Girls snubbed him, but he won in the end!


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My cousin lived in Florida. He's not the best lookin' guy, but has a great sense of humor and is tons of fun, full of happiness and goodness. The LDS girls there would not give him the time of day. So he moved to Rexburg Idaho to find an LDS girl at byui. The girls there would not give him the time of day. Then he met a very BEAUTIFUL, intelligent, darling girl from Mexico.....they are now married and sooo happy. She adores him.

Edited by shine7
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Well, i'm at BYU-I right now. And, I've only met really nice people. But, I'm also not on the look out for super good looking people or looking out for people who are rude....I'm just meeting everyone :)

And, everyone I know is nice to everyone. It's ridiculous to generalize that all girls here are 'snubbers'. He was obviously looking at the wrong ones. Maybe they didn't give him the time because they knew they weren't supposed to :)

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Do you have hard facts on this idea, or are you just making this up based on your limited personal anecdotal experience?

There are plenty of published articles on the topic. If you want to read University studies take a look at the references on the wikipedia article for hypergamy.

I think it's hard to argue against the existence of hypergamy. That is saying that single women seek for men that are financially, socially, and physically worse than themselves. Why would a single woman do that?

Every rule has exceptions. But the rule is hypergamy.

In this post the young man received continual rejection, until he was seen as a "step up" to some young lady from her current economic and social position.

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Such does get rid of the apparent discrepancy.

Yes. My point was that to deny hypergamy is analogous to thinking that single women intentionally seek out poor, uneducaated, ugly, social outcasts. I don't think women do that. They look for an upgrade. They want the best guy they can get.

In fact hypergamy, economically, is reflected in the Proclamation on the Family. Women expect men to be the primary provider in a marriage. Often this leads to women picking a man a few years older then themselves. It also explains why American Elders on foreign missions to third world countries, are considered desirable by the local women. Economic hypergamy.

I have some humorous anecdotes about hypergamy, one case was Ezra T. Benson's grandson on my mission, but if you look around, you can find your own.

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Yes. My point was that to deny hypergamy is analogous to thinking that single women intentionally seek out poor, uneducaated, ugly, social outcasts. I don't think women do that. They look for an upgrade. They want the best guy they can get.

Are you implying that men don't engage in the same thing? I'm not so sure that men seek out the poor, ugly, uneducated, social outcast women any more than women do that with men. Men as a rule go for the best woman they can get, just as women do.

On the flip side, whenever you make the argument that someone 'married up', the same argument can be made that the person they married, 'married down'. So it follows that just as many people 'marry down' as 'marry up'. The number can't be unequal. Do you have any reliable numbers that would show that more women engage in 'marrying up' than men? I know we've seen your assertions, but a link to a source for your idea would be nice.

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Everyone marries up, in their own minds. However, traditionally, in "a lot" of cases, women's "up" tended towards older men who were financially secure. Men's "up" tended towards younger, attractive ladies. How much this was so, and how conscious these trends were is a matter for historians and sociologists.

On the other hand, these trends are probably diminishing as women become ever more indepedent, and able, when necessary, to fend for themselves and their children.

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I hope that people don't marry just for financial security or just for the way their spouse looks now. I am so glad I am out of that mind set and have the ability to support myself and even my grown kids and don't have to be married for fiscal support. If I ever marry again it won't be to someone for looks, financial support or what class they belong too, it will be because I want to be in a relationship with them for them and not for their ability to propell me to a better class or because of the money they bring to the table. I am secure with my own looks, financially and class wise, therefore I have the freedom to choose anyone regardless of their credit rating.

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Its not what is on the outside that matters, it is what is on the inside that makes a relationship work.

Why is it American woman are such snobs? Why do woman, and even men pick a person for there looks all the time?

There was a documentary of a woman who was ugly, or ordinary. Her BF or husband left her for another woman. She got tons of plastic surgery "some woman look awful" but hers turned out good. This ex BF was attracted to this "new person" and had a crush on her, and asked her out...she said no. You LEFT me for another woman! He was confused because he never knew the person he was talking to was is ex wife or GF.

I remember a guy in the military was one of the most cheerful, happy people I ever knew. One of the Sargent said "When he is depressed, he still looks cheerful...whats with that?" He picked a woman who was not the prettiest thing..but it was inside her what he wanted!

Ever see dancing with the stars? A us amry Sargent became a burn victim and was on the show with his scars and missing one ear. No snubs there! he just had a great personality.

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To be honest, if some girls think a guy looks better than them they'll say the guy doesn't look good just to lift themselves up. There are some decent-looking girls in my ward who haven't given me the time of day but then again they're pretty much not liked by girls in other wards in the stake so yea their personalities aren't too good either. Even at stake activities they stick with each other instead of mingling with other wards. The girls in my ward don't think I look attractive yet I've had girls that look better than them to say I'm very handsome. When a great looking girl says the guy is cute, handsome, etc then he's good looking.

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