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I am LOVING BYU-Idaho. So far my classes aren't too hard. I'm enjoying it. My teachers are AMAZING. We pray ALL the time. Like, we pray before and after class starts...and we talk about GOD and MATH at the same TIME!!!

Me and my roommate on the first day during this big orienation meeting were sitting in this huge room. And, everyone was singing. And I leaned over and whispered to her "We are surrounded by Mormons!" It was such an amazing thing to behold..

Although, one of my other roommates isn't Mormon&is from Germany. So, thats interesting :) It'll be quite interesting to see how everything with her and the church turns out.

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I am LOVING BYU-Idaho. So far my classes aren't too hard. I'm enjoying it. My teachers are AMAZING. We pray ALL the time. Like, we pray before and after class starts...and we talk about GOD and MATH at the same TIME!!!

See, when I'm working on the 5th derivative in a row that was specifically designed to be time consuming it'd be hard for me to talk about God. The proof he hates me is right in front of me. :eek:

Actually are you talking about in class? Or during study session/hanging out with friends? The first one would kinda bug me depending on how it worked out, I don't want my math lecture punctuated with faith promoting anecdotes. I wouldn't want my study session to be either, but it's no worse than getting side tracked discussing the last episode of The Office, or the latest video game.

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I still remember my first few days at Whitworth. There are other Christians here! Most are! The professors actually encourage my faith. My beliefs have a lot of history and intelligence behind them. The contrast was a wonderful oasis, compared to the religious dessert in the public schools I grew up in.

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Dangit Drav, I want to laugh and thank you for that one! But mostly laugh.

I'm glad you're enjoying your college experience, liz. Regarding your non-member roommate, keep in mind that some BYU students in all probability have no interest in the Church. Academically speaking, BYU is a very respectable institution with an understandable draw for some people with LDS affiliation. Do what you feel is necessary to share your beliefs with her (she had to expect that from the get-go, after all), but you have to respect her views at the end of the day.

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We pray in math class before it begins. And, we talk about God and Math. So far my favorite classes are BOM with Brother Riggins and American Foundations. I love my American Foundation class. We talked a lot about the church and history intertwining. We studied quotes from apostles and prophets about the importance of history. My book of Mormon class is so amazing. I have it with my German roommate. The teacher is so great.

Godless, BYU-Idaho isn't the same as BYU. The schools are completely separate.

I've talked to my roommate about it. She wants to go to all the church things, every devotional, ect...She has a German Book Of Mormon too. While she doesn't believe she finds it interesting and often asks me questions. She came to BYU-Idaho because she likes the honor code and the things we believe in concerning the word of wisdom ect. And, she even wanted to start saying dorm prayers. So, while she doesn't necessarily believe LDS teachings she wants to participate in church things. It's pretty cool :) So, shes quite willing to try things out. Using her words "I don't believe but I will do the mormon things. I want to know why theres so many people going to this school!" :)

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Godless, BYU-Idaho isn't the same as BYU. The schools are completely separate.

They may be separate but they still follow the same core values. Many attend BYU-I because it's easier to get into than BYU Provo. But they still want the same standards of conduct and the same standards of education.

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I am LOVING BYU-Idaho. So far my classes aren't too hard. I'm enjoying it. My teachers are AMAZING.

I'm glad you are loving school. You sound like the kind of students professors love to have in their classes.

I hope you love it as much when the classes get harder.;)

I have a question for those familiar with BYU and BYU-I. Do students at these schools tend to go along with everything the professor says? Are there ever protests or TA strikes? Are students encouraged to think independently or do they come out with the same view on subjects? I don't mean that they are brainwashed, but are they inclined to take the professor's word for things and not question because they've mostly been brought up to be polite and accepting?

What kind of typical college hijinks can BYU students get up to, since alcohol and drugs aren't fueling stupid actions like on a lot of campuses?

