Willies Alert -HS Prank: Multiple points of failure!


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Why Why Why would the parents agree to this????

I'm all for packing up and leaving sodom and gomorrah now. I won't even look back...

Interesting reference considering what the Bible says happened between Lot and his daughters after the destruction of the two cities.

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huh, well if my dh kissed my daughter like that it would certainly change his living arrangement. And how do the kids learn to trust again? years of therapy? How do you get past that? I remember some very embarrassing things I did and had done to me in school, and I can only imagine those being aired on the internet for all to see, couple that with realizing my parent wants to kiss me like that... it actually has made me feel ill

We don't want to see our daughters kissing anyone like that, much less each one of us!

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Why wasn't CPS called? If these parents had done that to their kids anywhere else, they would be investigated. But, because it was a "prank", it was appropriate?

This was my first thought as well.

I don't recall which article I read (it was a few days ago) but I vaguely recall something about it not being made a big deal because none of the parents kissing or the youth being kissed complained or said they were uncomfortable. All the complaints came from onlookers. Though personally I have a hard time believing that, they just didn't voice the disgust they felt knowing mom/dad kissed them that way. However, if it is true the kids didn't have a problem with it there needs to be an investigation based on that alone. Any teen should have a problem with what happened (as should the parents).

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I was not going to chime in on this.

But, it's late so, what the heck...

I kiss my boys on the lips. Have done so since the day they were born.

They kiss me on the lips every day - when they get home from school, before bed, when they feel like it.

Wow. That makes me a pervert! And my kids are going to be scarred for life!

I've been through my fair share of kissing booths in high school. Nobody in their right mind kisses passionately while blindfolded - not knowing who the other person is. If a blindfolded teen-ager kisses someone passionately - something is wrong with that kid. Heck, even a non-blindfolded teen-ager kissing someone other than their girlfriend/boyfriend passionately rings warning bells.

I thought this kissing booth prank was hilarious. Yes, it hints incest... but... that was the whole point of the prank! So yes, it might be in poor taste when everybody knows everything always ends up in youtube and your neck of the woods might be completely cool but youtube connects them to today's hyper sexualized American society. Yes, it might not be something I would agree to if it was my school... but, fact remains, it was a completely innocent prank.

So, you're going to call CPS and do what? Remove the child from the parent? And then what? Put them in foster homes? And that's supposed to make it better?

Sometimes, people just apply too much sexuality on something completely innocent... kinda like how you can't tell your co-worker how pretty she is anymore without getting slapped with a sexual harrassment suit.

Coz, you know... the parents of Ridgemount High really wanted to have sex with their kids. Uhm, yeah.

Edited by anatess
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I kiss my boys on the lips. Have done so since the day they were born.

They kiss me on the lips every day - when they get home from school, before bed, when they feel like it.

Wow. That makes me a pervert! And my kids are going to be scarred for life!

If you do so passionately while pretending to be their girlfriend, then I agree with you.

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If you do so passionately while pretending to be their girlfriend, then I agree with you.

You mean, if I DON'T do it passionately... etc. etc.., right?

Hence the next paragraph to the post you quoted was this:

I've been through my fair share of kissing booths in high school. Nobody in their right mind kisses passionately while blindfolded - not knowing who the other person is. If a blindfolded teen-ager kisses someone passionately - something is wrong with that kid. Heck, even a non-blindfolded teen-ager kissing someone other than their girlfriend/boyfriend passionately rings warning bells.

Implied of course to that is that parents kissing their kids in a kissing prank will not do so passionately. I saw the video - a fuzzy, jumpy one - and saw only one questionable mother (the one in the white shirt) that liplocked for an extended period with the hand-on-bottom added effect. I don't see evidence of a passionate exchange - more of like a smoosh your face against the window kind of liplock. She played it out for added hilarity - which I guess was what made everybody laugh harder. I still give that mother the benefit of the doubt - she knows her relationship with her child better than anybody of us do.

You know what's really sad... we chose the song Daddy's Homecoming for Father's Day this year. And I had to make sure nobody objected to the song choice. :( I mean, if that song can be objectionable, a kissing prank has no chance in today's politically correct society.

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You know what's really sad... we chose the song Daddy's Homecoming for Father's Day this year. And I had to make sure nobody objected to the song choice. :( I mean, if that song can be objectionable, a kissing prank has no chance in today's politically correct society.

What could be objectionable about Daddy's Homecoming?

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What could be objectionable about Daddy's Homecoming?

From what I understood, a little girl in a ward... can't remember where... was molested by her father in a long period of time such that daddy's homecoming was something the girl dreaded. The song became a painful reminder of the event due to the physical relationship displayed in the song. The story got spread in other wards, thanks I'm sure to the internet which made Daddy's Homecoming take on an "eeky" vibe. Several wards took it out of singing time rotation which prompted me to verify with my primary presidency that we are still good with using the song on Father's Day.

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Rosemount High School Kiss Prank Leads to Apology | Video | TheBlaze.com

I just want to know how something like this didn't get stopped on multiple points? The most obvious two are:

1) The planning stage: How on earth did the planners think this was a good idea?

2) The recruiting parents stage: Why on earth would the parents agree to it? And some of those who did why on earth did they up the ante (I'm thinking of grope my butt mother).

It really boggles my mind that something like this even left the ground let alone made it as far as it did.

Never ever evre underestimate the power of human stupidity....

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One of my issues with the whole thing wasn't that they kissed them on the lips. I don't kiss my kids on the lips but I know ppl that do and see it as a personal preference. I have no issue with the parents that walked up, put hands on cheeks, and gave them a peck on the mouth (even if it was held a couple of seconds). My issue was with the ones that grabbed tight, moved kids hands to their butt, the one who had their kid on the floor, stroked the kid's hair after, etc. Those behaviors are a conscious decision as well as very sexual in nature for teens who are at a hormonal high.

There are age appropriate physical affections. Kids naturally pull away and start limiting certain kinds of contact. That is natural and good. I will scoop up my 3 yr old and give her a bear hug, kisses all over the face and pat her bottom as she runs away. Not so with my 10 yr old; bear hugs, kiss on the cheek, tousle his hair (which is different from affectionately stroking). My 16 yr old stepson I'm lucky to get a "man hug" and a firm pat on the back. Which is all ok, I can promise if I treated the 16 yr old like the 3 yr old he would be very disturbed by it.

My other issue is even if it's done right I don't find it a funny prank. But then I always hated pep rallies so maybe I'm just a scrooge. lol

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