Judging others


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The Lord's work of saving others would be so much easier if I didn't have to deal so much with all these idiots I deal with! Of course, that is not meant in an ad hominem way, but more in a charitable, Christ-like way....

I love how you can use the phrase "no offense" to allow you to say anything you want.

I really hate dealing with the morons on this site. No offense.

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YES!!! "Bless their hearts"! JAG has uncovered yet another motherlode vein to mine!

I can't believe all the stupid, mindless drones who can't see the obvious truth right in front of their drooling mouths. Bless their hearts.

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We all judge each other all the time. I think it is how we determine how we want to be and - when on the receiving end - what we ought not be doing.

Is it wrong to judge pedophiles? Rapists? Murderers? Neglectful parents? Terrorists? If we do not judge others how will we know when to act? If our attitude is always to accept others no matter what then why ever would we intervene?

An adulterer is not only harming themselves, nor is an alcoholic. I am sitting here trying to think of something we know is wrong which only harms the individual 'doing' the act. Even drinking coffee, in a community where coffee drinking is a sin, will set an example to others that this particular sin is really okay, in your opinion. This is why children of smokers are many times more likely to smoke.

What we do matters and not just to ourselves but to all the rest of us.

It is very true that showing disgust at someone can inspire rebellion (more rebellion). They are defensive and their pride is pricked - proving that they are not operating from a position of strength.

A position of strength is when you know you are doing right. When you are doing nothing you think, on any level, might be wrong - it doesn't matter when others judge you, you can smile and wave. It may be annoying but it really doesn't matter.

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