"Stranger Danger and the Decline of Halloween"


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Interesting Wall Street Journal column, here.

From the article:

Think of how Halloween used to be the one day of the year when gaggles of kids took to the streets by themselves—at night even. Big fun! Low cost! But once the party moved inside, to keep kids safe from the nonexistent poisoners, in came all the nonsense. The battery-operated caskets. The hired witch. The Costco veggie trays and plastic everything else. Halloween went from hobo holiday to $6 billion extravaganza.

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In my area, people still go trick-or-treating and they will be going this Sunday as that's the actual date of Halloween. Parents even take their children to different neighborhoods, so as much as half of the kids aren't even from the neighborhood. Even the parents who live in the neighborhood walk with their children.

As far as schools go, I don't know if they still allow kids to wear costumes, as the public school district has required uniforms for many years. My guess is that they aren't allowed to wear costumes because of the uniform policy.

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I remember wearing costumes to school, then after I moved into middle school they stopped allowing it in the grade schools because there would be sooooo many kids crying that day because either a) their families couldn't afford to get them a costume, b) their nice costume got ruined on the playground or in class (which would also sometimes bring the wrath of the parents upon the school), or c) someone wore a *really* scarey one and scared the littler kids.

A funny memory from my own school days about that. If you're familiar with the "Miss Nelson is Missing" children's book series, you know there's the teacher's alter-ego "Miss Viola Swamp" who is the "substitute teacher" who teaches the kids whenever Miss Nelson feels like she's loosing control of her class. My 2nd grade teacher "faked sick" during Halloween, then stepped outside and came back a few minutes later as "our new substitute teacher"... Miss Swamp! About half the class (myself included) went hiding under their desks in tears! Miss Swamp was real!!! My poor teacher spent the rest of that day getting us all calmed down. :lol: (out of costume ;) )

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I love free-range kids. They taste so much better. J/K, it's a great website :P

I let my daughter and nephews out of the car at one end of a block and they go all around the street, then back in the car. But that's because it's usually freezing and cold kids don't share the wealth as much as warm kids.

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