They gone and did it


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San Francisco's board of supervisors has voted, by a veto-proof margin, to ban most of McDonald's Happy Meals as they are now served in the restaurants.

San Francisco bans Happy Meals - Los Angeles Times

On the one hand i hate the health police. On the other no one batted an eye when they stopped big tobacco from giving out prizes and while i have never meet anyone who bought smokes for the Marlboro hoodie, or Joe camel inflatable raft, i know myself, my children, and plenty of other kids, and kids at heart, who have gone for the Kids meal for the associated toy.

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Why don't they look at the cafeteria food, and also the activity levels in gym class? Everyone knows that diet and exercise are needed to keep obesity at bay. Yet, at my high school, only one year of gym is required to graduate (granted I don't live in SF...)

This is why I hate humans.

As a human myself i must say i'm a bit offended.

BTW, if you hate humans who do you spend your time hanging out with?:P;)

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San Francisco bans Happy Meals - Los Angeles Times

On the one hand i hate the health police. On the other no one batted an eye when they stopped big tobacco from giving out prizes and while i have never meet anyone who bought smokes for the Marlboro hoodie, or Joe camel inflatable raft, i know myself, my children, and plenty of other kids, and kids at heart, who have gone for the Kids meal for the associated toy.

Yes, lets get the government to go after fast food joints because parents allow their children to eat too much fast food and not exercise enough!!!!!!!!!

That's right up there with funding Breakfast Clubs during school instead of going after the parents who don't feed their kids. If they can't afford breakfast then the kids go without during weekends and vacation. If the parents are too lazy to feed them breakfast then this just makes them lazier.

Lets try holding parents accountable for what we are doing or not doing to our kids and get the government out of it.

I don't need a government to spend millions of dollars implementing and managing a law when I have all the power I need to prevent my kids from eating things I don't want them to eat no matter what toy comes with it.....Two letters NO

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Most fast food restaurants have some variation that includes a toy...Burger King, Taco Bell, etc. Also many non-fast food restaurants have a children's menu that also include coloring books etc. and the same types of food.

Nothing about California surprises me....Jerry Brown, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi....nope...nothing surprises me.

Edited by bytor2112
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A timely column from the Wall Street Journal: California: The Lindsey Lohan of States

Listen up, California. The other 48 states—your cousin New York excluded—are sick of your bratty arrogance. You're the Lindsay Lohan of states: a prima donna who once showed some talent but is now too wasted to do anything with it.

After enjoying ephemeral highs and spending binges, you suffer crashes that culminate in brief, unsuccessful stints in rehab. This cycle repeats itself every five to 10 years, as the rest of the country looks on with a mixture of horror and amusement. We'd feel sorry for you if you didn't constantly flip us the bird.

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Incidentally, someone's gone to the trouble of drawing up a list of companies employing a thousand-plus workers that have left California over the last three years.

It's pretty depressing, even for a Californian exile like myself.

The thing that gets me is that someone people will invariably conclude the solution is to tax those who remain even more to make up the short fall. Not saying it is a majority of people mind you, but you run into them from time to time.

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The thing that gets me is that someone people will invariably conclude the solution is to tax those who remain even more to make up the short fall. Not saying it is a majority of people mind you, but you run into them from time to time.

If only we went back to taxing the ultra wealthy like we did when Ike was Pres. 90%.

That is the answer. Not what we've been doing. Also, I hope someone gets us in a trade war with China, India, and South America. Start making things here in the U.S. I just got back from Tennessee and traveled to Chattanooga. When my family drove to Florida many times back in the 1980's we always passed through Chattanooga. The highway always took us past a big factory that looked like they made steel. What did I see Sunday as I drove past it? Closed down. It looked like it's been shut down for many years. If they did make steel there's a 90% chance they shut down because for Brazil.

Anyway, good for San Fran and California.

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If only we went back to taxing the ultra wealthy like we did when Ike was Pres. 90%.

That is the answer.


It will suck out potential streams of capital--ergo, no factories.

Our government has demonstrated that it will spend like drunken sailors regardless of how much tax revenue it actually has--so 90% taxes sure as heck won't balance the budget.

Other ideas?

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