Washington Post Article Thoughts?


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I think for you, Vort, this would be a good idea. At least your children would have the opportunity to meet their mother, or grandmother--or as I'm sure in your case--Both.


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I didn't say President Packer said that truth wasn't a good thing. My original statment if you look back was, "I tend to subscribe the concept that all truth is valuable (yes Elder Packer and I disagree..."

President Packer's exact quote was, "There is a temptation of the writer or teacher of Church history to want to tell everything, whether it is worthy of faith promoting or not. Some things that are true are not very useful."


I very much disagree - truth is only useful in the context in which it is used. If you are a parent you should have figured this out by now. The truth of which child started a fight is seldom if ever useful in teaching children true principles of how to get along with each other. The child that insists on projecting the "truth" is the most likely to not learn the more important true principles of forgiving.

This is "true" in more than children - the seeds of revenge and war are planted in the insistence of the truth being known.

The Traveler

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I very much disagree - truth is only useful in the context in which it is used. If you are a parent you should have figured this out by now. The truth of which child started a fight is seldom if ever useful in teaching children true principles of how to get along with each other. The child that insists on projecting the "truth" is the most likely to not learn the more important true principles of forgiving.

This is "true" in more than children - the seeds of revenge and war are planted in the insistence of the truth being known.

The Traveler

I fail to see how your interpretation contradicts President Packer's.

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I very much disagree - truth is only useful in the context in which it is used. If you are a parent you should have figured this out by now. The truth of which child started a fight is seldom if ever useful in teaching children true principles of how to get along with each other. The child that insists on projecting the "truth" is the most likely to not learn the more important true principles of forgiving.

This is "true" in more than children - the seeds of revenge and war are planted in the insistence of the truth being known.

The Traveler

Even the example you use is flawed. Consider what happened to me when I was a kid. Two of my brothers were off in the sagebrush playing with matches. My parents had gone for a walk and werent there to see them.

I went over to them and told them to stop. As we were "discussing" it my parents came into view and saw that the matches were being played with.

All three of us got a spanking for playing with matches.

Did the truth have a bearing on this childhood dispute? Yes. Did it have an effect? No. Not on the punishment anyway. It did have an effect long term in that I learned that you dont have to be wrong to be punished.

Truth does not create any problems. It is the reactions to truth that are sometimes a problem.

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Yes, I do. I consider myself a disciple of Christ, so the answer is yes.

Now don't be a coward, bytor. You suggested the question. Answer it.

Coward? Vort, you like to bait people, you like to bully....at least on the internet. Maybe you aren't like this in person...at least toward men anyways. I think your comments are over the top and often unnecessary and frequently they do not sound like someone that is very Christ like.. It's unfortunate, because there are times when I quite enjoy your posts.

Clear enough answer?

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Coward? Vort, you like to bait people, you like to bully....at least on the internet. Maybe you aren't like this in person...at least toward men anyways.

Funny. More accusations. I simply want you to back them up.

You asked a leading question about me. Now man up and answer it.

I think your comments are over the top and often unnecessary and frequently they do not sound like someone that is very Christ like.. It's unfortunate, because there are times when I quite enjoy your posts.

Clear enough answer?

No. Answer your question.

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