Book of Jeraneck?


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YouTube - Beliefs of The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ P One

Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ

This guy that claims God has given him the Book of Jeraneck and is starting his own church: The Latter-Day Church of Jesus Christ. It's based in the UK.

o well. many shall rise in the last days.

10 to 1 anything that church does is going to be accidently attributed to the LDS church ........

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o well. many shall rise in the last days.

Yep. We know he's a false prophet. Check out his story. I also read something about the Book of Jeraneck and it seems to copy the Book of Mormon:

"This record is a compilation of the records of the People of Light. It is a history of the ancient people who once inhabited this land. It is compiled by the hand of Jeraneck a Prophet of God under the direction of God. It is written with the spirit of prophesy and revelation. It is compiled and given up to God to come forth in the latter days of the world before the coming of the Lord Almighty for the second time. It is sealed up and given unto God to come forth through the hands of his servant in the last days and through the power and will of God it will be translated by his servant for all the world to behold its testimony of the Lord God Almighty even the very Jesus that will be born of the virgin pure.

This record is taken from the historical records of my people and I have compiled them onto twenty four sacred plates so that the world will know that we were worshipers of the Almighty God. Let no man condemn the words that are written upon this record for if there are faults or errors upon this record then they are of my making and not of Gods. For God is the Almighty One of Heaven and all things under him are perfect and pure"

The creator of that church also says he doesn't acknowledge Brigham Young as a prophet of God.

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The book of Jeraneck is available at ScribD, so I've just read its 122 pages, and am not really impressed. There are obvious overtures to the Book of Mormon and Bible, but contains some severe errors. Even more important are the things it lacks.

First, Jeraneck begins his story much in the way that Nephi starts his, except he gives more thanks to his mother than his father.

We find Jeraneck's ancestor living at the time of the Tower of Babel, and is a friend of Mahonri (obviously Mahonri Moriancumer from the Book of Ether). They go to proclaim against the Tower, and see a great destruction and darkness, in which the people's language is confounded. The darkness and destruction obviously tying into 3 Nephi 7-10).

While in the Book of Ether, only Moriancumer, the Brother of Jared, sees the Savior; in the Book of Jeraneck, the Savior descends in front of everyone. This clearly misses the ancient concept of the ascension, where the individual receives a personal visit from God, or sees God on his throne (see 1 Nephi 1, for example). In all of scripture, only the resurrected Lord appears to many people at once (Acts 1, 3 Nephi 11), with one possible exception of the Lord appearing to Moses and the 70 elders of his day (in a holy convocation). Still, this is not an appearance to all the people of the group.

While the Jaredites traveled with perhaps a few dozen people, the People of Light travel with thousands of people. Keep this in mind, because we're talking about populations and how they grow quickly over a few centuries, where evidence of such would be easier to find on such a small island as England.

There is a Urim and Thummim, but this one seems to be large enough that people can stand on it. "The eldest of the three descendants of Hadjaneck stepped

up and walked forward onto the seal of the Urim and the Thummim and he stood as if been encircled about by the hosts of heaven and the willingness of his spirit shone

forth for all to see." It seems as if Stonehenge may have been the Urim and Thummim. Strange that it doesn't inspire anyone today with the power the book says it has.

They find out about another rpeople to their north, and go to find them. Unlike King Mosiah, who had to teach the people of Zarahemla his language, the Holy Spirit teaches these people instantly to understand each other.

The 3 brethren sent to find the people of the north were expected via a prophesy. The people were excited, because they were to bring them the "greater light and knowledge" of the Lord. Yet, when a woman, who was a priestess challenged them on their belief that only men could hold the priesthood, the 3 find they are wrong on the issue. Kind of a contradiction here, if the people from the north were to receive greater light and knowledge from those in the south.

