Morning vs. Night


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But, my advice to you for your husband and you being on different time zones... I say don't sweat it. Just worry about your child's time zone. You just need to sit down and accept each others' differences so that you can split up the responsibilities so that your husband can take care of the morning stuff while you take care of the night stuff. I suggest you spend lunch time together as often time as you can. This shouldn't be too hard for you being a SAHM. You can pack a lunch/picnic/eat out somewhere with your husband for lunch - with or without the children.

In tandem to this, I actually plan to use my husband's night owl-ness to help make things easier when we have children. Middle of the night feedings? Perfect, have hubby feed the baby. Depending on whether breast feeding works out or not I will either have him use a prepared bottle of formula or breast milk. I mean heck, if he is up at Midnight, or 2 am or 4 am then why not have him do the feeding? I suppose we will see how well this plan works when the baby actually comes, but right now the plan sounds perfect to me! Once the baby gets on a regular sleep cycle though this will probably be not so perfect anymore, but we will cross that road when it comes.

Urban - Your dog sounds like mine, except my dog uncovers my feet and starts to wash them, which I prefer to my face. And he doesn't pull my blankets off, instead he shakes so that he rattles his collar a lot, and whines, and comes up and breathes in my face, and if I begin to move like I might be awake he will crawl up on the bed so just the first half of his torso is up there and then bash/rub his head into my body until I get up. Dogs can sure be persistent.

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Several people have suggested exercise first thing in the morning. I need to be exercising, and morning would be a great time to get it in, and give me energy for the day. It's gonna take a lot of work, because I hate to exercise, so it's really not a good get-out-of-bed motivator for me.

I set my alarm clock for 8:00am every day. I usually start to wake up around 8:30, realizing that I've apparently been hitting the "snooze" button for half an hour without having a clue. I've tried the whole put-the-alarm-clock-on-the-other-side-of-the-room trick in the past, and all that happens is that I'm grumpier when I do get up -- grumpier that I've had to keep getting up to hit snooze. Maybe it's time to give it another go.

Mostly what I'm trying to figure out is how to train myself to actually wake up and get up when my alarm clock goes off. Once I'm out of bed (for longer than it takes to get to my alarm clock), I'm fine.

*sigh* I think I'm self-defeating.

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I am also a big alarm clock snoozer, ask my husband who has nicknamed me the "snooze queen". Though I don't do it now, because it would drive my husband batty, I used to set my alarm an hour early, so that I could snooze for an hour and then wake up. Each snooze would wake me up just a little bit more each time. And yes I do place my alarm across the room from me. Slowly over time I have cut back a little more each time. At first it was an hour ahead, then a half hour and now it is just 10 minutes. One snooze, one precious snooze and then I have to wake up if I want to be on time for work. One thing I use to help wake myself up in the morning is washing my face. It is the first thing I do when I wake up, splash water on my face. It is a good way to ensure that I wake up, no matter what.

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People swear to God that if you force yourself to keep doing it, it becomes addicting and then it WILL be a great motivator.

(Note that I cannot speak from personal experience.)

I think that is running. Or at least that is what I have heard about running. Running is my arch nemesis though, so I don't understand how it could become addictive. Run till you hurt all over and until your lungs are on fire and every breath feels like it is being ripped from your chest through your ribs and muscles and skin, and eventually it becomes addictive...right, that sounds like something I really want to become addicted to.

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I set my alarm clock for 8:00am every day. I usually start to wake up around 8:30, realizing that I've apparently been hitting the "snooze" button for half an hour without having a clue. I've tried the whole put-the-alarm-clock-on-the-other-side-of-the-room trick in the past, and all that happens is that I'm grumpier when I do get up -- grumpier that I've had to keep getting up to hit snooze. Maybe it's time to give it another go.

So this won't work?

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Mostly what I'm trying to figure out is how to train myself to actually wake up and get up when my alarm clock goes off. Once I'm out of bed (for longer than it takes to get to my alarm clock), I'm fine.

I don't know what the lighting in your geographical area is like, but they make lights that are supposed to mimic sunrise (they slowly power up) and help you get up (set it so it's on fully when it's time to get up). In fact I find if I go to bed with my curtains open I tend to wake up when it's light out. Don't know if that'll work for you though.

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So this won't work?

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Lol. If I had to hunt for the disc, that might actually work. But knowing exactly where the alarm clock is doesn't require much effort.

