Serious Immigration Commentary


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Perhaps, but wouldn't you say that the cartoon is basically attacking immigration using irony? The Indians could not keep foreigners out of their territories and look what happened to them!

Of course the Book of Mormon makes it clear that as long as those peoples remained rightious they could have this new world but once they depart from God's ways the remanents of Jacob would take it back. Ever notice that the purveyers of evil (i.e. the media, the supreme court, etc) in our society pushed for loosening up morals and attacking our basic heritage in the late 1960s and early 1970s by attacking prayer in schools, creating an assult on anything positive about our heritage, making abortion a sacrament and trying to make having children seem as a sin against nature? The birthrate fizzled and now we have to maintain a parasitic relationship towards nations where family morality is still strong so we won't have labor shortages.

You know, one of the 10 Commandments says that if you honor your father and mother your days will be long in the land. Pride in our culture is fought against by many in our state-run schools, media, etc. and one can see that as quickly as we buy into an ethic such as this we will be replaced.

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Something I found ironic, the woman who spearheaded getting prayer out of school started a little athiest club. She had a couple of members and they started to build a fund for the further growth of their club. The man who was second to the leader, ended up murdering her and emtying the booty cache.

Coincidence or divine intervention?

I'm going to go with the latter.


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After viewing this pro-immigration video one is left with the positive aspects of immigration. The native people featured seem concerned over the foreign influx, but hey...what about all the possible benefits?

The first link was ok however, the second one was better. :P:P

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After viewing this pro-immigration video one is left with the positive aspects of immigration. The native people featured seem concerned over the foreign influx, but hey...what about all the possible benefits?

It is my opinion that this cartoon commentary is neither serious or historically accurate concerning immigration. History records many violent clashes when immigration is not gradual and controlled. Usually resulting in war and the building of generations of hatred. Once the United States of America was established as a unique world culture, immigration was controlled for some time that resulted in what was called a melting pot of culture. This was not entirely true because most of the immigration was from Western Europe giving the country a link to European culture.

The native American culture has been destroyed and will likely not endure many more generations. Already 90% of the native languages have been lost - forever. We could have done much better.

It is my personal opinion that we would be better to assimilate all of Mexico (as several states) than it would be to continue the current immigration chaos. It is estimated that 80% of Mexicans plan to come to the United States to live. Why not put that up for a vote in Mexico.

Currently most of (over 50%) of government subsidies are for illegal immigrants. Over 50% of our crime is related to illegal immigrants and over 50% of our students below standards are from illegal immigrant families.

We have a very liberal legal immigrant policy. In all the debates over immigration I have not heard one argument that our efforts to maintain security for our citizens and other issues are not addressed with current law. Why do we allow any illegal immigration? We do not need to change any laws to allow foreign workers in any industry. All that is needed is that it is shown there are workers needed and that there are foreign workers that are willing to work. I do not understand why we have allowed illegal workers. Except we have passed wage laws that if we use illegal workers we do not have to meet. Why do we allow our government to turn this in to such chaos.

The Traveler

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We have a very liberal legal immigrant policy. In all the debates over immigration I have not heard one argument that our efforts to maintain security for our citizens and other issues are not addressed with current law. Why do we allow any illegal immigration? We do not need to change any laws to allow foreign workers in any industry. All that is needed is that it is shown there are workers needed and that there are foreign workers that are willing to work. I do not understand why we have allowed illegal workers. Except we have passed wage laws that if we use illegal workers we do not have to meet. Why do we allow our government to turn this in to such chaos.

The Traveler

It's all about the money Traveler.... sadly

Anything to save a buck.... and look what it saved.

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...(don't ask me about the Canadians LOL).

I know 3 Canadians that just recently immigrated to the ole US of A. :angry: You'd think I'd be over it by now! :angry: But to be fair, 2 of them didn't really have a choice and they seem to be enjoying themselves, making new friends and such. :closedeyes:


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I have no problem with immigration to or from Canada..... The people I know of who come down here dont' have a problem working with the rules and regs or our country... As most of us "Yanks" would follow your rules and regs in your country. I think that the only problem we have up north is the terrorists, and the drug dealers who take advantage of Canada's good nature and use the country as a means to gain entrance into ours.

