Kneeling for prayers?


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Uhura, I have a testimony of this.

I used to pray lying down and often times I would do a quick prayer or what is worst fall asleep while praying! Then when I reached my teenage years and got my patriarchal blessing, it specifically asked me to pray on my knees in order to reach a communion with Heavenly Father. I was quite surprised. The Patriarch didn't know how I used to pray so I started praying on my knees and it was such an incredible experience. Praying on my knees helps me understand who I am and helps me find humility when most of the time I lack it. It helps me understand that I'm not talking with the guy down the road, but with my Father in Heaven and as such, my words and body position should emulate honor.

I am not saying it should be the only way (because the greatest thing about prayer is that you can talk to God anywhere, anytime you wish) but when I am at home, I try my best to kneel.

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Is it really a commandment? I pray best when lying down or sometimes sitting up with my legs crossed.

But I'm wondering how important the position is.

It shows our recognition of the Savior through whom we pray.

There are lessons to be learned about doing things without really understanding why or the importance of the act. Having said that, the act of praying is more important than what position a person is in, in my opinion.

It might have reference to every knee shall bow (or bend) in recognizing Jesus as the Savior. D&C 76:110, " 110And heard the voice of the Lord saying: These all shall bow the knee, and every tongue shall aconfess to him who sits upon the throne forever and ever;"

and Isaiah 45:22-23; " 22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.

23I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear."

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There is something about kneeling that makes a difference to the human psyche when it comes to humility. When our stake high council meets with the stake presidency, they have a kneeling prayer and they ask for blessings for specific members' needs. I first saw this when I went with my son to give his post-missionary report to the high council. It was very touching and it brought a marvelous spirit.

When I became a branch president, I made it a point to arrive to church early before everyone else, and I have a kneeling prayer in my office about the pressing issues and decisions to be made. I recognize that inspiration comes more freely when I do so.

Back in February, I had a serious knee injury which kept me in a knee immobilizer for a couple of months. I found that I really missed the kneeling part of my prayers. I still prayed, but I feel like I had to work extra hard to get the right attitude that seems to just appear when I kneel.

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Guest Sachi001

No it is not a commandment. Do you see us kneeling in sacrament while sitting in the pews? The Lord looks upon the sincerity of the spirit. You can kneel in prayer, but if you are a hypocrite in heart then what is the point of kneeling?

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First, some scriptural basis:

The attitude of prayer ordinarily was standing (1 Sam. 1:26; Neh. 9:2, 4; Matt. 6:5; Luke 18:11, 13); also kneeling (1 Kgs. 8:54; Dan. 6:10; Ezra 9:5); or prostrate (Josh. 7:6; Neh. 8:6). The hands were spread forth to heaven (1 Kgs. 8:22; Ezra 9:5; Isa. 1:15; Ps. 141:2). Smiting on the breast and rending of the garments signified special sorrow (Luke 18:13; Ezra 9:5). The Lord’s attitude in prayer is recorded only once. In the Garden of Gethsemane he knelt (Luke 22:41), fell on his face (Matt. 26:39), fell on the ground (Mark 14:35). It is noteworthy that Stephen (Acts 7:60), Peter (9:40), Paul (20:36; 21:5), and the Christians generally (21:5) knelt to pray.

I find that last bit the most interesting part. So, my answer is that the position doesn't matter as much at the attitude and motive of the person praying, but our position while praying can help us with that attitude and can contribute to the prayer itself. It can also remind us of something, in much the same way early Christians in the Bible knelt to pray as a sort of memorial of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This also works for me too: kneeling reminds me of all the classic pictures of the Atonement, where Christ kneeling is a prominent theme. Your mileage may vary, though, so don't take this post as "you have to kneel" but "kneeling may help you have better prayers, but you don't have to kneel to have a good prayer."

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Uhura, I have a testimony of this.

I used to pray lying down and often times I would do a quick prayer or what is worst fall asleep while praying! Then when I reached my teenage years and got my patriarchal blessing, it specifically asked me to pray on my knees in order to reach a communion with Heavenly Father. I was quite surprised. The Patriarch didn't know how I used to pray so I started praying on my knees and it was such an incredible experience. Praying on my knees helps me understand who I am and helps me find humility when most of the time I lack it. It helps me understand that I'm not talking with the guy down the road, but with my Father in Heaven and as such, my words and body position should emulate honor.

I am not saying it should be the only way (because the greatest thing about prayer is that you can talk to God anywhere, anytime you wish) but when I am at home, I try my best to kneel.

One time on my mission after an especially difficult and long day I fell asleep on my knees vocally expressing my prayer before retiring. My companion hearing my prayer become nonsense and turning to gibberish to eventually turn into mumblings and finely silence tired to wake me up but ended up just putting me into my bed.

Also many times during the day - I may be in public places where I do not feel appropriate to offer prayers or at other times thanks for food. When this happens I try to remember to mention these things and give gratitude and thanks during my formal and private evening prayers - which I find to be most appropriate for me when I am on my knees.

The Traveler

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Guest mysticmorini

No it is not a commandment. Do you see us kneeling in sacrament while sitting in the pews? The Lord looks upon the sincerity of the spirit. You can kneel in prayer, but if you are a hypocrite in heart then what is the point of kneeling?

originally that was the standard during the sacrament prayer and the community of christ still does this.

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The most important thing about prayer is that we are communicating with our Heavenly Father. My favorite post prayer that I say often is: "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you Lord....."

The bottom line is that we oray with the purest heart possible.

As for the position of our bodies while we pray; I think whatever makes us feel most spiritual or closest to God. For some it is kneeling because to some people this signifies and expression humility. For some it is cross legged or laying down or sitting or even standing.

For me it is in the most comfortable position possible so that I am not distracted in any way from the communication with my Heavenly Father or the purpose of my prayers.

The important part is that we do pray with love, utmost sincerity and faith.

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Is it really a commandment? I pray best when lying down or sometimes sitting up with my legs crossed.

But I'm wondering how important the position is.

I think it is important to kneel when we can, when the situation allows for it or when it is physically possible for us to do so.....Of course, it is always good to pray regardless of where one is at. There are scriptures in the Book of Mormon where the people of the church were in bondage to the Lamanites and were put to death if they were found praying. So they plead to God in their hearts. He listened to and answered their prayers....

However, for every day living, I do think that kneeling in humility to God is ideal....It helps me to feel closer to the Spirit when I do.

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Is it really a commandment? I pray best when lying down or sometimes sitting up with my legs crossed.

But I'm wondering how important the position is.

no its not. It's a sign of humilitude, much like how one would greet a king. IN scriptures often times individuals would pray laying down, as a sign of their humility (to be as low as the dust).
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Kneel. Except for the prayer in your heart all day long, kneel in prayer.

When I was younger, it was hard for me to remember to pray. Then I thought of this reminder: never get in bed without kneeling first to pray; and when I get up, always go straight to my knees in prayer. That little reminder has made the habit of kneeling to pray, a sacred part of my daily life; a time to spend with my dear Heavenly Father. Later, I learned to not get up right after praying, but to listen for God's answers......and His answers are the best part of my prayers now.

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