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I did instinctively flinch scrolling down, but it was more humerous than frightening. ;)

I don't wear any kind of eye-liner due to my phobia- had to once for a play and had to have somebody else put it on for me while I rolled my eyes back so I couldn't see what they were doing, and I still kept flinching when I'd feel it. Can't watch doctors give me shots either- Tried to once thinking I could overcome my phobia by talking myself out of it, and I ended up hyperventilating when I saw the needle. Mostly I just get very uncomfortable and squirmy when I see something "pokey" in a film, but when it is actually aimed toward me I freak out.

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So I guess that means that 3D movies are out?

Actually, no. My brain recognizes that it is fake, and after I initially jump I'm fine. I've found all the 3D movies I have watched enjoyable and am actually now thinking that maybe this could be a potential way for me to overcome the fear.... Hmm... Now I must hunt down every 3D movie with pokey objects so that I can watch them and see if it has any desensitizing effect....

EDIT: I see now how my previous post was confusing. I don't freak out when pokey objects are aimed toward me when watching a film. When I said "actually", I meant "in real life". So real life objects directed toward poking me cause me to freak out.

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Guest xforeverxmetalx

I once thought I had hippopotomonstrosesqwpedaliophobia until they ran some tests and found out it was actually hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. Boy was I relieved.


Sorry, I had to. ^_^

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Nope. A sesquippedalian is a person who likes/uses long words, so it has something to do with that.

(That was kind of the joke. "Sesquipedalian" -- one 'p' -- means literally "a foot and a half long".)

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Sorry, I had to. ^_^

Thanks xforevermetalx, when I wrote it out long handed, I had the 'i' connected to the 'u' which looked like a 'w'. I wonder what the phobia is for misspelled words?

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