Favorite part of GC April 1, 2012


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For me it was a hymn Sunday AM Session.


I felt the spirit mightily.

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,

Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;

Streams of mercy, never ceasing,

Call for songs of loudest praise.

Teach me some melodious sonnet,

Sung by flaming tongues above.

Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it,

Mount of Thy redeeming love.

2. Here I raise my Ebenezer;

Hither by Thy help I’ve come;

And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,

Safely to arrive at home.

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,

Prone to leave the God I love;

Here's my heart, O take and seal it;

Seal it for Thy courts above.

3. Jesus sought me when a stranger,

Wandering from the fold of God;

He, to rescue me from danger,

Interposed His precious blood.

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,

Prone to leave the God I love;

Here's my heart, O take and seal it;

Seal it for Thy courts above.

4. O to grace how great a debtor

Daily I'm constrained to be!

Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,

Bind my wandering heart to Thee:

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,

Prone to leave the God I love;

Here's my heart, O take and seal it;

Seal it for Thy courts above.

Wish it was in the Hymnal.

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Thats one of my fave hymns. I so wish we could have it in our hymnbook. (someday i'm gona cannibalise a hymnbook that has it)

It used to be in our hymn book. If you find a pre-1985 issue you'll see it in there. I've always wondered why they took it out. :confused:

My favorite part of conference was Pres. Uchtdorf's talk. Wonderful and he always seems to do something that makes the message of his talks easy to remember. "Stop it!" :lol:

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It used to be in our hymn book. If you find a pre-1985 issue you'll see it in there. I've always wondered why they took it out. :confused:

Copyright issues.

My favorite part of conference was Pres. Uchtdorf's talk. Wonderful and he always seems to do something that makes the message of his talks easy to remember. "Stop it!" :lol:

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It used to be in our hymn book. If you find a pre-1985 issue you'll see it in there. I've always wondered why they took it out. :confused:

My favorite part of conference was Pres. Uchtdorf's talk. Wonderful and he always seems to do something that makes the message of his talks easy to remember. "Stop it!" :lol:

I didn't realize this had been removed in 1985! What a sad loss.

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I'm a bit of a cynic. One of the most enjoyable parts of conference, for me, was watching how the left wing of the Church went into conniptions merely because Elder Christofferson dared to assert that the Apostles, not the intelligentsia, have the authority to promulgate LDS doctrine.

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I'm a bit of a cynic. One of the most enjoyable parts of conference, for me, was watching how the left wing of the Church went into conniptions merely because Elder Christofferson dared to assert that the Apostles, not the intelligentsia, have the authority to promulgate LDS doctrine.

When one of the Apostles spoke about a gap between rich and poor the right went into conniptions.

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I'm a bit of a cynic. One of the most enjoyable parts of conference, for me, was watching how the left wing of the Church went into conniptions merely because Elder Christofferson dared to assert that the Apostles, not the intelligentsia, have the authority to promulgate LDS doctrine.

Meee toooo! Try and translate that :D

I um,... I recorded conference and fast forwarded through the music. :(

Edited by Magen_Avot
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I'm a bit of a cynic. One of the most enjoyable parts of conference, for me, was watching how the left wing of the Church went into conniptions merely because Elder Christofferson dared to assert that the Apostles, not the intelligentsia, have the authority to promulgate LDS doctrine.

(Lest there be any confusion, I was referring to the "theological" left, not the "political" left. Probably should have chosen my terminology more carefully.)

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I'm a bit of a cynic. One of the most enjoyable parts of conference, for me, was watching how the left wing of the Church went into conniptions merely because Elder Christofferson dared to assert that the Apostles, not the intelligentsia, have the authority to promulgate LDS doctrine.

Exactly what Christ would do, eh? (Take pleasure in the discomfiture of other people.)

I've never heard the expression "left wing of the Church," but I assume you mean theological liberals who don't necessarily take every word of the scriptures to be historical fact, or every word spoken over the pulpit as though it came straight from God's mouth. Actually, the reviews of Elder Christofferson's talk by (theologically) liberal Mormons that I've heard have been more nuanced than you give them credit for. They point out that Elder Christofferson said that not every word that an apostle or prophet speaks is necessarily doctrine, and that the only way to know for sure is to receive personal revelation confirming what the prophets and apostles say. Theological liberals like those ideas, my friend! ;)

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