The history continues with great cities and buildings built upon the land of what is now England. However, one must realize that this must be inaccurate, as England did not have real civilization with large cities, etc., until the times of the Romans (Hadrian's Wall, etc). Prior to this, we find Stonehenge and Woodhenge, and it seems that perhaps this new religion from Gill uses Stonehenge as a holy place for their ancient people of Jeraneck. Archaeology, however, shows that the worshipers there were not Christian, but were Druids and Celts. Christianity did not come to the island until the 2nd century.

Eventually, the two peoples have disagreements and split into two groups. The northern people thought their temples more resplandent and more correct than that of the people of Light. So they began warring. After several years, they kiss and make up, and are led again by a few great prophets.

The population finally gets too big, and so they send people north. Just where north on such a small island they could go, is beyond me. But that is what the story tells us. Some travel back to what must be the mainland of Europe, where they encounter an evil and warrior race, and so leave.

Then another big war, where some of the people begin worshiping a god of war, Odinon. This must be a take off from Odin, the Norse head god. However, he was a god of wisdom, not of war. So if there is some type of connection, it is not made well. Of course, the army of Odinon are into cannabalism, rape, and destruction.

We are told that the "2nd Great War" had at least 200 thousand soldiers. Obviously there has to be signs in little England of a great battle, or of large populations that could be gathered into such large groups, but there aren't. At least with the Book of Mormon, we have evidence of cities in Mesoamerica of more than 100,000 people, which could easily satisfy the large armies.

In Jeraneck's day, the worship of Odinon returns, and wars being again. There is a 3d great war, this one is the final one. He ends up being like Mormon, delivering the record to his son Rayanack (like Moroni or Ether), the last witness. It would be Rayanack who would deliver the record to Gill in the last days.

It then ends with the ordinance of their temple or tabernacle (which these people would not have known about a tabernacle, as that is from Moses, a different people entirely). They baptism for the living, and eternal marriage. Again the Urim and Thummim is akin to an altar, or a place to stand/kneel, rather than a device to receive revelation. Only the prophet can perform this ordinance. Not sure what they will do when they move beyond 12 members to having millions. I'm not sure how the ancient people of Jeraneck did this, when they had hundreds of thousands of people spread out across England. The prophet would have had no time for anything else but to perform marriages in the temple. Then they have an ordinance to become like God, basically making an oath with God, in front of the prophet. It ends with some commandments.

Except for the visit by the pre-mortal Christ, and that some of the people begin calling themselves Christian, there is no discussion on the Atonement or life of Christ. The focus is on the people being the People of Light, the importance of the Urim and Thummim as being a holy place, and the horrors of war. It is suggestive from the terminology that Gill uses that it resembles the First and Second World Wars of the 20th century, and that the 3rd World War will be the final one.

It barely is a witness of Christ, as it does not discuss his atonement. It is not a witness of the commandments, or of faith, hope and charity. It is basically a story about groups of people who come together, then divide. It talks about how some love war, and glorify it and deify it. It talks about the horrors of war, and could be a good lesson regarding how to avoid it.

But it does not discuss how the atonement and life of Christ can lead us to a life of peace and joy. Except as a diatribe against war, it does not really offer anything of much worth.

From the context

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I am seeing here some of the same excuses that the Christians are using in rejecting the BOM.

There is only light and darkness and the law is...if it teaches us to do good and love God and our neighbors then it is of GOD. And false prophets which are of Satan, would never do this. Instead they would deny Christ the Son of GOD and the Love of GOD.

Of course the Story of Jareneck parallels the all the stories of the people of GOD in every land would do so. Every people of GOD have risen and received greater commandments only to fall into darkness and destruction. This theme will be repeated in many of the books.

In the coming troubles communication and travels between lands will be nearly impossible, so a city of Zion will be built up in every land. Which will be a place of refuge for them who will wish to come out of Babylon.

One does not have to accept nor reject the information concerning the Book of Jeraneck as it involves the land of Brittan.

The Lord has given us two ways by which we may know the truth for ourselves without having to resort to prejudice. We are to judge as the Spirit lead us and by the fruits.

