Marriage in general...


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What do I think of marriage? ...

I think marriage is the ultimate refiners fire, which brings out both the best and worst of our character.

We are given the opportunity to sacrifice and serve while being blessed by the sacrifice and service of another. The success of marriage depends on each party's willingness to give, forgive, and pursue perfection. One must be willing to take on greater responsibilities yet recognize when things are beyond their control, and let go.

It is a partnership dedicated to the growth and development of not only each other, but of children. It is a sacred calling in which a man and woman are trusted with the raising, rearing, guiding, teaching, and care of young people who will move on to become new leaders and builders and shapers of the future. It's ultimate goal is to see everyone enriched beyond measure as they work together in conquering their imperfections.

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What do I think of marriage? ...

I think marriage is the ultimate refiners fire, which brings out both the best and worst of our character.

We are given the opportunity to sacrifice and serve while being blessed by the sacrifice and service of another. The success of marriage depends on each party's willingness to give, forgive, and pursue perfection. One must be willing to take on greater responsibilities yet recognize when things are beyond their control, and let go.

It is a partnership dedicated to the growth and development of not only each other, but of children. It is a sacred calling in which a man and woman are trusted with the raising, rearing, guiding, teaching, and care of young people who will move on to become new leaders and builders and shapers of the future. It's ultimate goal is to see everyone enriched beyond measure as they work together in conquering their imperfections.

Judo... I have a cousin...

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I love marriage--the sharing, giving, friendship, intimacy, our children, etc. But, I don't always love my spouse. Is that a terrible thing to say? For me, because of my husband's baggage he brought into our marriage (he was previously married/with children), it has brought a lot of heart ache and despair. After 30 plus years of marriage, I still don't know if we're going to make it. There's still issues that haven't been resolved. And yet, I would say we have a good marriage. His needs are easy to be met (physical), mine are much more difficult (emotional).

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I love marriage--the sharing, giving, friendship, intimacy, our children, etc. But, I don't always love my spouse. Is that a terrible thing to say? For me, because of my husband's baggage he brought into our marriage (he was previously married/with children), it has brought a lot of heart ache and despair. After 30 plus years of marriage, I still don't know if we're going to make it. There's still issues that haven't been resolved. And yet, I would say we have a good marriage. His needs are easy to be met (physical), mine are much more difficult (emotional).

Classylady... if you don't mind me asking... what is your definition of love?

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Anatess, sorry, I don't have a definition of love.

Is it possible that you really do love your spouse, you just want to knock him upside the head sometimes like Anne? :)

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As I have worked with married couples in counseling, I have found that one of the strongest aspects of couples that make marriage last throughout the years is commitment. One of the reasons I think members who marry in the temple divorce less is because of their commitment to each other. Having a temple marriage further deepens that commitment.

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So what do y'all think of marriage? Is that general enough? ;)

My first marriage was my refiners fire. No way would I repeat it. It was bliss for about 5 years, then it was Hades for the next 22. Without the trials and tribulations I went through, I would not be the me I am today.

Coming back to activity in the Church at the same time I decided to leave hubby one, is what kept me from becoming a negative, vengeful, malicious shrew of a woman.

Realizing that I made it out of marriage from Hades alive and with all of my parts intact made me a more adventurous person.

Second marriage is to an active priesthood holder. He has been through 3 marriages from Hades- so he has been through quite the refiners fire. When he stated to me that he had "Danced with the Devil, AND survived, I knew that I too had been there, done that, aint going to repeat those steps!!

Hubby Two and I are sealed, we both are active in Church, and we both are serious about nurturing ourselves and each other spiritually.

For the first 6 years of our marriage, we were bombarded with his families (youngest brother is baptized, but totally inactive and should be exed) dysfunctions - emotionally draining dramas - negativity.

We moved back to my beloved Oregon Coast, and now we get to be bombarded with my families (all but my oldest brother are super active LDS members) dysfunctions - emotionally draining dramas - negativity.

Actually, my eldest brother and Hubby have bonded without any help from me. They both have interests in guns. Through that commonality they discovered they enjoy the same brand of humor.

Oh, back to the original question: I strive to have the decency, respect, compassion & humor that my parents had in and put into their marriage.

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Love marriage, my marriage, that is. There's a lot of crappy marriages out there but I'm fortunate not to be in one. Words don't even begin to express the joy and happiness I feel being with my husband. He's truly my knight in shining armour. Not sure what I did to deserve such a wonderful partner but I did something right! That said, of course, we have our disagreements but we've never had fights that are so ugly that we've threatened separation or divorce - or have even thought about it. If it came to it, it'd be me and him against the world.

My last marriage, was a mess. I would never wish it on anyone.

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I appreciate all the input. Actually...I was being sarcastic because the gay marriage in North Carolina thread got closed, I assume due to references to politics. A couple of my posts got deleted (still wondering what I said wrong? I even read the rules). But anyway, there have been some very nice things said on this thread, despite my ridiculous motive for posting it.

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I appreciate all the input. Actually...I was being sarcastic because the gay marriage in North Carolina thread got closed, I assume due to references to politics. A couple of my posts got deleted (still wondering what I said wrong? I even read the rules). But anyway, there have been some very nice things said on this thread, despite my ridiculous motive for posting it.

Marriage is the greatest most noble, moral and sacred commitment besides being the highest sacrifice an individual can make for G-d, society, the legacy of mankind and the future hope of all humanity. Marriage lies at the heart and core in the struggle between good and evil and is by choice the one great covenant and commitment necessary that in order to be counted with anything good one must be willing to support more than they value even their own life. It is the greatest achievement of mankind and without question the most enduring power given to humans as male and female partners from the very foundation of the divine pillars of creation.

One of the greatest evils that can be committed against mankind is to distress, falsify the importance or ruin that which is reserved as both necessary and sacred for those that would marry or have hope in marriage as the means to support and maintain our future as a species – not just in this mortal existence but the only hope for any tomorrow. I personally know of nothing that man has learned in all our existence that is more important or vital to a lasting well being of humanity.

The Traveler

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