influncing lives?


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So, I saw the announcement about people who are investigating the LDS church or have been baptized as a result of

And, I've wanted to see if anyone elses life has been changed by And, my first thought was: Thats ridiculous, its just a fourm where ppl argue about religion and such. But, then i realized mine had been.

Any interesting stories?

So, I kinda have an interesting one :) Basically, Luke a YM from Ireland who used to come on here and ask questions about the church and I ended up talking. And, eventually we added each other on facebook. And, his good friend Kyle ended up also adding me on FB. And, throughout this whole thing he really wanted to join the church. So, after talking loads and him asking loads of questions I ended up shipping him a package of church materials. And, his parents finally let him go to church, meet with the missionaries and mutual a few weeks ago :) It was really exciting for him :) (And me, after hearing about how he wants so badly to be a member but cant.) So, also me and Lukes friend ended up having a lot of conversations, more then Luke and I actually. And, Kyle (lukes friend) has ended up talking to a few of my friends here, and I've ended up talking to a few of there friends there. So, its this odd connection between a bunch of teenagers in NY and Northern Ireland. And, we've exchanged some packages and things. It's just interesting :)

And, when my friend Mikey died is was quite helpful to just be able to send these long messages to luke and Kyle about things going on. Because, I hated talking to my friends about it all because they were smack dab in the middle experiencing the same thing. I think, talking to Kyle was actually a big part of my healing process. It was hard to talk to people about it who lived near me, because i didn't want others to feel even more hurt. If that makes sense.

And, I guess in an odd way is to credit for it.

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Lizzy, Online friendship are just as real as face-to-face friendships. Way to go!!! I'm glad you've been able to share your beliefs in a way that helped Luke and his friend.

Sachi, The online contact is what eventually allows the person to open the door. There was an article several years ago (can't find it) that talked about the number of times a person was contacted before they would open the doors to the missionaries. These contacts were friends, neighbors, co-workers, internet, etc. and not the missionaries themselves.

I think since an Apostle asked us to use our social networking to spread the gospel and the Church is still sending out missionaries that both avenues our necessary.

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Any interesting stories?

I met the woman I married here.

Actually the fact that I met her here is a good missionary opportunity as any time anyone asks how we met (admittedly that tends to only come up when the fact we're newly weds does) it gives us the perfect opportunity to explain and plug the site which is a good opening to talk about the Church.

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Share on other sites allows me to be a member-missionary practically on a daily basis - without pestering everyone around me in a 30 foot radius.

It allows me to think about the aspects of the gospel and how it can help people who ask questions.

I can be a teacher, without having been called to be one.

I can learn from many others points of view that can even be considered "taboo" in church culture.

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Guest Sachi001

Lizzy, Online friendship are just as real as face-to-face friendships. Way to go!!! I'm glad you've been able to share your beliefs in a way that helped Luke and his friend.

Sachi, The online contact is what eventually allows the person to open the door. There was an article several years ago (can't find it) that talked about the number of times a person was contacted before they would open the doors to the missionaries. These contacts were friends, neighbors, co-workers, internet, etc. and not the missionaries themselves.

I think since an Apostle asked us to use our social networking to spread the gospel and the Church is still sending out missionaries that both avenues our necessary.

Not disagreeing. I was implying my conversion was influenced back in the old days before You could call it the coconut telegraph method.

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I don't know if has "changed" my life, but it has become a great spiritual outlet. I initially joined when I was going through my repentance process. I was doing quite a bit of scripture reading and feeling influenced to write a "scripture journal". This evolved into a journal filled with mini "talks" on gospel topics, as I felt I needed to get my thoughts and understanding of my faith on paper so I would have something solid to pass on and share with others. I was feeling such a strong need to share what I was writing with others that I asked my bishop if it would at all be possible to called to give a talk or two in sacrament meeting even though I was on informal probation. He suggested I share them online... and here I am. :D

When I started sharing these little "talks" I had prepared, I was reading other threads and noticed how many people come on here asking for help and advice in areas where I am experienced. So I started sharing what advice I could. I've also learned more from posts on spiritual topics than I would in church on Sundays or at institute. I feel like I have grown in my spiritual understanding, intellectual ability, written expression, and emotional connection with myself and others. So, has not really "changed" my life, but it has "enhanced" it.

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I met the woman I married here.

Actually the fact that I met her here is a good missionary opportunity as any time anyone asks how we met (admittedly that tends to only come up when the fact we're newly weds does) it gives us the perfect opportunity to explain and plug the site which is a good opening to talk about the Church.

You already got hitched!? CONGRATS! Wow :]

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So, I saw the announcement about people who are investigating the LDS church or have been baptized as a result of

And, I've wanted to see if anyone elses life has been changed by And, my first thought was: Thats ridiculous, its just a fourm where ppl argue about religion and such. But, then i realized mine had been.

Any interesting stories?

It's not that interesting, and it would be incorrect to say it was solely because of, but it was a contributing factor. I'm not sure how much that's saying though since we're currently inactive ;)

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Thanks. It happened June 25th, and it's off to the Honeymoon later tonight. So if you want to start something on the boards now is the time as .net is gonna be down two Mods for a while.

Yes, please start something. Show the others that we are really needed and maybe Dravin and I can get a raise. We need to pay off this wedding/honeymoon somehow!

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