Jesus once said to His Apostle who were protesting a man doing miracles...if he is not against us...then he is for us.

Matthew 7:17 - Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

1 John 4:2 - Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

1 John 4:7 - Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God

3 John 1:11 - Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God

I am not saying here to believe the Book of Jeraneck nor to disbelieve it. The onus is on and up to every individual to find out for themselves...since it is given by the testimony of two.

Whether a person say that B.Young was not a prophet or not does not change the teachings of B.Young. And rules above do help us determine what is of GOD and what isn't.


Yep. We know he's a false prophet. Check out his story. I also read something about the Book of Jeraneck and it seems to copy the Book of Mormon:

"This record is a compilation of the records of the People of Light. It is a history of the ancient people who once inhabited this land. It is compiled by the hand of Jeraneck a Prophet of God under the direction of God. It is written with the spirit of prophesy and revelation. It is compiled and given up to God to come forth in the latter days of the world before the coming of the Lord Almighty for the second time. It is sealed up and given unto God to come forth through the hands of his servant in the last days and through the power and will of God it will be translated by his servant for all the world to behold its testimony of the Lord God Almighty even the very Jesus that will be born of the virgin pure.

This record is taken from the historical records of my people and I have compiled them onto twenty four sacred plates so that the world will know that we were worshipers of the Almighty God. Let no man condemn the words that are written upon this record for if there are faults or errors upon this record then they are of my making and not of Gods. For God is the Almighty One of Heaven and all things under him are perfect and pure"

The creator of that church also says he doesn't acknowledge Brigham Young as a prophet of God.

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I am seeing here some of the same excuses that the Christians are using in rejecting the BOM.

There is only light and darkness and the law is...if it teaches us to do good and love God and our neighbors then it is of GOD. And false prophets which are of Satan, would never do this. Instead they would deny Christ the Son of GOD and the Love of GOD.

Of course the Story of Jareneck parallels the all the stories of the people of GOD in every land would do so. Every people of GOD have risen and received greater commandments only to fall into darkness and destruction. This theme will be repeated in many of the books.

In the coming troubles communication and travels between lands will be nearly impossible, so a city of Zion will be built up in every land. Which will be a place of refuge for them who will wish to come out of Babylon.

One does not have to accept nor reject the information concerning the Book of Jeraneck as it involves the land of Brittan.

The Lord has given us two ways by which we may know the truth for ourselves without having to resort to prejudice. We are to judge as the Spirit lead us and by the fruits.

Jesus once said to His Apostle who were protesting a man doing miracles...if he is not against us...then he is for us.

Matthew 7:17 - Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

1 John 4:2 - Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

1 John 4:7 - Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God

3 John 1:11 - Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God

I am not saying here to believe the Book of Jeraneck nor to disbelieve it. The onus is on and up to every individual to find out for themselves...since it is given by the testimony of two.

Whether a person say that B.Young was not a prophet or not does not change the teachings of B.Young. And rules above do help us determine what is of GOD and what isn't.


If one understands the LDS church to have God's authority, then this is false to some degree or another. If you do not then the issue is up in the air for an individual.
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If one understands the LDS church to have God's authority, then this is false to some degree or another. If you do not then the issue is up in the air for an individual.

Agreed. We're not using what other christians use against the Book of Mormon. The Bible speaks of the other sheep and Revelation 14:6 tells of an angel bringing the everlasting gospel. The introduction page of the Book of Mormon & Joseph Smith History verse 34 (around 34) teaches the Golden Plates/Book of Mormon contains the everlasting gospel.

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I keep it simple: The Lord will not reveal more ancient scripture until the world has accepted The Book of Mormon.

Modern and new revelation will continue as it always has. But bringing forth new scripture of ancient lands? The world isn't ready for it.

Even then, (I would think) that we'd see more of the sealed portion of The Book of Mormon before seeing other ancient writings from other lands. God's house is a house of order.

