What Is The Most Important Event, In History?


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I think I know what LDS member's will say is the most important event in history. I might even try to guess what our Christian friend's (those who are not LDS but still believe in Christ) might say.

For all other's, this is not a trap. Feel free to express your views (as if I could stop you, lol).

This may or may not show what is really important to each of us, individualy. I thought I would try the question and see.

Your friend - Allmosthumble

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Since the big bang is only theory, and the fact that I believe the universe has existed for eternity, I am going to go with the fall of Adam. It was at this point in which things were set in motion to bring about the eternal life of mankind. This is when life truly began on this Earth.


i am gonna go with God's entering our sphere, the day Christ came, the day God Himself came and afterwards bouht humanity. That day the history of our world did not began, but it began to have true SENSE and purpose . ;)

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I'm going to pick Gutenberg and the printing press:

...news and books began to travel across Europe much faster than before. It fed the growing Renaissance, and since it greatly facilitated scientific publishing, it was a major catalyst for the later scientific revolution. The ability to produce many copies of a new book, and the appearance of Greek and Latin works in printed form was a major factor in the Reformation. Literacy also increased dramatically as a result. Gutenberg's inventions are sometimes considered the turning point from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period.



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Without a doubt it is the ressurection of Jesus Christ from the dead---hands down----nothing else even comes close.

Without that event, we would all still be spritually dead---separated from God----dead in our truspasses and sins---having no hope of eternal life or of any hope period --------BUT because of the ressurection we have hope---life --peace with God ---fellowship with God---and the list goes on forever

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Well first off, it was a joke, aimed at the removal of Pluto as a planet. Second, you're the one who stated a "theory" being the most important event in history. Granted, I do believe that there was an event of creation; I just think it's absurd to pass it all off to one singular event of pure chance, especially when you consider the odds of life arising out of non-life. (Do you have any credentials as a statistician? Maybe you could figure that one out for us.) It is through my biology classes that it became very apparent that there was a master architect behind it all. It seems far more realistic to me that someone had a hand in creating the vast of information contained in each cell, rather than the odds of an explosion happening all by itself, and creating life, natural laws, and conscience.

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(Do you have any credentials as a statistician? Maybe you could figure that one out for us.)

Statistics are a hoot. For example; at an absolute exact time of today I stepped on a pebble. Statistically it is virtually impossible for me to have stepped on that particular pebble, at that exact time. Had I done anyone of variations, numbering in the many millions, of life activities, starting from the day of my birth, and the happenstance of my birth, with the various permutations (like how did that exact pebble get there) that have nothing to do with me, all added in...... well the odds of me stepping on that pebble, at that exact time, are not pretty much not calculable. The numbers are basically to the power of the thousands, with numbers of zeros in the millions. Yet, I did step on that pebble, at exactly that time. Gee aren't statistics fun? I called them sadistics when in college.

PS - Your scientific credentials, that allow you to dismiss the Big Bang Theory, versus the life work of legitimate scientists, are basically non-existant. Thanks for clearing that up.

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My heart is heavy. Christian's should all have one answer.

You have all come up with great answer's and yes PC's birthday is a great event, but friend it is not the gretest event of all time.

There have been some who have come very close.

Your Friend - Allmosthumble

(Do you have any credentials as a statistician? Maybe you could figure that one out for us.)

Statistics are a hoot. For example; at an absolute exact time of today I stepped on a pebble. Statistically it is virtually impossible for me to have stepped on that particular pebble, at that exact time. Had I done anyone of variations, numbering in the many millions, of life activities, starting from the day of my birth, and the happenstance of my birth, with the various permutations (like how did that exact pebble get there) that have nothing to do with me, all added in...... well the odds of me stepping on that pebble, at that exact time, are not pretty much not calculable. The numbers are basically to the power of the thousands, with numbers of zeros in the millions. Yet, I did step on that pebble, at exactly that time. Gee aren't statistics fun? I called them sadistics when in college.

PS - Your scientific credentials, that allow you to dismiss the Big Bang Theory, versus the life work of legitimate scientists, are basically non-existant. Thanks for clearing that up.

The real trick would have been to step on a pebble that was stacked on a pebble, on top of another pebble that was placed on top of another with out disturbing any of the pebbles.
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My heart is heavy. Christian's should all have one answer.

But allmosthumble... you asked for opinions.... your first post mentioned that

For all other's, this is not a trap. Feel free to express your views

which should have applied to EVERYONE not just non Christians. I don't think that anyone thinks they are wrong with what they think.... cause it's what they think.

So what in your allmosthumble opinion should all Christian's agree upon?

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With that kind of logic, how can you argue anything?

Exactly. But I still people bring the statistical argument into things like the Big Bang/Creation/proof of God/existance of life, etc... debate all of the time. The statistical arguments are pretty easy to dispute just by using the logically fallacious rationale that everything is seemingly statistically impossible.

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PS - Your scientific credentials, that allow you to dismiss the Big Bang Theory, versus the life work of legitimate scientists, are basically non-existant. Thanks for clearing that up.

Scientists don't agree on the big bang theory. The guy who coined the name has even rebelled against it. The only thing they agree on is that there was a beginning to the universe. You haven't even addressed it, making it appear you have absolutely no credentials in backing it up. I think it's funny you want to go the playground route and have me start listing my High school AP test school and university credits. Anyone who has taken a basic college physical science class or biology class knows there are serious flaws in the big bang theory. There always has been.

"In 2003, Physicist Robert Gentry proposed an attractive alternative to the standard theory, an alternative which also accounts for the evidences listed above. Dr. Gentry claims that the standard Big Bang model is founded upon a faulty paradigm (the Friedmann-lemaitre expanding-spacetime paradigm) which he claims is inconsistent with the empirical data. He chooses instead to base his model on Einstein's static-spacetime paradigm which he claims is the "genuine cosmic Rosetta." Gentry has published several papers outlining what he considers to be serious flaws in the standard Big Bang model. Other high-profile dissenters include Nobel laureate Dr. Hannes Alfvén, Professor Geoffrey Burbidge, Dr. Halton Arp, and the renowned British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle, who is accredited with first coining the term "the Big Bang" during a BBC radio broadcast in 1950."

"Biochemists and mathematicians have calculated the odds against life arising from non-life naturally via unintelligent processes. The odds are astronomical. In fact, scientists aren't even sure if life could have evolved naturally via unintelligent processes. If life did not arise by chance, how did it arise?"

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