I don't know what the lighting in your geographical area is like, but they make lights that are supposed to mimic sunrise (they slowly power up) and help you get up (set it so it's on fully when it's time to get up). In fact I find if I go to bed with my curtains open I tend to wake up when it's light out. Don't know if that'll work for you though.

My bedroom was painted navy blue when we moved into our house, and we haven't repainted yet, so I keep the drapes and blinds open twenty-four hours a day.

I think I'm just going to have to play mind games with myself.

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I don't know what the lighting in your geographical area is like, but they make lights that are supposed to mimic sunrise (they slowly power up) and help you get up (set it so it's on fully when it's time to get up). In fact I find if I go to bed with my curtains open I tend to wake up when it's light out. Don't know if that'll work for you though.

Nah, this doesn't work for us night-owls. We can sleep through noon-day sunlight.

I have a cousin who has several alarm clocks in her room - I'd say about 4 or 5 of them. All set to chime 10 minutes apart. She's a night-owl like me but she's a nurse so some days she has to be in the hospital 30 minutes away at exactly 7AM. The first alarm clock starts clanging at 5:45, next one 10 minutes later, and so on until at about 6:15, it's a RACKET in there and STILL she doesn't wake up... 2 more alarm clocks later she finally crawls out of bed, groaning, gets ready in 10 minutes and walks into the hospital over 10 minutes late!

In the meantime, I'm 2 rooms away with 3 pillows over my ears... that was hilarious.

Edited by anatess
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If one had to compile a list of the 100 greatest inventions, I think many of us would reserve a spot for the snooze bar.

As for myself, I suspect my diurnal rhythms are out of sync with this planet and were intended for an inhabitant of another planet with a 30 hour day. The person who received mine must be a real sleepy head there.

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P.S. When I was living in the Philippines, I was a night owl. I moved to the US - exactly 12 hours difference in time, and I am still a night owl... you would think I'll instantly become a morning person!

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I wish I could answer your question, wingnut. I'm a night owl, too, and always have been. When I worked first shift, I had to just force myself to get up. I would set the alarm for earlier than I actually had to get up, so that my body would have a little time to "warm up its engines", so to speak. It sure was a relief to go back to normal business hours, though! :lol:


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Last night I set my alarm for 7:30 this morning. I got up at 8:20. I got dressed, ate breakfast, walked a mile, showered, then headed out. It felt good. Normally, the first thing I do after breakfast is turn on the computer. I didn't turn it on until 2:00pm today. I'm thinking maybe I need to set a time before which the computer is not allowed to be on, unless I've completed breakfast, exercise, a shower, and a chore first.

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Last night I set my alarm for 7:30 this morning. I got up at 8:20. I got dressed, ate breakfast, walked a mile, showered, then headed out. It felt good. Normally, the first thing I do after breakfast is turn on the computer. I didn't turn it on until 2:00pm today. I'm thinking maybe I need to set a time before which the computer is not allowed to be on, unless I've completed breakfast, exercise, a shower, and a chore first.

I had to do this as well. The computer is an insinuating device, it draws you in and does not want to let you go. Or at least it does this to me. I often have found that if I leave the computer alone I get more done. While at work though I am stuck on my computer all day long. Sometimes I wish I could get away from it.

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I'm thinking maybe I need to set a time before which the computer is not allowed to be on, unless I've completed breakfast, exercise, a shower, and a chore first.

Oh sheesh. I'd wake up to dead crops if I didn't turn my computer on first thing in the morning! But then I don't have to deal with them again until evening. It's a matter of planning ahead. :D

Congratulations on your productive morning!

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I used to be in the Air Force and I worked all kinds of crazy shift work. For about two years straight, I worked midnight shifts and slept during the day. Then I worked a rotating shift of two days on swings (2-10pm), mids (10pm-6am), and days (6am-2pm) with two days off. When I worked intelligence missions, the hours were intentionally varied for security reasons, so I never knew when I'd get to sleep.

Your body will adapt to just about anything. The key to adapting was meals. Your body is used to ingesting certain kinds of foods at certain times of the day. If you go to work at 10 pm, eat breakfast before you go to work. Eat lunch during your shift, and eat a "dinner" when you come home in the morning. Somehow it helps you adjust faster.

In your case, if you want to get up earlier, eat your last meal of the day earlier and you'll be hungry when you wake up at an earlier hour. Eat as soon as you get up and then adjust your other mealtimes accordingly. I'm a morning person now and it's common for me to wake as soon as the sun rises, which in the summer is like 5am. I might stay in bed for a while on a Saturday, but sleeping in is making it to 7 o'clock. Good luck.