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Reading this thread reminds me so much of all the dissidence towards the LDS church~I remember going back to Missouri to visit my mom and seeing so many splinter groups from our church.....Then there is so much anti-mormon material and sentiment out there. The adversary is really going strong to divert everyone he can from the truth. I am so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! There is so much sentiment out there against us that I look at it as though we are in the eye of a storm. Weathering this storm and remaining true and faithful to our covenants is key.....It is so easy to be diverted by the static noise of the adversary. I would rather keep my eye on the truths of the gospel; prayer, scripture study, regular church attendance, etc., then on all the ways I can be diverted from doing this.

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Reading this thread reminds me so much of all the dissidence towards the LDS church~I remember going back to Missouri to visit my mom and seeing so many splinter groups from our church.....Then there is so much anti-mormon material and sentiment out there. The adversary is really going strong to divert everyone he can from the truth. I am so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! There is so much sentiment out there against us that I look at it as though we are in the eye of a storm. Weathering this storm and remaining true and faithful to our covenants is key.....It is so easy to be diverted by the static noise of the adversary. I would rather keep my eye on the truths of the gospel; prayer, scripture study, regular church attendance, etc., then on all the ways I can be diverted from doing this.

I was just posting it to let people know about it. I'm not being anti-whatever they are. They have their beliefs and that's fine.

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It is not false...there is ONE SPIRIT, ONE FAITH AND ONE LOVE. Do not be deceived..there is only Light and darkness. What is not of the Light is necessarily of the darkness.


If one understands the LDS church to have God's authority, then this is false to some degree or another. If you do not then the issue is up in the air for an individual.

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Is it not written that both sticks are one in the hands of the Lord?

When the bible is understood by the Spirit It carries the teachings pointing to the way of perfection mentioned in Isaiah as the way of Holiness.


Agreed. We're not using what other christians use against the Book of Mormon. The Bible speaks of the other sheep and Revelation 14:6 tells of an angel bringing the everlasting gospel. The introduction page of the Book of Mormon & Joseph Smith History verse 34 (around 34) teaches the Golden Plates/Book of Mormon contains the everlasting gospel.

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I use all things to help me. The stories are about humans at their best and also at their worse and the following consequences. I know that if Jesus did not permit this book, it would not have been allowed. And I know that GOD uses all things together for good of them that love GOD.


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We must use all things to help us judge between good and evil.

There are many, many indications that this book is false and it's author a fraud, even liar. Some of them are rather obvious.

God has given us faculties of our own (logic and reason, to use with sound teachings) and I don't even need to pray about this one. It doesn't even pass what should be an obvious litmus test.

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The concern I have is that the prophet Gill claims this to have been given him by an angel, and that he is to be THE prophet of God. We should not, therefore, be following Thomas S. Monson and the Twelve apostles! Gill would have us believe the Book of Jeraneck is to be considered scripture, on the same level as the Bible and Book of Mormon.

This is very different than me enjoying Emily Dickinson or JRR Tolkien (who inserted Christian concepts into the LOTR trilogy). These are works of art, not scripture. Works of art can inspire and instruct, yet not be on the same doctrinal level as the Book of Mormon. The claims behind the book of Jeraneck are the concern I have.

Even in pagan religions there is truth. Should we encourage members of the Church to study and participate in Wiccan religious events in order to find the truths therein? Or would they use their time better focusing upon the teachings of the true prophets of God?

I spent a short time and read through all of the Book of Jeraneck. It was an okay story, focusing upon the horrors of war and hatred. Yet it held no doctrine to really speak of. It did not speak hardly at all regarding Jesus Christ and his atonement. It held no prophecies for the future peoples, just a warning against war. If one were to dumb down the Book of Mormon by removing Isaiah, the doctrinal teachings and sermons, the extensive visit by Jesus Christ, and a few other key points, you would have the Book of Jeraneck. In other words, the Book of Jeraneck is the Book of Mormon with most, if not all, of the plain and precious parts removed!

