coed sleepovers?


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Never had any, except with my cousins and other relatives etc etc. I think co-ed sleepovers are fine given some specific rules: (1) males and females are separated when it's sleep time (ex. not in the same bed) and (2) a responsible adult or guardian is supervising activities. I think regardless of age (kiddies, teens, adults) we can always find ways of getting ourselves into trouble. Having a good foundation and understanding of "rules" and "personal safety" are good things for everyone.

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Not appropriate

I wanted to add that I DO agree with, Pam. In general, I think it's better to avoid situations where males and females are having sleepovers, especially if it's in the same room or bed! Absolutely a no-no. Like I stated, there have been times where I've shared sleeping quarters with relatives of the opposite gender. But boys and girls didn't sleep together, we had our own bed or sleeping bag, and an adult or two were physically present to keep an eye on things.

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Relatives are one thing under those circumstances. In generalities, which is how the OP is presented, I still say not appropriate.

Edited by pam
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Relatives are one thing under those circumstances. In generalities, which is how the OP is presented, I still say not appropriate.

Agreed. If OP is referring to unrelated males/females having sleepovers—inappropriate.

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I never went to a co-ed sleepover, unless I counted staying at my grandparents' house overnight, but we still slept in separate beds or sleeping bags. My cousins were at least 8 years younger than me, and all boys on my dad's side of the family. Even then, I only had 3 cousins as not all of my uncles had children or got married.

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When I was in high school, several members of my group of friends were big Star Wars fanatics. We were a "tightly-knit" group of 20ish or so guys and girls. We decided to do a Star Wars marathon sleepover one weekend. We all together at my girlfriend's house on Friday night around 9pm, and watched Episode 4 (this was pre-prequels). After it was over, we continued hanging out as a large (and loud!) group until about 12:30 or so. Then the guys left, drove 10 minutes to another friend's house, and stayed there for the night. There were probably 7-8 of them. Us girls stayed up chatting for another hour or so then went to sleep on the floor and couches. In the morning, after everyone had eaten breakfast, the guys came back and we watched Episodes 5 and 6.

At my girlfriend's house, both her mom and dad were home for the entire activity. At my guyfriend's house, both his parents were home the entire time as well. We got all the fun of late night and morning activities, without the inappropriateness.

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I like Wingnut's response. You know, we can be such killjoys in church sometimes! Kids want fun, snuggles and a bit of a romp, and instantly church members say, "No! Inappropriate!" Then we wonder why some young lad and girl had sex in a field or behind the chapel one time.

Why not say "Yes!" to everything, then add words of moral sense in an easy-going way? For example, "Can we have a slumber party, with boys too?" "Yes!, but let's work it out so you don't slurp Davy, Tammy - I saw that look in your eye!" Instant slightly embarrassed laughs, and an opening for parental guidance and sleeping arrangements.

Of course it's dependent upon the age of the youngsters, but I'm sure you get my meaning. Instantly saying, "No - it's inappropriate!" to them just puts up barriers. And you can be sure as day follows dawn that if they want inappropriate touch which leads to sex, they'll work out a way to get it without anyone knowing.

Always say,"Yes!" so kids don't have to fight the "No". You can wrangle around the arrangements once they're pleased you said "Yes". Much easier, and you're the hero mum/dad. If things turn out to be too difficult to arrange satisfactorily, at least you tried, and they heard a "Yes" instead of a "No". Kids are sick and tired of No, No, No... While it's good at times, if it's all they hear it makes for a miserable life.

Edited by IAmTheWork
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Just because teenagers have a coed sleepover doesn't mean theres any inappropriate touching involved.

Not everything has to be turned into teenagers wanting sex.

Ah, I may have misunderstood the ages suggested, being in the UK. By 'romp' I meant merely kids cuddling up and having non-sexual fun. It seems these days that they can't even do that without someone screaming, "Inappropriate! Porn! Death and damnation!"

What a mess the world is.

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Ah, I may have misunderstood the ages suggested, being in the UK. By 'romp' I meant merely kids cuddling up and having non-sexual fun. It seems these days that they can't even do that without someone screaming, "Inappropriate! Porn! Death and damnation!"

What a mess the world is.

You aren't talking about hormonal teenagers, right? :)

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Soul, I'd love your views on this :)

LOL You and i had this talk during the summer.My view and a view that lines up with the church are very different. I have no problem with co-ed sleep overs if chaperoned properly. When i went down for the second oldest kid's grad this summer he threw a party that had 4 couples, all were spending the night, the rule was the boys and girls could both sleep over as long as an adult was always around and awake. I stayed awake, broke up the cuddle fest when i felt it crossed the line and kept an eye on it. Expecting an adult to do that would just be silly, but that was part of my grad gift cause i knew it meant something to him. Most of the kids there were members and their parents were the ones that set the rules. Being I figure you won't have an adult willing to chaperon for the entire night and pad locking one group in a separate room is not likely going to win support i think it's wise to avoid it. As for the guys being gay, most of the gay guys you've talked about are either going back and forth or wanting to no longer be gay, nothing like offering them a possible chance to be open to other curiosities when everyone defenses are down. My opinion hasn't changed much since you asked in the summer, still not the best of ideas.

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Ah, I may have misunderstood the ages suggested, being in the UK. By 'romp' I meant merely kids cuddling up and having non-sexual fun. It seems these days that they can't even do that without someone screaming, "Inappropriate! Porn! Death and damnation!"

Cuddling on a date might be appropriate in moderation, but group cuddling in a sleepover context is far from appropriate behavior.

And, If the guys were gay would your views change?


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