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From what I've heard from past students who have taken the same teachers they don't get harder. It's just a lot of work. :)

And, while BYU-Idaho and BYU have many of the same standards BYU-Idaho isn't as publicly recognized

as any sort of 'prestigious' university.

Something we talked about recently. BYU-Idaho is being payed for by tithing. My tithing. Your tithing. The tithing of that little old lady in Guatmala who is sacrificing all she has. It really makes me value my education and make me want to succeed when its put that way.

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The students are not expected to go along with everything the teacher says. I mean, we've gotten into some debates in my classes. But you are supposed to keep the Church in mind when talking about issues that might cross over into religion. There was a Democratic society that some students started, but they ended up getting rid of it. I don't remember what the exact situation was.

Crazy stuff students do besides anything breaking the honor code, they roll burning couches down sand dunes, throw loud parties that cops break up, drive around past curfew (gasp!), pull pranks on students of the opposite sex, take pictures in Walmart (a no-no), and every freshman without fail puts dish soap in the dishwasher. It's pretty crazy up there in Idaho.

I love Rexburg and I love BYU-Idaho. That's why I'm going back there even though I'll be graduated! And my boyfriend lives there :)

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We pray in math class before it begins. And, we talk about God and Math. So far my favorite classes are BOM with Brother Riggins and American Foundations. I love my American Foundation class. We talked a lot about the church and history intertwining. We studied quotes from apostles and prophets about the importance of history. My book of Mormon class is so amazing. I have it with my German roommate. The teacher is so great.

Godless, BYU-Idaho isn't the same as BYU. The schools are completely separate.

I've talked to my roommate about it. She wants to go to all the church things, every devotional, ect...She has a German Book Of Mormon too. While she doesn't believe she finds it interesting and often asks me questions. She came to BYU-Idaho because she likes the honor code and the things we believe in concerning the word of wisdom ect. And, she even wanted to start saying dorm prayers. So, while she doesn't necessarily believe LDS teachings she wants to participate in church things. It's pretty cool :) So, shes quite willing to try things out. Using her words "I don't believe but I will do the mormon things. I want to know why theres so many people going to this school!" :)

Bro Riggins was my Insitute teacher in San Diego!! And the frat leader for the guys, too!

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You know, I've seen those Walmart pics. I have never seen people dressed like that at the 2 Walmarts around here. Personally, I think a lot of them are taken around Halloween and then posted as if people go around all the time in gold lame track suits.

If the students are taking pics for 'People of Walmart,' I think it's a little rude. Surely our nice LDS students wouldn't be holding people up to ridicule? The People of Walmart-type sites are funny (and strange), but do you really want to go around taking pictures of unsuspecting people whose only crime is that they went to Walmart at 2 am in curlers and their bunny slippers?

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You know, I've seen those Walmart pics. I have never seen people dressed like that at the 2 Walmarts around here. Personally, I think a lot of them are taken around Halloween and then posted as if people go around all the time in gold lame track suits.

If the students are taking pics for 'People of Walmart,' I think it's a little rude. Surely our nice LDS students wouldn't be holding people up to ridicule? The People of Walmart-type sites are funny (and strange), but do you really want to go around taking pictures of unsuspecting people whose only crime is that they went to Walmart at 2 am in curlers and their bunny slippers?

It's a larger cultural thing. It's fun and funny (to some people) to make fun of the obese or overweight or those who dress poorly or appear slovenly or who buy a lot of chips and soda. It's fun to call them "white trash" or the non-white equivalent and mock their very existence. I can only guess that those who enjoy this sort of "humor" somehow feel better about themselves, saying to themselves, "I'd never be like THOSE losers!"

The best I can figure to do about such things is to make my distaste for them known and to teach my children not to take pleasure in them.

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... and we talk about GOD and MATH at the same TIME!!!

Reminds me of something I once heard from a math prof at a BYU Devotional:

"Your testimony does not necessarily contain a proof of the Mean Value Theorem."

He was trying to convince students that fasting and prayer do not replace attending class and doing the homework in math.

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