The 5 Browns


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Can I say I'm not surprised? Not that I know the Browns' personally, but it seems to happen so often that the parents of extremely talented kids are abusers of some sort. (Verbal, sexual, emotional, or a combination).

I can agree with you to a point, but we just don't know what happened. Not to excuse the act, but it could be a lot of things from family to prostitutes. There are many who are in jail and registered offenders because a 17 year old passed themselves off for a 19 year old. Only a reading of the court records will clear it up.

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It was confirmed today by a spokesman for the group that the daughters are the alleged victims in this case. He was supposed to plead to a few charges tomorrow, but that will likely be delayed until he is well enough to appear in court.


Just horrible.

I've worked with people (yes, women to) who have abused children. The abuser always was abused themselves as children. It's a perpetual cycle that doesn't end until someone stands up and stops it. I can tell you that most likely right now there is a huge tsunami of anguish hitting then all right now. All my prayers for the family because they have a lot of stuff they are going to have to deal with in the near and far future and none of it is going to be pretty.

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Can I say I'm not surprised? Not that I know the Browns' personally, but it seems to happen so often that the parents of extremely talented kids are abusers of some sort. (Verbal, sexual, emotional, or a combination).

Yep. It seems most really talented people have some sort of inner turmoil that drives them to excel. Or, as Agatha Christie put it...

"Happy people are failures because they are on such good terms with themselves, they don't give a damn."

I'm happy, if anyone cares... :lol:


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According to what I've read, the daughters went to authorities when they found out that the father wanted to start managing young talent. They did not want him to do to others what he did to them. But according to one news report, a spokesperson for the father claims he turned himself in after being racked with guilt. I tend to believe the daughters' side of that story.

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I am really troubled by the assumption that all talented people have been abused. That sort of general assumption isn't fair to the people who are gifted and never experienced abused.

I didn't say "all" I said "often" (and not even "more often", just "often"). Becoming as good as they are at the piano is not easy. It takes a LOT of time and a LOT of dedication. And having all 5 kids get up to that high a skill level? Sexual abuse aside, I'm sure the home environment must have gotten pretty heated pretty often, even if it was with good intentions and without the intent to abuse. I'm sure each of the kids had their moments where they wanted to quit, where they didn't want to practice so hard, where they didn't want to go onto a stage, where they didn't want to meet family expectations anymore, where they wanted there to be *something* more to their life than playing the piano. They probably didn't feel like that all the time, or even most of the time for some of them, if they really do have a genuine joy of playing the piano. But getting up to that skill level, as a family, who spends sooooo much time together (they were homeschooled as well), with the pressure of being a united group and not "letting the team down", it's walking a fine line between healthy dedication to the art, and soul-killing submission.

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  • 1 month later...

5 Browns father sentenced to at least 10 years in prison -

PROVO — The father of the classical piano-playing group the 5 Browns was ordered to prison Thursday.

Keith Brown, 55, was given a 10-years-to-life sentence for sodomy on a child, a first-degree felony, and sentences of one to 15 years for each of two counts of sex abuse of a child, a second-degree felony.

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5 Browns father sentenced to at least 10 years in prison -

PROVO — The father of the classical piano-playing group the 5 Browns was ordered to prison Thursday.

Keith Brown, 55, was given a 10-years-to-life sentence for sodomy on a child, a first-degree felony, and sentences of one to 15 years for each of two counts of sex abuse of a child, a second-degree felony.

Probably the ONE upright thing he did was not fight the charges. I bet his daughters are relieved to not have to testify on the stand.

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Probably the ONE upright thing he did was not fight the charges. I bet his daughters are relieved to not have to testify on the stand.

Or maybe he's ready to repent? I'm sure his daughters are relieved to not have to testify against their father. To me it shows that even though he hurt them, he did love them at least enough to not hurt them more.

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A few weeks after this story broke, I was talking with a friend of mine who is good personal friends with one of the Brown girls. My friend told me that she'd been waiting for the story to surface since last August. The girls filed charges with the police last Summer, and the father only went to his bishop in February. It was speculation on my friend's part, but she suggested that the only reason he did actually was because he wanted to pre-empt the news coverage and having his bishop summon him. Also according to my friend, who has been communicating with her Brown friend throughout the entire affair, the car accident was pretty fishy too -- apparently he called a family member before even the police.

The one thing that really stands out that she told me her friend said was this: "He cannot be around kids. He just can't." For that reason alone, I'm glad for the sentence. I'm only disappointed that it's not longer.

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