Church pet peeves!!!


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Well, first of all, you have two "c"s. :) That aside, I would add another infuriating option.

c. No one answers!!!!!

I think it's almost a sense of embarrassment, Gospel Doctrine isn't a quiz session, the questions are supposed to be sparking discussion. When you have an obvious short answer that you can't for the life of you think to take anywhere or at least make interesting I think people tend to just clam up.

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okay, here goes, my pet peeves

1. Teachers nailing down one person they are trying to correct...Ex. Gospel Doctrine class, the teacher is explaining the different kingdoms, and who goes where...says, "You can even ride a motorcycle and go to ________ kingdom (not the celestial)" My husband rode a motorcycle that day. Everyone in the room knew who he was talking about.

another ex. I shared that the Spirit told me that my husband would not be sitting with me in sacrament soon while in a meeting with a few sisters. They had insisted to know why I had been so quiet lately. They then insisted that it was not the Holy Ghost, that he would not tell me something like that. The next lesson in to tell the difference between the Holy Spirit and impulse. Yeah, he got his new calling, and guess what, he isn't sitting with me in sacrament any more.

2. Sisters 'warning' me about someone who is investigating...'don't expect them to get baptized, do you know that he/she/they do _________?" First how do they know, and second, why do they care? At least the investigator wants to be closer to Christ. One time I said, "Well, that's funny, they haven't said anything about You."

Edited by jayanna
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Now you know why i only go every 6 months or so ;)

Well, I think it is so much more important to remember that no one is perfect. I go to church for my own salvation... don't worry too much about anyone else's. And certainly a pet peeve is a small reason to avoid church, don't you think? :)
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Well, I don't know if this is really a pet peeve or not.

Many years ago when I had become active again for a brief time, I was sitting behind a family in Sacrament meeting -- and on the far side of the family was their daughter and her boyfreind.

I'm not exagerating when I say that this young teenage girl could not keep her hands off of this boyfreind.

She sat next to him the whole meeting stroking his back (as he was leaning forward most of the time) up and down, side to side, then in circular motions -- then whisper something in his ear and then repeat the same process over and over ad nausem.

I tried to focus on the speakers (as I certainly know they were not) but quite frankly it was all I could do to accomplish such a feat -- I always found my lurking eyes going back to them.

I know it was young infatuation or young love and innocent or whatever, but believe me when I say that I seriously thought there might be a chance of me throwing up over both of them and ruining the moment for them -- what a shame that would have been.

Perhaps if a water hose would have fell out of the sky, I would have hosed them both down and it also would have been handy for the cleanup of my regurgitation.

Actually I would have been happy just to have a conceiled squirt gun and when she went for one of her passionate whispers, I would have blasted her right in the smakers......just kidding of course.

Seriously, I had never observed anything like it in all of my years growing up in the church.....a little affection shown to your mate in church....yes....but nonstop throughout a

I think she must have had a Pink Bunny battery in that arm of hers.

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Well, I think it is so much more important to remember that no one is perfect. I go to church for my own salvation... don't worry too much about anyone else's. And certainly a pet peeve is a small reason to avoid church, don't you think? :)

lol well i think no longer being a member might play a small part as well ;)

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It has me cringing for what we go through every week :( but then, I wonder how many "pet peeve" lists I'm on :rolleyes:

Oh you are on MY list all right..and I'm not talking Christmas Card list. :P

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Guest hardpintoo

DISCLAIMER: This list is not my (Kent Shaffer) personal opinion. The opinions in this list are not from one person, but rather it is a mashup of opinion from 150+ people (most not experts). That is why one opinion may contradict another opinion. The goal is to learn the diverse (often selfish) opinions of those in the pews. It is saddening. The opinions in the list are not my own.

WARNING: This list may offend you, particularly if you are a worship leader. It is saddening that people think this way, but I know that I am guilty of thinking some of these complaints before, too. Unfortunately, many people have thought these complaints. Reading this list may be offensive, but it can also be insightful into how picky congregations can be. It can give insights into what can be stumbling blocks of distraction for worshippers. And it also makes it clear that you can’t please everyone.

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DISCLAIMER: This list is not my (Kent Shaffer) personal opinion. The opinions in this list are not from one person, but rather it is a mashup of opinion from 150+ people (most not experts). That is why one opinion may contradict another opinion. The goal is to learn the diverse (often selfish) opinions of those in the pews. It is saddening. The opinions in the list are not my own.