Why would I want to spend much time studying it, when I have the Book of Mormon? I get much more inspiration and learning from reading philosophy or poetry; Shakespeare's and Dickens' ghosts have more to say to me of important stuff than all the prophets in the Book of Jeraneck! A quick read through it for the sake of those on this list is all it was worth. But, like a dime store novel, it isn't worth looking at again.

Edited by rameumptom
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I use all things to help me. The stories are about humans at their best and also at their worse and the following consequences. I know that if Jesus did not permit this book, it would not have been allowed. And I know that GOD uses all things together for good of them that love GOD.


Your logic is not logical. It does not follow, but is a strawman. You set up God according to your own definition, and then expect us to believe it. Well, I define God very differently than you do, Bert. I also read the scriptures very differently from you.

Jesus allows many things to be written. Not only is the book of Jeraneck out there, but also the sealed portions of the Book of Mormon, the Book of Lehi, and many other claimed volumes by self-proclaimed prophets. Yet, each of these (and I have read them), have serious mistakes in them. Many books in the past have been proven to be fraudulent, yet there are people who still believe. Other books (including the Bible) have been found to have errors in them, yet many still insist it is absolutely perfect and without flaw. Does this bring people closer to God?

God allows for agency. He allows people to make their own religions. Whether those religions are closer or further away from His truths, is not something he imposes upon anyone. The Great apostasy and the apostasy before the Flood prove this. Your statements almost seem like God does not allow agency, but rather just predestination. Are you a Calvinist?

If you "use all things to help" yourself, then do you study the Satanic Bible? If God allowed it, as your claim would have to include, then it should be valuable to your salvation. So should the Atheist Bible, for that matter.

The Lord told Joseph Smith that there are things celestial, terrestrial, and telestial (D&C 88, 76). And to the Nephites, Jesus explained that there are things of God, of man, and of Satan (3 Ne 27). Clearly God does not inspire nor encourage us to follow things written under Satan's inspiration, does he? God just allows such things to be done, so that man may have agency to choose.

In the case of Gill and his Book of Jeraneck, it is a very simple and interesting book, but has almost no doctrine in it beyond the concept that war is bad. There are no prophets telling people to come to Christ and have his atonement heal them. There are no prophets explaining faith, hope or charity. The Urim and Thummim is very different than the one in the Book of Mormon and that Joseph Smith used.

Why focus on this book, when the Book of Mormon not only warns us about war, but also teaches us about hundreds of other things: but mostly regarding the Doctrine of Christ, and our reconciliation/theophany with God.

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I use all things to help me. The stories are about humans at their best and also at their worse and the following consequences. I know that if Jesus did not permit this book, it would not have been allowed. And I know that GOD uses all things together for good of them that love GOD.


Actually I'm kind of wondering where you got the insight that Jesus permitted this book? Are you speaking of the Book of Mormon or of the Book of Jeraneck?

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Your logic is not logical. It does not follow, but is a strawman. You set up God according to your own definition, and then expect us to believe it. Well, I define God very differently than you do, Bert. I also read the scriptures very differently from you.

Jesus allows many things to be written. Not only is the book of Jeraneck out there, but also the sealed portions of the Book of Mormon, the Book of Lehi, and many other claimed volumes by self-proclaimed prophets. Yet, each of these (and I have read them), have serious mistakes in them. Many books in the past have been proven to be fraudulent, yet there are people who still believe. Other books (including the Bible) have been found to have errors in them, yet many still insist it is absolutely perfect and without flaw. Does this bring people closer to God?

God allows for agency. He allows people to make their own religions. Whether those religions are closer or further away from His truths, is not something he imposes upon anyone. The Great apostasy and the apostasy before the Flood prove this. Your statements almost seem like God does not allow agency, but rather just predestination. Are you a Calvinist?

If you "use all things to help" yourself, then do you study the Satanic Bible? If God allowed it, as your claim would have to include, then it should be valuable to your salvation. So should the Atheist Bible, for that matter.

