Are you afraid to tell others of your faith?


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I am not to totally concerned, except in a 4x4 forum where there are there share of rednecks but, LDS have been known to be in high positions in government and society. Was there ever a moment you felt nervous about telling some one you are LDS?

I recently was doing some automotive work for a customer. He kept being friendly to me and paying me for inspections and repairs. But he got caught up in a lie with a buying customer who wanted to buy his truck. He said that his mechanic "me" did a inspection on the truck and it was fine. He called me to tell the customer I had inspected the truck and it was good condition. I told him no, I will not do that and only thing I did do was repair the starter and bleed the clutch. He kept pressing me to pull him out of this rut "lie" and say to the customer " truck is in good shape" so he can sell it.

I called the buyer, and the buyer said it was under his impression that I had inspected it. I said no, just the repairs.

Anyway, there was almost a point, I was going to say "I am sorry, but that is unethical what you are asking me to do. Because I am Mormon, it is against my morals to say a truck is mechanically sound, when in reality, I never inspected it"

I never did go that far, but I wonder what his reaction would be. Have you ever stood your grounds on Morales, ethical issues and being in your faith as a reason why you are substantiating your issues?

Thanks for your input!

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I wouldn't have thrown my religion into it, I would have left it at "it's unethical and that's not the way I do business, don't like it, go somewhere else." I've also been known to say "I don't want to get to the pearly gates and not let in because I faked a report." That pretty much end the discussion.

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I agree. I would have simply said that I won't lie because

a) it's wrong in basic principle

b) In this situation, it could be very dangerous, and people's lives could be at risk.

While it's one thing to lie on a report that you cleaned the restrooms, and another to lie on a vehicle inspection report, it's best to draw the line where the Lord put it...just don't start lying at all.

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Guest mormonmusic

Anymore, I steer clear of attaching anything I do to my religious philosophy. As soon as you say you're ethical or a Mormon, everyone starts making their own assumptions about how you SHOULD behave in a wide variety of contexts. I don't like that pressure.

Also, you become a target because everyone thinks they know what you believe and start LOOKING for inconsistencies between your behavior and your supposed values they assume you have.

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I once got pulled over because I forgot to put my lights on as I was leaving a 7-11. They kept asking me if I had drunk, maybe even a little, or smoked a little weed. I kept denying that I had (I hadn't!) until finally I said, "I'm Mormon, I don't even drink coffee!" they laughed and told me to have a good night. I'm not about to put an lds sticker on the car though. Look at the Mormon speeding! Oh my!

I have been nervous about telling people I was Mormon. It was dumb. They asked my religion because I mentioned church, I got nervous, waiting for the 'oh, you're Mormon, I see. Well, I got to go now." Luckily, that time the person was excited I was Mormon, had some Mormon friends, wanted to know if I knew them, called us good people. I felt a little sheepish for being hesitant to pronounce my faith, even though asked. Since then, I try to have a little more conviction, I'm happy with it after all!

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I think it sounds sanctimonious to say, "As a Mormon, I won't lie." It's as though people who are not Mormon have no issue with prevarication. It has nothing to do with being afraid to declare who I am, and everything to do with not sounding like a self-righteous jerk. ;)

When I'm pressured to do something wrong, I will say that I won't trade my integrity for an inspection report/candy bar/test grade/whatever.

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I agree with, Slamjet.

And anyway, whenever I tell people that I'm Mormon, people look at me with a raised eye-brow like YEH RIGHT! So throwing my religious preference out there isn't an effective method. If I'm uncomfortable with doing something, I'll just say so and I'll explain why, without ever mentioning being a Latter-Day Saint.

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I'm never uncomfortable telling someone I'm Mormon or LDS. But I wouldn't say "I won't do such-n-such because I'm Mormon" or "I can't -fill-in-the-blank, I'm Mormon."

I have lost friends because I've said I belonged to the church. It hurts but I don't hold a grudge over it. Its just sad.

