Baptism, blessings, etc.


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I've never really thought about it until now, but I'm wondering why it is that we're not able to video tape or take photos of baptisms, confirmations, baby blessings, and so forth?

I guess when thinking about baptisms, considering we do proxy baptisms in the temple and because everything we do in the temple is considered sacred, it might make sense as to why we don't record our own baptisms on film, but I'm wondering what the reasoning from the Church is?

I've noticed other churches (well, in my experience, my Pentecostal friend's baptism) was by immersion, somewhat similar to our baptisms, and pictures were taken for her own keepsake.

Any answers on this?

These things are sacred which is the main reason. Plus, blessing of a baby is usually on a Sunday and done during Sacrament Meeting so that would be disrespectful in my opinion. In my opinion I don't think someone should need a picture or video to remember something that the Holy Ghost would attend. :)

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classylady, I'm confused by your confusion. I think it is clear that anything done as an ordinance is not recorded in writing or by a recording device. The church also states "other blessings" are not to be recorded. Since most baby blessings are done at the church during sacrament meeting, I believe it is reasonable to conclude that baby blessings done at church means no record is to be done or kept.

Are you confused on what is recorded for a father's blessing?

I think the confusion is in the usage of the word "record." For example, the Church records ordinances -- that is, they keep records of baby blessings, baptisms, ordinations, settings apart, etc. Semantics? Of course.

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So, recording that Baby Girl was blessed by her father in Sacrament meeting on 3/13/11 at 1:10 pm would be ok. According to the handbook, recording that Baby Girl was blessed "By the authority of the ....., I bless you with....." is not ok. Again, notice that wording from the handbook: the exact wording is not to be recorded. That seems pretty clear to me.

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So, recording that Baby Girl was blessed by her father in Sacrament meeting on 3/13/11 at 1:10 pm would be ok. According to the handbook, recording that Baby Girl was blessed "By the authority of the ....., I bless you with....." is not ok. Again, notice that wording from the handbook: the exact wording is not to be recorded. That seems pretty clear to me.

As a missionary, I often was a bit irreverent during converts' confirmations. I would take notes for them of things that were said in the blessing, so that they could have them for their journals, and be able to remember clearly, even later, what was said to them. It's an emotional moment, with a lot going on, and many changes being made, and -- despite the presence of the Holy Ghost -- it's easy to forget special promised blessings. I've seen the same done with baby blessings. After receiving father's blessings and other priesthood blessings, and even settings apart, I've often taken a few minutes immediately afterward to jot down a few notes of things that stood out to me.

I think the thing with making an audio recording is two-fold: (1) it could easily get out of hand. A small, handheld recording device is one thing. But I can seriously see someone trying to bring in studio recording equipment, videography, etc. (2) Repeated audio recording and listening over and over again can, I think, cheapen an experience. We recorded my daughter's baby blessing (with a voice recorder in my husband's jacket pocket), transcribed it, then erased the audio file. She has a copy in her baby book. Honestly, I haven't even looked at it since the transcription was finished. I also think it could become problematic when blessings are stated or promised, and a person doesn't see the fulfillment of them, whether because it's not time yet or because of their worthiness.

Mostly though, I think (with baby blessings anyway) that it's because the ordinance takes place in the chapel. My brother had part of his Eagle Project in the chapel on a non-Sunday (and by extension, not during Sacrament meeting), and was not permitted to take pictures inside the chapel, even for purposes of documenting his project, for no reason other than that it was the chapel.

Anyway, I see why restrictions against recordings are advised. Like MOE said though, whether or not I care is another issue.

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classylady, I'm confused by your confusion. I think it is clear that anything done as an ordinance is not recorded in writing or by a recording device. The church also states "other blessings" are not to be recorded. Since most baby blessings are done at the church during sacrament meeting, I believe it is reasonable to conclude that baby blessings done at church means no record is to be done or kept.

Are you confused on what is recorded for a father's blessing?

Where does the church state that "other blessings" may not be recorded? A reference would be great!


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Beefche and Wingnut, yes, I think semantics of the word "recording" is what I was having a problem with. I personally have never used a recording device to record a blessing, but my mother-in-law has written down blessings in short hand and then later wrote it out for me. I didn't ask for this, I think she just felt it was a nice gesture.

There have been a few blessings that I wish I would have written down, so I could have remembered them better. I particularly remember a church calling I had where I felt so overwhelmed and so not qualified. When I was set apart by my bishop, I know I was given certain blessings to help me with my calling, but I could not remember them at a later date when I was going through a particularly rough patch. It would have been nice to be able to reread what I was promised to help me with my feeling of inadequacy.

