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Detroit groundskeeper fired after finding loaded gun, handing it to cops | Fox News

He finds a gun at work, isn't able to to turn it in right away, then turns it into the police. Then after 27 years on the job, finds out that he "possessed" the firearm and was fired.

Has common sense and decency completely left this world?

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Share on other sites That is totally ridiculous. What did the bosses want him to do? Leave it there for someone else to find and possibly get hurt?

Okay so maybe he could have made a phone call and had police come to him. But to outright fire him when no policy is in place? Ridiculous.

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Any good citizen of Detroit would keep the gun and find a way to use it, as soon as possible.

Seriously, that is really sad and totally ridiculous. Poor guy.

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There has to be an update to this story. Either a union or a lawyer or a level-headed superior has to jump in and say, "Woe...the guy has his job back, and this misapplication of policy is being investigated."

When someone finds this update, please post it.

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There has to be an update to this story. Either a union or a lawyer or a level-headed superior has to jump in and say, "Woe...the guy has his job back, and this misapplication of policy is being investigated."

When someone finds this update, please post it.

Unless they want him fired so they don't have to pay him a pension- 27 years on the job!

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There has to be an update to this story. Either a union or a lawyer or a level-headed superior has to jump in and say, "Woe...the guy has his job back, and this misapplication of policy is being investigated."

When someone finds this update, please post it.

According to this, the last paragraph states that the union has filed a grievance.

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Unless they want him fired so they don't have to pay him a pension- 27 years on the job!

That is, IMO, exactly why they fired him. They were just looking for an excuse. Too many people getting ready to retire get fired for stupid reasons, just because their employer doesn't want to pay the pension.

This guy did the right thing, the responsible thing, and look what he gets for it! :mad:

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I personally don't think we can draw any conclusions about anything from this story, other than "Don't live or work in Detroit". Seriously.

From what they tell me, Detroit PD can't respond to 911 emergencies in under 15 or 20 minutes, and they simply can't respond at all to someone finding a gun.

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