Things That Frighten Me - A Rant


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Quite honestly, I love the computer age. Because of my laptop, I am earning a few hundred extra dollars from home, running an online store. I think its kind of nice to be my own boss on that, and get to pick my hours, sleep in as late as I want. I can take my laptop in Starbucks (I just drink the chocolate, strawberry or vanilla frap, or get their sandwiches, or pastries--- no coffee), and work there, lol. Or I can take it to the park and lay on a blanket, and work. Whatever I want. I never could say that before, but because of computers, I can now. And if I have kids, I can work AND be home to raise them. Win-win situation, I think.

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Only one creature that makes me run for cover. It's known habitat is eastern Tn. The beast stands about 5ft tall on her hind legs. Un-naturally hairy especially on chin and unibrow. Emits this extremely high frequency VERY high volume sound roughly around 215 db's when approached, or maybe it's just when I'm in the area. Not sure. I would post a picture of it here but I respect everyone more than that and also am not willing to be responsible for forum members mental health and/or treatment bills after gazing at the beast. It's name varies from state to state depending on who you ask but I've come to know it by the name of.....X-MOTHER-N-LAW!!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! :o If seen in your area, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO APPROACH. Seek cover immediately allowing 1 to 2 states distance between you and the beast if possible. I have nightmares to this day and it's been many years since my eyes last made contact which required extensive treatment to the retna but the mental scars are permanent. :P

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It's spiders I can't abide - 6ft tall, waving their long, hairy legs at me and gnashing their razor sharp teeth and making it their mission to scare me half to death.

(Okay so I might be exaggerating a teensy bit)

Have you been watching Return of the King, or Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

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Have you been watching Return of the King, or Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

Most of them - some bits I got a close up view of the palms of my hands though. :)

The film Arachnophobia was made using spiders whose natural habitat is only a few kilometres from where I live (they don't travel outside their area and are apparently at risk) Don't click the link if you don't like spiders:

15 fantastic facts:Avondale spider, our Hollywood star

Coming across a bush spider (about the a bit bigger than an Avondale) in my gumboot really sealed the 'don't like spiders' deal for me. Now my husband is responsible for spider removal while I deal with wetas.


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BTW, I'm frightened of bugs. Not the computer kind, but the big black ones (like crickets) that like to sneak up on me at my house. I hate them! Why do they have to invade my living space? And I know they just wait for me to let down my guard and appear and squeak just to hear me scream and be all girly. They are laughing at me, I'm sure.

That reminds me that my daughter had a HUGE problem with crickets when she was little. There always seemed to be one hiding somewhere at bedtime...

I tried to comfort her and said, "I think it's just calling for it's mommy"

She replied (4 yrs. old) "no, it's calling for REINFORCEMENTS!!!"

I then passed her to daddy


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When my bro. was training in Panama they had night vision exercises. They had the buddy system.

Night vision a tropical rainforest.

My bro. took cover...his partner went crashing between two trees and paused, "What's that?" he whispered to my bro.

My bro. said, "um, never mind just get down and get over here by me."

Too late............ a giant spider arm came down over the guy's goggles, slowly carressed his face, and grasped his chin.

You guessed it...gave away their position.

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I'm in the midwest, too. Also from Calif. I've been using Orkin for about 1.5 years now and hardly ever see a spider indoors now. Not many crickets either. Now if only he could make the june bugs and locusts stay out of our yard.

I love June bugs! We used to have tons of them when I was growing up in California.

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Things that frighten me:

Ugly deformations on women's faces, such as:

Big gross moles.

Hairy moustaches.

Wicked scars.

They scare me because I don't know how to react when I first see them. Do I look at it, but just glance? Do I studiously avoid looking at it? Will they be offended if I notice?

If it's a dude, I am much more comfortable. Guys can't be offended.

"YAAAH! You have a mole!"

"Yeah, but you're fat. Fatty."


That's pretty much the worst that can happen.

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Hairy moustaches.

I hear you there. Especially when they have a full blown handlebar moustache.

For me, it's needles. I'm ok with blood, wounds, etc, but needles.. they are one of the few things on this earth that make me want to swear, other than my mother in law, and the PC users that I look after at work. I guess I fear all them. Especially the lady at reception. When she phones up, I fear what I will have to fix.

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Things that frighten me:

Ugly deformations on women's faces, such as:

Big gross moles.

Hairy moustaches.

Wicked scars.

They scare me because I don't know how to react when I first see them. Do I look at it, but just glance? Do I studiously avoid looking at it? Will they be offended if I notice?

If it's a dude, I am much more comfortable. Guys can't be offended.

"YAAAH! You have a mole!"

"Yeah, but you're fat. Fatty."


That's pretty much the worst that can happen.

You remind me so much of my brother, everything from your picture to the way you argue things to the Touche. I think Touche is my brother's favorite word. It isn't a bad thing that you remind me of him, just a bit eerie for me.

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I love June bugs! We used to have tons of them when I was growing up in California.

That's the second thing you've said that reminds me of growing up in So. Cal. The other was watching Disneyland's fireworks every night.

I grew up in Orange County and did the same. Were you in them thar parts as well?


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Spiders kinda creep me out, but not too much. I don't automatically kill them anymore, because they eat the other bugs! So at least they're useful for something. It's millipedes I don't much care for. Cicadas, on the other hand, I think are rather cool, and I enjoy listening to them in the summer. :)

As far as technology goes, I'm not a technophobe, but still don't have a cell phone. I can see how they could be useful, BUT I'm not terribly fond of the idea of people being able to call me all day long, wherever I happen to be. When I go out, I like to really be out!


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That's the second thing you've said that reminds me of growing up in So. Cal. The other was watching Disneyland's fireworks every night.

I grew up in Orange County and did the same. Were you in them thar parts as well?


We've had this conversation before, way back when. I grew up in Anaheim. You were...Santa Ana?

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