I love Canada, and I would like to visit and be welcomed :)

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Your welcome in Canada any time but always remember to take off your shoes when entering their homes.

Im not kidding it would be rude.

eat french fries served on a plate use a fork. Fast food is different.

An eraser is called a rubber, don’t laugh and say excuse me?

They cut their lawns not “mow it”, that is a bad sexual term.

And that’s just a start. :sparklygrin:

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Your welcome in Canada any time but always remember to take off your shoes when entering their homes.

Im not kidding it would be rude.

That is true.

eat french fries served on a plate use a fork. Fast food is different.

Not so, it is an individual choice. Most people I know eat french fries by hand.

An eraser is called a rubber, don’t laugh and say excuse me?

I've always called an eraser an eraser, never a rubber, might be a Newfie thing though. ;)

They cut their lawns not “mow it”, that is a bad sexual term.

Another disagree, we can either mow the lawn or cut it, it's all the same thing where I come from.

The noticeable differences I see are:

*Pop instead of Soda

*Grade whatever instead of whateverth grade (Grade 10 not tenth grade)

*We have public restrooms or bathrooms or washrooms in Canada, the USA have all those too except washrooms

*We have monetary cheques not checks

*We have pretty money!

*We aren't obsessed with college football, infact compared with Americans we're pretty indifferent about it, we like our hockey; and we usually us the term University instead of College

I'm sure there's more...! :)


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I'll repeat my earlier report here: Apparently Canada has a labor shortage, and there may be a serious attempt to recruit Americans to immigrate. Be careful--get too many red-staters, and they may take over and vote to be annexed back south! :-)

On the opposite front, I recently heard a clever proposal that would immediately solve our southern border problem. Propose that Mexico be annexed, contingent upon approval of a national Mexican referenda.

If all that happened, we could change our name to USNA (United States of North America), and actually be accurate, rather than grandiose. :-)

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I'll repeat my earlier report here: Apparently Canada has a labor shortage, and there may be a serious attempt to recruit Americans to immigrate. Be careful--get too many red-staters, and they may take over and vote to be annexed back south! :-)

On the opposite front, I recently heard a clever proposal that would immediately solve our southern border problem. Propose that Mexico be annexed, contingent upon approval of a national Mexican referenda.

If all that happened, we could change our name to USNA (United States of North America), and actually be accurate, rather than grandiose. :-)

The mistake we made with Canada was to draw the border in the wrong place. It should have gone North and South instead of East and West. :)

The Traveler

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Your welcome in Canada any time but always remember to take off your shoes when entering their homes.

Im not kidding it would be rude.

eat french fries served on a plate use a fork. Fast food is different.

An eraser is called a rubber, don’t laugh and say excuse me?

They cut their lawns not “mow it”, that is a bad sexual term.

And that’s just a start. :sparklygrin:

Whoooohh.. never heard of that stuffs..

I always say mow..

I thought a rubber was an english term..

I NEVER ear fries witha fork..

That is weird...



but shoes are too warm..

You must be uncomfy with them on!

Another disagree, we can either mow the lawn or cut it, it's all the same thing where I come from.

The noticeable differences I see are:

*Pop instead of Soda

*Grade whatever instead of whateverth grade (Grade 10 not tenth grade)

*We have public restrooms or bathrooms or washrooms in Canada, the USA have all those too except washrooms

I say washroom. lol

The rest is all good.. most people say pop..

I am the only canadian I know that likes soda better..

*We have monetary cheques not checks

*We have pretty money!

*We aren't obsessed with college football, infact compared with Americans we're pretty indifferent about it, we like our hockey; and we usually us the term University instead of College

We do have pretty money! :D

I was told unis and colleges were different..

We say, are you going to uni OR college....

Colleges are easier to get into and can give you courses needed for uni..

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