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I let our religion help guide my moral character and principles.

I'm not a moral person because I'm LDS. (That implies that I've given up my freedom of choice.)

I'm a moral and ethical person... who also happens to be LDS.

I am not ashamed of the Gospel... but I don't wear bumper stickers or T-shirts that advertise it either. You still need to be careful when to discuss religion and politics. Some people can't put their feelings and egos aside to learn from each other.

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In my country if you nemtion religion to anyone you just met or start talking about it ... your conversation si dead. Sometimes if the discusition goes in taht direction... and sometimes you can help it to go that way... they may ask and then you can tell as you did not push it to anyone. Religion is considered so private that it is not talked about. That is also why I think it is highly important to have stuff in my own language on the internett as people surf a lot and may just by a chanse kilck on your site. Mostly the discusitions dies fast also after you have told that you are a mormon and they never ask again, they never come and visit the Church even if you invited them to.

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I don't throw it out first thing but everyone I worked with knew I was a Latter day Saint. For ethical questions I wouldn't bring being LDS into it, just that it is wrong. I have said no to tea, coffee, booze, smokes by saying no thanks I'm LDS. It can lead to interesting talks.

Personally I have no problem mentioning it if the situation seems appropriate. I often find the reactions of others interesting.

Once I was going camping with the family at a local campground. A coworker mentioned his family was going up the same weekend. I knew the RS had a camping trip planned for Friday night so I jokingly said:

I heard there will be a pack of Mormon's up there that weekend, hope you are not bothered by that.

Well, that led into a ten minute tirade about the evils of Mormons. I let him wind down, looked at him and said, "Didn't you know I was Mormon, I thought everyone knew."

The look on his face, it was all I could do to not laugh. He tried to backtrack and stumble over his words, I just told him not to worry about it, we are all allowed our opinion, that many of his comments were incorrect but I wasn't offended by his personal opinions.

His family and mine spent a fair amount of time together that weekend, he met a few of the Sisters and in the weeks to follow he asked many questions that at least cleared up most of the misinformation he had.

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That one is to the point and pretty funny and of course, stops the "please pull for me attitude".

I don't think this guy will call me again. That is okay. He is putting his foot into his mouth. He calls me on first vehicle. Great deal. I charged him with accurate diagnosis and he saved a bundle. Second, then third, then now forth car. He had three cars he cannot sell. MMM just because you scored on the first one, does not mean the others will sell quick.

Anyway, I wont bring religion into it but will make it clear, no unethical behavior allowed in our relationship.

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I'm fine with stating my religion if it comes up (not my fault if they've a problem). But I'm against stating my religion is the reason I do/don't do something (sans WoW and whatnot).

You're in a pretty sad state if the only reason you do/don't do something is because your religion tells you so.

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When I was a member I was always very proud to call myself a Mormon. I actually have a harder time saying I used to be a Mormon because my real-life personality has very few vestiges left of what's considered a typical Mormon personality, and I always have to jump out of the way so their jaw doesn't hit my big toe.


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In school I don't advertise that i'm LDS, and probably a total of three (one of whom is in my ward, and another asked me specifically if I was LDS) know that I am- the rest of the religious people simply know that i'm a Christian, and nobody else really cares. So why not have a "Families are Forever" sticker on my laptop you ask? I've heard stories from upper classmen about several of the professors are somewhat hostile towards LDS students, and school is hard enough- I don't need an attitude problem as well.

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I guess I'm lucky to live in a place where members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are well respected, and I have no fear at all of telling people I'm a member of the church. Perhaps it would be different if I lived somewhere else, but I hope not. If you lose a friend because of the church you go to, was that person really a friend in the first place?

Discrimination because of religion is illegal in certain circumstances, and is also unethical. (It is wrong.)

We claim the privilege to worship God according to our own conscience and we allow all people the same privilege.

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