Done with it!

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After being in a marriage for over 5 years, married to a spouse who is a sex addict, I've decided to set sail on another ship. I'm exhausted, mentally and physically from all the wrong choices he has made that have affected our marriage. He has not shown any signs of improvement. He talks down to me and our two children when he certainly has no room to speak. I'm tired of it. Tired of hurting. Tired of the cycle he puts us threw. Ugh. Now where to go from here. All I can do now is turn this hurt and pain over to the Lord and have Him guide me. I don't know where we (my daughters and I) will go, or what I'm going to do from here. I have a college degree. I can get a job, but I hate the thought of having my girls in day care when I've been the one caring for them since they were born. A lot of things are about to change and I pray and hope things will look up soon...

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Been there done that. While the financial part was tough..emotionally I finally saw light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

I wish you the best of luck.

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I'm trying Pam. Trying to have faith about what the future has enstored for us. I'm nervous, but I know it will all work out.

Totally understandable about being nervous. It's a huge life change. It's scary. You'll have more responsibilities at times than you will know what to do with or how to handle. I'm not saying that to frighten you. Just being realistic as someone that has been there. But you are right. It will all work out. Just keep the faith.

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I wish you the best as you chart this new course for your family. I hope you've made the decision carefully and prayerfully, and not out of frustration. Remember that such a big change will present very new challenges, but it will all be worth it if it is truly the right course for you and yours. Make sure all your legal matters are in order. As a single mother and aunt to two nephews from a divided family, I would be glad to offer you whatever comfort and advice I can from my experience. And I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

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Sorry to hear of what you are going through:(

My advice is to just take it one step at a time and hold on to your faith. You are doing the right thing.

I have been there in a way as my ex husband walked out on me and our 2 year old son right after we found out he was autistic ( he went off with my best friend but thats another story)

I was scared and felt like I couldnt go on..didnt feel brave enough.

I only worked 2 days a week as a nurse and didnt know if we could survive financially.

By taking it a day at a time I worked my way through the sadness and came out the other side.

After a year I met a lovely man and we have now been together 5 years and are married.

I can now see that the first life wasnt for wasnt my path and despite the sadness I had to go through I am glad it all happened.

Wishing you all the luck in the world to you and your daughters...stay strong xx

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  • 2 weeks later...

It DOES get better. There are a lot of things that become easier when you finally let go.

You will no longer be the keeper of his secrets. Your pain will be more evident to others and help will present itself. You may have to swallow your pride and ask for help, but it will be there.

Heavenly Father will bless you for your years of faithfulness. He knows your heart. You will be blessed.

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