IVF (in vitro fertilization)


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I think any one who is willing to parent a child no matter how it was conceived is ok in my book. If God doesnt want it to be done then it wont happen. Period.

And for the record I would surrogate a baby for my sister, if I had one, in a sec. In cases where the mom or dad has no item to contribute to the baby then an outsider helping through iVF sounds great to me.

Babies are such a blessing it's wonderful to be able to have them no matter how scientifically it has to be done. Thank you, God, for making these ways possible!

My sentiments exactly.

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Sometimes when we hear God saying "No", what He's really saying is "not yet" or "not like this". Because what you've done so far hasn't worked, doesn't mean He doesn't want to give you this blessing. It just means the right time and the right method haven't synced up yet. I think that very, very rarely is the answer "You aren't supposed to have kids". The only time I've actually seen someone come to that, they weren't doing everything required to see the process through. Faith, doing what we can, having patience, being kind to yourselves and to each other. . . these are all hard but necessary parts of the process. But I hope you'll consider that there's another answer besides "it's not His will".

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I think that if God didnt want any one to have babies by IVF then He wouldnt let them attach. Or He wouldnt let us figure out a way to help them attach or He wouldnt help us figure out how to find a different way.

In other words He gave us brains to use to solve problems and this is a great example of how mankind has figured out how to get around serious road barriers to help couples have babies.

This is something mankind has figured out to HELP couples. Now if we could redirect more funds to helpful things wouldnt the world be a wonderful place? :)

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I'm getting hung up on something. I just found out (despite having many Catholic friends) that the Catholic church forbids IVF. In talking with a couple of Catholic friends, the reasoning for this sounds weak and opinionated to me. Not doctrinal or "biblical". They suggest it weakens marital relations, masturbation necessary to obtain the sperm is forbidden, it destroys the sanctity of life and the way God intended for babies to be conceived, etc.

Is there anything in the scriptures or within the doctrine of the LDS church that would forbid IVF? I have some good friends who conceived triplets this way after many many years of infertility. These children were such a blessing. Later they conceived one more child on their own. There is no difference as far as I can tell in the amount of love they have for any of their children. All their children are treasured and valued. The couple's marriage is strong. He is in the bishopric, she's Primary president and they are without a doubt some of the most devoted and wise parents I've ever met.

In trying to explain my own views to my Catholic friends I get so much dismissal of all the good that comes from this medical technology. They call it "intrinsically evil". They say that as in rape, God can still intervene with something good (a baby) even though the act that brought it about is evil.

I can't see any reason not to if the donor was the husband, and that this was pretty much the last method available to have kids... however if it's from another person then is it any different from having sex outside of marriage for the sake of having children?
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however if it's from another person then is it any different from having sex outside of marriage for the sake of having children?


I dislike the idea of "donor sperm", but I certainly do not think it's tantamount to adultery.

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I can't see any reason not to if the donor was the husband, and that this was pretty much the last method available to have kids... however if it's from another person then is it any different from having sex outside of marriage for the sake of having children?

I agree with Vort and Carlimac. It's NOT the same.

I'd rather adopt than use sperm from anyone other than my husband. I'm not so hung up on the going through pregnancy and birth process, nor the idea of seeing ME in the child. If the baby isn't created by me and my husband, then I'm opting to adopt. But to reiterate, I don't equate using sperm/egg from a stranger as committing adultery or even close to that. It's just not something I'd personally do. My husband feels the same way, he'd never donate sperm.

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Lets look at this issue from a different direction

First we know man and woman are not meant to live life alone but many of us find that is the life we live.

Second many couples want a family and life sometimes seems to block that joy.

Third we all know we are here for a reason that can take us a life time to figure out.

So with this knowledge we know that somewhere in the world there just might be that special someone for us but we may have to work very hard to find them. Also we know some of us are going to be alone in this life because of issues we have with relationships because of what this life has handed us.

We know if we find that special someone that having a family may or may not happen and also that family has many meanings that are different to different people. Adopting is not a bad thing I have several adopted kids and they are all my kids period. Why because the good Lord put it in my head that I was to do this thing. I am divorced now and get to see some of these kids and you know something almost all of them still think of me as their dad and yes they know they are adopted the ex thought that would pull them away from me but it has backfired as they want to know more about me.

I knew a dear friend of mine years ago that married and the one partner wanted nothing to do with kids and the marriage ended real fast like in less than a year and it was a long time before another partner showed up. They had some kids adopted some and you know when you look at a family picture you can not tell the biological kids from the adopted kids.

the good Lord gave us a mission sometimes several to work on here in this life. I have found that Job and I have some of the same roads to travel and wonder if that is part of my tasks here. I have been widowed, divorced and now alone again and wonder sometimes did I really screw up that bad that I am totally unworthy to have a companion in this life? I don't know that answer yet but I keep trying to find it and it is the same when we talk about children the many ways they can get here and what is best for us as a couple.

I know some single members that wish so much to have a child that they can call their own, but they know at their ages it is not to be in this life. One has other siblings that have families and kids and they have been accepted into that large family structure as another co-parent and in one case they are the ones who are paying so the kids can go to college as being single they were able to take a job that paid well but would not have been good for a relationship as they are always traveling.

Life is so much more than is the this couple able to produce a blood related off spring. Think about this what would you say to your son or daughter that found out they could not produce a child with all the medical means of today and they so wanted to be parents? Adoption is not an option either, how would you console them in their hour of dis pare ?

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  • 1 year later...
Guest JesicaMcguire

In connection with your post In my own opinion its better to conceive in natural but since not all woman has the capability to conceive in natural way in vitro fertilization will help them to conceive if they having a hard time conceiving but if you have the capability conceive naturally better not use this method.

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