The Lord told Joseph Smith that there are things celestial, terrestrial, and telestial (D&C 88, 76). And to the Nephites, Jesus explained that there are things of God, of man, and of Satan (3 Ne 27). Clearly God does not inspire nor encourage us to follow things written under Satan's inspiration, does he? God just allows such things to be done, so that man may have agency to choose.

In the case of Gill and his Book of Jeraneck, it is a very simple and interesting book, but has almost no doctrine in it beyond the concept that war is bad. There are no prophets telling people to come to Christ and have his atonement heal them. There are no prophets explaining faith, hope or charity. The Urim and Thummim is very different than the one in the Book of Mormon and that Joseph Smith used.

Why focus on this book, when the Book of Mormon not only warns us about war, but also teaches us about hundreds of other things: but mostly regarding the Doctrine of Christ, and our reconciliation/theophany with God.

Nicely done. I figure I can read an inspirational and secular novel for the same goodness rather than fake scripture.

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Is it not written that both sticks are one in the hands of the Lord?

When the bible is understood by the Spirit It carries the teachings pointing to the way of perfection mentioned in Isaiah as the way of Holiness.


If it was to be revealed to the world by God then either it would have been done through the presidencey, or the individual would have been called to the apostleship and eventually become head apostle.. and then have it revealed. And considering that the church he is part of has not had authorization from 3 or more apostles puts a nail in the coffin, after him claiming that it was revealed to him spiritually. Had he gone the route of just claiming an archeological find probably would have helped it clear more hoops.

There might be good to be found in it but i'm not getting any prompting that there are any of significant importance enough that i need to go through it.

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I know that if Jesus did not permit this book, it would not have been allowed.

Nice tautology, I too know that if Jesus didn't permit the book he didn't permit the book.

Or if you mean say that because it exists it is permitted it becomes an even more useless statement because it means Jesus permits hard core pornography in multiple media, not to mention murder and adultery (if you want to branch out into behavior), and everything in existence (to really branch out). Which kinda makes "Jesus permits it" rather useless as a litmus test or as a statement that offers any useful distinction.

Edited by Dravin
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<> I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things - Isaiah 45:7

<> Do you remember the answer Jesus gave Pontius Pilate who said that He held the fate of Jesus in His hands? Did not Jesus inform him that he could do nothing unless heaven gave him the power to do it?

Here is how it works....GOD gives men the power to do good or evil. Because GOD created all things as well as the Opposite of all things.

Why? because without the opposite of a thing...there would be no reference point by which we could measure, weight and evaluate.

Power to do anything comes only from one Source and that source is GOD. And if GOD does not wish a certain thing to be done...then it does not get done. It is as simple as that.

To think otherwise would mean that GOD is not aware of what is going on nor has the power to intervene or prevent a thing from being done.


Nice tautology, I too know that if Jesus didn't permit the book he didn't permit the book.

Or if you mean say that because it exists it is permitted it becomes an even more useless statement because it means Jesus permits hard core pornography in multiple media, not to mention murder and adultery (if you want to branch out into behavior), and everything in existence (to really branch out). Which kinda makes "Jesus permits it" rather useless as a litmus test or as a statement that offers any useful distinction.

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You know, I spent the better part of the day pondering over this while I worked today. I think the time is getting close for other plain and precious scripture to be revealed. Satan seems to know important events, where and when they will happen, and at crucial points shows up just prior and tries to wreak havoc on what the Lord plans to do.

I believe Satan is using this man as a tool to diminish the importance of what is coming. I believe in the near future the Lord is about to reveal some of the hidden scripture. I obviously don't know if it's months or years away, but somehow this book is intended to cause many to doubt what will be revealed.

It just has the small of Satan all over it. He mimicks what the Lord does to fool many.

I'm sorry, that's just how I see it. Honestly, I don't see how it can be taken any other way.

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