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How about video taping a funeral in the chapel? Several years ago a family in the ward requested my husband to video tape the funeral of their teenage son. No one in the bishopric/stake presidency stopped my husband. He had the equipment set up on a tripod, etc., so it was obvious. This was not a discreet little recorder. Was that just an error made on everyone's part?

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Well, I will say that I have recorded blessings before. I wrote in my journal some of the blessings after I got my patriarchal blessing (yes, it was sent to me but that took a long time and I wrote of my feelings and what I remembered from it). I also wrote portions of my setting apart as a missionary as well as other blessings of healing or comfort I have received.

Probably not technically correct according to the handbook, but I felt I was justified in doing so.

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How about video taping a funeral in the chapel? Several years ago a family in the ward requested my husband to video tape the funeral of their teenage son. No one in the bishopric stopped my husband. He had the equipment set up on a tripod, etc., so it was obvious. This was not a discreet little recorder. Was that just an error made on everyone's part?

Probably an error. The only time I have ever seen anything videotaped in the chapel is that sacrament meeting that they show on is taped by the church.

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During my wedding, in a chapel, I had to tell my family that they couldnt take pictures until the reception. Since none of them are LDS, THAT didn't go over well at all. But the Bishop had made it clear to me beforehand that no photos were to be taken in the chapel. Too bad.

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I'm not disagreeing with you, Wingy. Whether or not I agree is one thing, but I think the handbook is clear on what is deemed "recording."

I agree. But I also see how it could easily get into semantics.

Probably an error. The only time I have ever seen anything videotaped in the chapel is that sacrament meeting that they show on is taped by the church.

My stake doesn't do split sessions of stake conference, but they do video feed into other rooms, so there's a video camera set up at the back of the chapel.

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How about video taping a funeral in the chapel? Several years ago a family in the ward requested my husband to video tape the funeral of their teenage son. No one in the bishopric/stake presidency stopped my husband. He had the equipment set up on a tripod, etc., so it was obvious. This was not a discreet little recorder. Was that just an error made on everyone's part?

You are not allowed to video record in the Chapel. Its been pretty cut and dry on that for years. If a leader does not read the Handbook they would not know this.

I had a couple that came to me and asked me to Officiate their Wedding. They wanted to be married in the Chapel. I then went over what they could and could not do in the Chapel for a Wedding.

On the day of wedding their was a person who was setting up a tri pod to record. I was very angry because this couple did not explain any of our conversation with their relatives who were not members of our church. When I told this person they could not record the wedding, here comes Grandma with fire spewing from her eyes to chew me out.

She asked me who did I think I was to tell them they could not record this wedding. I told them I was the Bishop and it wasnt gonna happen. I also told them I was more afraid of my boss than anything they could say to me. Needless to say the tears started to flow from Grandma. I worked something out with them that made her somewhat happy.

This couple was seperated i think the next day. Actually it was about 3-4 months later.

No recordings in the Chapel due to the Sacredness of the Chapel.

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So, uhm... you must be Filipino if, you yell, "Peeektyur!!!" every 10 minutes in a gathering...

So, we had the baptism of our child, and I never knew that we're not supposed to take pictures at baptisms. We held it at the beach. I was taking pictures with my phone... and yeah, I didn't realize until after the thing that I wasn't supposed to.


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If you watch the Sacrement meeting that is used on BYU channel every Sunday they do not begin until after the sacrement which is not shown. Sacred things do not need to be passed around.

Wilford Woodruff was a prolific journalist and recorded all of his blessings, ordinations etc ... how wonderful to be able to remember that much ... I do good to go home with the feeling.

Of course the thing of recording blessings etc can be looked at another way ... they are already being recorded where it matters. A girl in our ward who is now nearly out of high school was sitting in the back of the chapel during sacrement meeting when she was around 6 ... she leaned over and asked her mother who the guy at the pulpit was ... mom says "Honey that's the Bishop' ... the girl says "No mom, the guy standing beside the Bishop in the white suit ... and what is he writing?" Out of the mouths of babes.

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If you watch the Sacrement meeting that is used on BYU channel every Sunday they do not begin until after the sacrement which is not shown. Sacred things do not need to be passed around.

Wilford Woodruff was a prolific journalist and recorded all of his blessings, ordinations etc ... how wonderful to be able to remember that much ... I do good to go home with the feeling.

Of course the thing of recording blessings etc can be looked at another way ... they are already being recorded where it matters. A girl in our ward who is now nearly out of high school was sitting in the back of the chapel during sacrement meeting when she was around 6 ... she leaned over and asked her mother who the guy at the pulpit was ... mom says "Honey that's the Bishop' ... the girl says "No mom, the guy standing beside the Bishop in the white suit ... and what is he writing?" Out of the mouths of babes.

That man in the white suit needs to meet with his Bishop for violating protocol! After all, that's what's most important...
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