Do U Date?


What age were you when u started dating  

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  1. 1. What age were you when u started dating

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Well, I didn't grow up a Latter-day Saint, so I had my first boyfriend at thirteen. The thing is, it was rather pointless. Waiting until you are sixteen is the right idea. I'll be eighteen in July. There's really only one guy I want to date, and we have agreed not to date. He doesn't think he's ready for a serious relationship, and I suppose he's right. I'm not really mature enough for one.

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Guest pinkiwikisses

Haha Lolgirl. :)

I never really seriously dated either. I've gone on a few casual dates though. But I don't really see the point in dating anyways. I mean, I would rather just be good friends with people of the opposite gender then be "girlfriend/boyfriend", so to speak. Because in my opinion, I'd rather wait and share all, (well, most of my alls) with that one special person that I plan to marry in the temple someday.

Anyhoo, just thought I would get my two-sense in there. Choose to do whatever you please, but my sure that it is what YOU want. Because I have made a serious mistake in the past that has changed and effected my life.


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Guest pinkiwikisses

I so agree pink!And besides when people break up they don't usually talk again and I would hate that!Friends is best! :)

That is true because my first kiss was with a friend that I had know for years and now that he's dating his current girlfriend, we don't talk or hang out anymore. (It's a long story of which I'd rather not get into, but will if needs be). But there are times when I SO desparately wish we would have remained friends because he was one of those guys that you could pretty much tell anything to. Oh well, things are over and done with.

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the thing is, I haven't dated at all, there is no one my age to date in my branch

I haven't dated either. Their's no boys in my ward that are my age. And I'm too good of friends to date the other boys in our stake. But I do have a friend whose setting me up with his brother when he get's back from his mission. lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I date, but not to seriously. It's just not a big deal to me right now, and asside from the fact that I don't want to be tied down, I'm also preparing for a mission.

Flirting however....that's a different matter....Flirt to Convert (FTC)

Me and my best friend, a recently returned missionary, work in the same restaurant, and are the only two guys working there. We've personally opened the Dairy Queen, Canada mission.

At the moment however, I'm kind dating on and off this girl who comes from a polygamist background. Her family has left the colony near to where I live. (Coincidently the guy I'm working with is her cousin. His grandfather, or great-grandfather, I forget which, founded the polygamist group after returning from his mission. This guys grandmas got fed up with it, left it, and rejoined the church)

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Weird how that all works out isn't it. FTC is the way to go. :)

I date, but not to seriously. It's just not a big deal to me right now, and asside from the fact that I don't want to be tied down, I'm also preparing for a mission.

Flirting however....that's a different matter....Flirt to Convert (FTC)

Me and my best friend, a recently returned missionary, work in the same restaurant, and are the only two guys working there. We've personally opened the Dairy Queen, Canada mission.

At the moment however, I'm kind dating on and off this girl who comes from a polygamist background. Her family has left the colony near to where I live. (Coincidently the guy I'm working with is her cousin. His grandfather, or great-grandfather, I forget which, founded the polygamist group after returning from his mission. This guys grandmas got fed up with it, left it, and rejoined the church)

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Umm 11 ...we went ice-skating together as a group of kids and I wore a ring he'd given me and we held hands on the was all about being able to be on the ice as much as possible and that meant a *couple skate* agreement. And besides he taught me how to speedskate. His last girlfriend died from childhood cancer...I discussed it with my parents...everything. I guess it was more of a friendship with a boy in actual fact we just called it being boyfriend and girlfriend.

Real dating ...16. Though not boyfriends *we didn't use those words*, just a bit of a romance factor in that we would act as dates *door opening and flowers and val cards* in groups. Dating with just two people on a date didn't happen until I was in college.

Edited by WANDERER
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