banding together that did not have a predisposition toward banding together. All cells that do so currently seem to always have had that predisposition. Also, I would like to see cells that specialize through evolution. Stem cells start as generic cells that specialize within a biologically very short time. That's not evolution. That's more like Hyper-evolution.

3) If the idea behind evolution is that it exists because more successful organisms live longer and thus have more offspring, it is fundamentally flawed. Most single-celled organisms are functionally immortal barring external circumstances. Wouldn't that suggest that cells that specialize would be less successful and live shorter lives? That would suggest evolution would favor those organisms that didn't evolve.

There's more, but I just basically finished work and am off to see Inception. The long and short is that Evolution's basic assumptions have no evidence for them, the assumptions that all other things are based on. It might be true. I dislike the religious overtones it's taken on, given the gaping holes in our knowledge. People can claim they believe those holes will be covered eventually, but that's a faith, and it's a faith that seems almost arrogant and defensive when people suggest it might not be correct.

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I like how my 8-year-old son thinks. Now, we've discussed Adam and Eve and all that Genesis stuff on FHE's and his Primary class, of course.

And he is learning about the earth from National Geographic or History channel. He has saved episodes about Top 10 ways to blow up the earth and that crazy stuff. If you watch that show it talks about how there could possibly be more than 1 parallel universes and how the big bang could have occurred by 2 parallel universes colliding and that how this could happen again which will blow up the earth...

Anyway, I asked him not too long ago. So, do you think the earth was created by the Big Bang? And he said, yep. He said (remember, this is an 8 year old), some really big thing blew up - maybe because 2 universes bumped into each other, which then created all the planets then gravity pulled the earth so it spins slowly so that storms are not as bad as in Jupiter, then all the plants and animals got created and they got so big so that a meteor hit the earth to wipe out the dinosaurs because they would have killed man, so that when everything was perfect, then the Spirits came down to earth. God is so smart like that. He knows how to use a big bang and gravity and meteors to make earth perfect for us.

I like how his brain works.

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