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I have a friend from college that enjoys making up words. Two in particular made it into the regular vocabulary of everyone in our group- "sporngle" and "flinkly". I don't remember what they were supposed to mean... we kinda used them however we wanted, but I remember that they were both used interchangably as nouns and verbs ("flinkle" being the verb form of "flinkly"). Sporngle had something to do with a sponge and a fork.... While flinkly had something to do with flicking your fingers and expessing disdain.

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Those words are pretty snazzy :)

Lets seeeee. I learned all about invesments in my math class. It's kinda amazing how saving 100 bucks a month for 40 years with 8% interest can get you a HUGE chunk of money/Interest.

I kinda want to invest. Although, at this point in time 100 bucks isn't something i can handle. I'm a poor college student afterall :)

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Hmm, something we got for free. Well, in our case almost free. Our car broke down, and my husband and I were without transportation for awhile. One of the members of our ward sold us their Ford Taurus for $1.00. I love that family! We were desperate--no money to fix our old vehicle, which wasn't worth fixing, and no money to get another car. An older couple in our ward learned of our circumstances and didn't need the extra car that they had, and sold it to us for $1.00. What a blessing!

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My service dog, Sophie, is having her 5th birthday on the 10th... Any good birthday present ideas? She's a black lab, and I think she already has every dog toy ever made. I can't walk down the hall without stepping on a squeeky (squeekie? speaking of spelling difficulties!) toy. I stopped buying 'hard' toys after the 195th stubbed toe.:eek:

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My service dog, Sophie, is having her 5th birthday on the 10th... Any good birthday present ideas? She's a black lab, and I think she already has every dog toy ever made. I can't walk down the hall without stepping on a squeeky (squeekie? speaking of spelling difficulties!) toy. I stopped buying 'hard' toys after the 195th stubbed toe.:eek:

A cake?

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My mind keeps going back to the roomate that can't open a can.....wow....

Did I ever mention the sister missionary that thought that some little island just off san diego was hawaii? She really thought it was. Wow. I was tracting with her and her companion when she saw it and got really excited. Yeah, made me second guess going on a mission of my own. But I did go anyways...

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My mind keeps going back to the roomate that can't open a can.....wow....

Did I ever mention the sister missionary that thought that some little island just off san diego was hawaii? She really thought it was. Wow. I was tracting with her and her companion when she saw it and got really excited. Yeah, made me second guess going on a mission of my own. But I did go anyways...

Are you talking about the Coronado Islands?

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Even smaller island. Just a little mound of sand on the bay. Was saw them whilst tracting on a hill and you could see the bay. I don't even know if it has a name. There are no buildings.

She also once swore that yogurt does NOT have live cultures, even tho it's on the container.

I'm not talking about Coronado Island where NAS North Island is and the Hotel Del. There are islands off the coast of San Diego and more off of Tijuana called the Coronado Islands. There are 4 of them.

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