Congresswoman shot.


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Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was critically wounded this morning outside a Safeway in Tucson during a “Congress on Your Corner” event after being shot point blank in the head. Several others were wounded in the attack.

Some are pointing out that Giffords was on Sarah Palin’s gun-sighted “hit list”, but though the gunman is reportedly in custody, their motives are not known at this time.

The Daily is providing updates as they come. They are not an official news source but have reblogged information from several official sites.

Also, there have been deaths, including U.S. District Judge John Roll.

Expect more during the next few hours.

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According to a live news update just now that I saw, the congresswoman is able to communicate with doctors by following some simple commands.

That is good news.

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According to a live news update just now that I saw, the congresswoman is able to communicate with doctors by following some simple commands.

That is good news.

It is. That she even survived such a severe wound is a miracle. I'll be surprised if she's able to continue serving in congress though. Brain injuries take a lot of time and therapy to heal from. Hopefully her doctors, family, and community will be able to help her regain as much of her previous abilities as possible.

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Well, Westboro has officially hit rock bottom. Link to article here.

I hope those biker dudes attend these funerals and run interference.

Or how about the whole LDS population in Tucson showing up and singing hymns at the top of their lungs while these haters picket....that would be awesome.

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I hope those biker dudes attend these funerals and run interference.

Or how about the whole LDS population in Tucson showing up and singing hymns at the top of their lungs while these haters picket....that would be awesome.

It's horrifying when a warped man shoots and injures over a dozen people and kill several, and it's disgusting to see people take advantage of it.

I'm telling you, if Westboro ever came and did their 'protesting' crap up here, they'd get eaten alive.

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First off, my thoughts and prays go to the family of the dead and those injured.

My second item relates to what talk shows were suggesting yesterday and today regarding how the increase ratcheting of political “vitriol” messages are helping create an environment that can push people over the edge to do violent actions. It does seem to me that society is becoming more violent in all areas – what was unacceptable behaviors 20 years ago – be it verbal or the acceptance of violent sports (UFC fighting) or sports with more serious risk (e.g., the re-introduction of the skeletal sled in the winter Olympics after it was banned due to serious injury).

I will be the first to say that the news can’t be trusted and that the news now might be pitting democrats and republicans against each other as a result of this tragedy. At the same time, ideology clearly influences people and is around all of us and it seems to me, as an independent and centralist in politics, that there is a radical and somewhat fundamentalists right wing developing out of the republican base (e.g., some tea parry activities, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck) that seem more radical and violent than others. I can’t help but think that this movement is propelling an ideology that will affect more people, especially those people who have mental health struggles. Sarah Palins gunsight image targeting Arizona (and implicitly Giffords) is part of a very serious social problem when violence is become more mainstream.

What do others think?

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First off, my thoughts and prays go to the family of the dead and those injured.

My second item relates to what talk shows were suggesting yesterday and today regarding how the increase ratcheting of political “vitriol” messages are helping create an environment that can push people over the edge to do violent actions. It does seem to me that society is becoming more violent in all areas – what was unacceptable behaviors 20 years ago – be it verbal or the acceptance of violent sports (UFC fighting) or sports with more serious risk (e.g., the re-introduction of the skeletal sled in the winter Olympics after it was banned due to serious injury).

I will be the first to say that the news can’t be trusted and that the news now might be pitting democrats and republicans against each other as a result of this tragedy. At the same time, ideology clearly influences people and is around all of us and it seems to me, as an independent and centralist in politics, that there is a radical and somewhat fundamentalists right wing developing out of the republican base (e.g., some tea parry activities, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck) that seem more radical and violent than others. I can’t help but think that this movement is propelling an ideology that will affect more people, especially those people who have mental health struggles. Sarah Palins gunsight image targeting Arizona (and implicitly Giffords) is part of a very serious social problem when violence is become more mainstream.

What do others think?

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