WARNING: This list may offend you, particularly if you are a worship leader. It is saddening that people think this way, but I know that I am guilty of thinking some of these complaints before, too. Unfortunately, many people have thought these complaints. Reading this list may be offensive, but it can also be insightful into how picky congregations can be. It can give insights into what can be stumbling blocks of distraction for worshippers. And it also makes it clear that you can’t please everyone.


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One of my pet peeves is when members don't sing the hymns. I don't care if they're as tone-deaf as a rock, they're cheating themselves and the people around them.

As a newbie, I have to tell y'all that the hymns are hard as heck to sing! I can usually pick up the tune after one verse, but man, I just find them difficult. I don't know if this is actually true musically, but they sound harder to my ear than Catholic hymns and Gregorian chant. They also sound 'protestant.' I've been working my hymn singing, but I'm not seeing much improvement. I listen to a lot of music from all over, so I don't understand why I have such a problem with the hymns.:confused:

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Well, I don't know if this is really a pet peeve or not.

Many years ago when I had become active again for a brief time, I was sitting behind a family in Sacrament meeting -- and on the far side of the family was their daughter and her boyfreind.

I'm not exagerating when I say that this young teenage girl could not keep her hands off of this boyfreind.

She sat next to him the whole meeting stroking his back (as he was leaning forward most of the time) up and down, side to side, then in circular motions -- then whisper something in his ear and then repeat the same process over and over ad nausem.

I tried to focus on the speakers (as I certainly know they were not) but quite frankly it was all I could do to accomplish such a feat -- I always found my lurking eyes going back to them.

I know it was young infatuation or young love and innocent or whatever, but believe me when I say that I seriously thought there might be a chance of me throwing up over both of them and ruining the moment for them -- what a shame that would have been.

Perhaps if a water hose would have fell out of the sky, I would have hosed them both down and it also would have been handy for the cleanup of my regurgitation.

Actually I would have been happy just to have a conceiled squirt gun and when she went for one of her passionate whispers, I would have blasted her right in the smakers......just kidding of course.

Seriously, I had never observed anything like it in all of my years growing up in the church.....a little affection shown to your mate in church....yes....but nonstop throughout a

I think she must have had a Pink Bunny battery in that arm of hers.

There is a couple in my ward who used to do this. They're not as bad anymore, but when they moved in, they'd only been married about two months, so they were still quite twitterpated. I didn't have the problem with the gag reflex, but I found it very distracting. Holding hands or putting an arm around is one thing, but the rubbing, scratching, whispering, and kissing on the cheek or ear is quite out of place in Sacrament meeting.

Well then I welcome you to REjoin us anytime! :)

Yeah, I don't think that's probably going to happen for Soulsearcher.


I know, right? What the ?

I think we've been drive-by trolled. But that's another pet peeve altogether. :)

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what about the people who bring half of their children's toys/coloring books/crayons (okay....all their crayons) for sacrament meeting?

Then the children are

a) making a racket with the toys, and required sound effects for each car/jet/motorcyle (and I should know...I had the best motorcycle sound ever....)

b.) fighting over the coloring books and crayons/markers

When instead, two spoonfuls of Nyquil will keep the kids great through all three meetings.....

Okay, that last bit was a joke, so don't get the disciplinary council together just yet....;)

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I must be wierd lol.


There is no place in scripture that tells you what to do with your hands while praying, so to have it bother you.......... well you said it.

Frankly folding your arms is weird, the denomination I grew up in had you fold your hands together -- which is weird also.

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My pet peeve are people crying over things that don't require any crying.

I want to have it not bother me. I really do, but I grew up in a house where my Grandma and Grandpa basically raised me and he was ex-Navy. You don't cry. Especially over something that is not a huge deal. As sexist as it is, it bothers me a whole heck of a lot more when guys cry.

"And I know... *sniff* I know... That I was blessed to come to church today. I was looking for my keys this morning, and I found them.*bawl*"

That's great that you found your keys. Please stop crying.

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My pet peeve are people crying over things that don't require any crying.

I want to have it not bother me. I really do, but I grew up in a house where my Grandma and Grandpa basically raised me and he was ex-Navy. You don't cry. Especially over something that is not a huge deal. As sexist as it is, it bothers me a whole heck of a lot more when guys cry.

"And I know... *sniff* I know... That I was blessed to come to church today. I was looking for my keys this morning, and I found them.*bawl*"

That's great that you found your keys. Please stop crying.

U are SOOOOOO not in touch with your touchy-feeling side. ;)

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