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Someone told me to leave this site because I am too young and don't know what I am talking about (or something) so I am, but I do choose to keep posting my blog here, because I can't find another LDS site to and Latterdayspace hasn't responded to my help request.... so I guess until that is fixed, I am still semi here.

Anyway. Bye bye!


I never got to use this one yet, and I always wanted to! :tinfoil:

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Yes you are young, and yes you sometimes seem to be confused or not have all the answers. but who ever told you that obviously doesn't have all the answers either. the point is that you have a zeal for you testamony, and you have a zeal for learning. that is all that matters in the gospel, we learn, our testamonies grow, and we do the best we can to act on that. i think you should not leave, you bring a wonderful spirit of youth to this board. i would caution you to not respond to every post or every person. in my view there are those here that want to confuse and bait you (personaly). they have more knowledge and enjoy this game, however, to be learned is good only if you harken to the counsel of god. there are some posts here that i know by reading them are not about true learning and desirous to bait and confuse, contention would be the point. do not indulge them. do not take the bait, all it will do is make your quest for truth harder. re read your question and replies about fear of becoming apostate. listening to the deceving tounge of everyone who comes in here will take you down that road, but to think you have nothing to offer is compleatly wrong. choose carefully who and to what you will respond, it is ok to say, i'm not responding to that or igonre all together. if you can't resist the urge to respond then it may be best to leave so as not to place yourself into the deceptions of the adversary. but if you choose this choose it for your best good, not because someone who thinks they are better told you to leave. i personaly enjoy your presence here. there are so many topics to discuss without it being a debate. there is a lot of support to be had, and traveling through this life requires support. If you would like to discuss this without all the eyes feel free to pm me. ponder carefuly, you are a daughter of God and therefore are a princess who diserves all the wonderful things your Heavenly Father has in store for you. Follow him, not the toungs of deception to be found in the world.

God Bless


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Guest ApostleKnight

Just in case my PM's aren't enough by themselves, Des, I'll repeat that you should stay. Only leave if you want to, not because someone else made themselves your judge. I like your posts. I think you're getting the picture by now that we all like your posts. Whoever told her to leave, why not admit it and tell us why?

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Desire, whoever told you to leave is crazy. You don't have to listen to them. It is your choice, if you like the place please stay. Your posts are fun to read and ever now and then you make me giggle. If the younger folk don't come who will look after the place when us oldtimers are gone. :)


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Although we disagree about many things, I like to hear about what's going on with you, and I totally respect your right to voice your opinions. I think it's rude that someone asked you to leave. No one has a right to do that. I agree that you should only leave if it is YOUR decision... not because someone told you to!

I do agree with ALMom that maybe you should shrug off the need to respond to things that upset you... just because you respond doesn't mean you agree with what someone posted.

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I do agree with ALMom that maybe you should shrug off the need to respond to things that upset you... just because you respond doesn't mean you agree with what someone posted.

That might be good advice for all of us to heed. Ever notice how some people always have to have the last word on everything. Usually by the second post, and certainly by the third post we all know their views on a subject and the oppositions views, but sooner or later the discussion degrades into personal attacks on others. We see it time and again on here, and it usually results in some lingering hard feelings.

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Someone told me to leave this site because I am too young and don't know what I am talking about (or something) so I am, but I do choose to keep posting my blog here, because I can't find another LDS site to and Latterdayspace hasn't responded to my help request.... so I guess until that is fixed, I am still semi here.

Anyway. Bye bye!

What? Young lady...don't you dare stop posting here just because someone told you not to....I for one enjoy your posts and your free spirit!

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