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Nah, this doesn't work for us night-owls. We can sleep through noon-day sunlight.

I have a cousin who has several alarm clocks in her room - I'd say about 4 or 5 of them. All set to chime 10 minutes apart. She's a night-owl like me but she's a nurse so some days she has to be in the hospital 30 minutes away at exactly 7AM. The first alarm clock starts clanging at 5:45, next one 10 minutes later, and so on until at about 6:15, it's a RACKET in there and STILL she doesn't wake up... 2 more alarm clocks later she finally crawls out of bed, groaning, gets ready in 10 minutes and walks into the hospital over 10 minutes late!

In the meantime, I'm 2 rooms away with 3 pillows over my ears... that was hilarious.

I used to have two alarms for this very purpose. Two weeks ago I slept in someone elses house for a week, and left my primary alarm clock there. So I've been relying on my phone since. Two mornings this week, my alarm has "not gone off". But with all my testing, I cannot reproduce the problem when awake. The only conclusion I can come to is that I've rolled out of bed, switched the alarm off, and gone back to bed. When I do finally wake up, I simply cannot remember doing it. It reminded me of why I usually have two alarms, one of which is usually set to go off 30 minutes after the other.

Last night I set my alarm for 7:30 this morning. I got up at 8:20. I got dressed, ate breakfast, walked a mile, showered, then headed out. It felt good. Normally, the first thing I do after breakfast is turn on the computer. I didn't turn it on until 2:00pm today. I'm thinking maybe I need to set a time before which the computer is not allowed to be on, unless I've completed breakfast, exercise, a shower, and a chore first.

I remember going on holiday once with my family. We were in a caravan, so naturally it was fairly cramped, there weren't enough beds and my brother ended up sleeping on the couch in the lounge. I woke up earlier than he did, and was sat in the lounge as he woke up. The very first thing he did, literally 10 seconds after waking up, was roll over to face the table next to him, where his laptop was situated, and switch it on. I couldn't help but laugh.

I'm a night person, but the one thing I dislike more than getting up early is rushing to school (or work when applicable) so I'm a 10 minutes early person, combined with the rush hour traffic along my route I go in early even if my class schedule doesn't demand it. Both to keep the schedule and to avoid fighting traffic.

Getting up at 7:30 is just about the latest I can get up without seriously rushing around in order to get to work on time. It gives me half an hour to get all my morning "tasks" done before I have to be walking out of the door. I can only do this if I know that traffic wont be too extreme, and I've ironed my clothes the night before :)

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I can wake up whenever needed because of that I do not always sleep well as I am always checking the clock.... I have learned that I enjoy the sleep I get and if I can't sleep I read the scriptures and one of two things happen I really enjoy some chapters and then sleep or I don't make it past the first page and am out.......I do know I get 3 to 4 hours of solid sleep without waking a night and the rest is extra and appreciated

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Two mornings this week, my alarm has "not gone off". But with all my testing, I cannot reproduce the problem when awake. The only conclusion I can come to is that I've rolled out of bed, switched the alarm off, and gone back to bed. When I do finally wake up, I simply cannot remember doing it.

That's totally me.

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I remember growing up. The bedroom me and my brothers slept in had a nekid light bulb ceiling fixture with a 50 million watt bulb that my Mom would flash on/off about 5-10 times to get us up for school about 6:00am. It was so bright you had to get up quick or you'd get a sunburn, that or your eye lids would melt together and you'd never see again. I think those early morning boot camp Bl8tant type reverly mornings warped my brain because I, to this day, wake up alarm clock or not between 5:00-6:00 am 7 days a week. Between the childhood trama and my osteo-arthritis I haven't had a full 8 hrs of sleep since I spent the summer at my aunts when I was about 12 in Beebee Arkansas. Mornings are so awesome. So quiet. a quick shower/shave etc, 45 mins to an hour of scripture reading then prayer. Just me and the Creator. Then I'm off to face the day!!! :) I'd go to bed at 8:00pm if I could get away with it but I can forget that!!! Our Westie chasing our house cat who is eye ballin our African Grey who is whistling AND talking like a madman constantly...and then there's the teenagers. It's a jungle in my house. I can rest when I die. :) Nothing moves in my house on the weekends until 10:00am. My wife is not able to speak until 10:30, and don't look at her either. You won't do it twice, I promise ya. Not and live. Her bedtime is somewhere between 2:30 and daylight, I'm not really sure.

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