Banned members?


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Hopefully the term True Blue Mormon doesn't offend anyone though. I would take it as a complement since it means one accepts and does their best to the live the commandments and accept or even defend the official position of the Church.

The term "True Blue Mormon" is awesome, and it originates in a story from the life of a prophet of GOD (Joseph F. Smith).

Every member should strive to be "dyed in the wool, true blue, through and through".


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As far as speaking against the church goes, I think its reasonable to allow people say,

"I disagree with the LDS gospel because ______."

There are people of other religions (or no religion) here, and we're not all going to have the same opinion. But we also have the right to say what we think-- as long as we do so in a grown-up way, without intention of picking on the mods, insulting people, or starting fights.

You DO have a right in the USA to say what you think. That does not mean you have the right to say it on this site. The site and its owners have the right to allow or disallow whatever they want. It's the other side of the Free Speech coin.

Site Rules

1. Do not post, upload, or otherwise submit anything to the site that is derogatory towards The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its teachers, or its leaders. Anti-LDS Propaganda will not be tolerated anywhere.

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I think the main purpose of this site was and is to be a peacefull harbour for tired souls. This is not a debating froum... you want to debate go to FAIRboard ... This board is a place where you can come and inquire peacefully and wheree you do not need to see unpleasant adjectives in front JS or anyone else.

I understand it may sometimes be fustrating when you have a crises of faith and it is such a crises, that you dont feel, that you can ask about it here... but really you can ask.. just leave the anti... aaa... sorry critical nettadresses out. Or if everything goes wrong and you cant vent even here and hit your fellow boarders with words in a bad day, week, year.

Sometimes life is hard.

Just make sure you wont get too close to Beef... that wet tungue is also fast... she has been training Tong ShoShin To!

I just banned one last week... now I can relax... inform posts? Ah that can be arranged any time...

ps remember there is also the Chat... people get banned because of that too... and blogs,,, and... if they dont pay me enough!

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I'm not convinced of the latter statement -- after viewing lots of posts, I think those who disagree with established points of doctrine tend to receive the full brunt from others, in various shades.

I'll agree with you that people who posit unorthodoxy can catch some heat, or a non-LDS who is explaining their understanding of the Trinity, however I was talking about the enforcement of the rule, not the behavior of the community. Those are two very different things.

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I just realized Snow is banned. I know he's the resident acerbic member. But he's been acerbic ever since I joined here. So, I wonder why he got banned. I mean, could he get more acerbic than he already was?

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I just realized Snow is banned. I know he's the resident acerbic member. But he's been acerbic ever since I joined here. So, I wonder why he got banned. I mean, could he get more acerbic than he already was?

please see these other posts in this thread.

I suspect one poster (who's name is a form of frozen moisture we ask for in our winter prayers) will be missed by many.

I didn't know Snow was banned! When did this happen?


I appreciate everyone's concern, but speaking of individual's bans or infractions is not appropriate on the forums.

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As a moderator, I've lately been so bad at meeting my quota that I now have to pay John and Pam for every month I don't ban someone. So, I'm starting a new personal policy for myself. Every week, I'm going to randomly select a non-Mod person to give a warning to. If the person ends up on my radar twice in a month, then I'll ban the person.

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As a moderator, I've lately been so bad at meeting my quota that I now have to pay John and Pam for every month I don't ban someone. So, I'm starting a new personal policy for myself. Every week, I'm going to randomly select a non-Mod person to give a warning to. If the person ends up on my radar twice in a month, then I'll ban the person.

You (the mods) should set up your quota where you get more points for the 1st warning, a smaller amount for the 2nd and practically nothing for the actual 3rd warning and subsequent ban. If the warned poster is humbled and follows the rules after the 1st warning due to your eloquent warning message then that deserves a higher payment. Then you've done your mod job exceptionally well. :D


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I have not had a lot of witness of Banns..except a game forum I would see a lot of folks reguest

a Ban..I often thought the games may have been addictive,so the member would ask for a ban

hoping that would help fix the addiction.

Would that be a reason here for a ban?

I could see being addicted at this forum..its more cozy than most homes :D

Edited by teddyk
opps I double spaced,sorry.
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When I 1st seen the title of this talk I thought it was going to be about LDS church members who where

banned..but my Grandson told me " nah..gramps we are not mean people,that rarely happens "

so after reading this talk I kept thinking off topic :)

Edited by teddyk
I lrft out a word opps.
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