Coming back to the church after a 26 year absence ADVICE PLEASE


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My understanding is that bishops are not excommunicating as much as before because it isn't always necessary and the emotions involved can keep otherwise good people from returning to the church because they give up. You were very young when you left though. I would be surprised if he does anything more than give you some recommendations for how to go about strengthening your newfound testimony. Go forward, knowing the lord loves you and that you have the support and love of your family and ward (not to mention all of us and we don't even know you in real life). Things will be fine. Enjoy your new calling!

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Well I gave the Pastor my letter today. I had to go to the Lutheran Church because they were having a reception for my daughter and I hated every minute of it. BUT I gave him the letter he now knows where I stand. Now I am going to talk with the Bishop tomorrow and set up a meeting. I feel really good inside after giving that letter.

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I joined this site yesterday, and have not been active in the church since my return from Viet Nam in the early 70's.

I have always been a true believer, never doubted the church in any way, but due to my Viet Nam service I had a lot of baggage that I could not overcome and or unload I stayed away from all churches.

My now deceased wife of 34 years who died only last month and I talked about my returning to the church [she was not a member] but for merely being lazy I guess and my baggage I failed to start that journey.

Now I feel I must redeem myself and find a way to begin that journey, so I can hope to be reunited with my dear wife when my time comes. I am not a young man I am in my 60's and never made it beyond being ordained a Priest before my Naval enlistment after high school in 1968.

It feels as if I must start over from square one and that too is scary, especially being now I don't have the support of my wife, she was my rudder in life.

I have to assume that most on this site are much younger than I, but I must admit being lost in life currently and my emotions are still very raw due to the lost of my wife.

My other major concerns is the feeling about returning is being a total hypocrite, because not only because of my sins of the last 40 years but also due to my still being in violation of the Words of Wisdom and my struggles with that.

I will admit that I have become a much better person due to my wife, and I have made a true effort to work on my behavior, because I wanted to make her proud of me and be a better husband and father, as well as grandfather of my 9 grandchildren, none of which are members of the church, because I did not live it when they were growing up.

So you are not alone.

It have been the mission of an older gentlemen who stops by once a month to get me back into the fold, and I have asked him to begin to steer me back to the right path, but I am not sure that is enough.

But as I have learned in my 60 plus year is that each journey must begin with the first step, so being thiss is step two I hope to have started.

Edited by kartvines
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My other major concerns is the feeling about returning is being a total hypocrite, because not only my sins of the last 40 years but also due to my still being in violation of the Words of Wisdom and my struggles with that.

Kartvines, What good is the church if we dont have any problems? It's like having a hispital for only healthy people. We are all in the same boat as far as living in sin. That is why we have Christ's sacrifice and the sacrament every week. I admire your courage and know that the path that you have stated will lead to happiness.

Welcome back Brother.

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I was worried about how I would be accepted too but the ward members have been so nice to me. I love the way I feel when I am there. so at peace and like I have come home. Trust in the lord and PRAY. Prayer has helped me TONS

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My other major concerns is the feeling about returning is being a total hypocrite, because not only because of my sins of the last 40 years but also due to my still being in violation of the Words of Wisdom and my struggles with that.

If only those without sin could attend church, we'd have a lot of empty buildings.

I'm sorry to hear about your wife. It's always hard losing a loved one. But think of the opportunities that could come your way. Coming back to activity, working towards going to the temple and having the work done for your wife.

But one step at a time. Baby steps if need be.

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Welcome back! I was inactive for about 5 years, and just returned to activity. My wife and I are being sealed in the temple tomorrow!

I am very happy for you that you came back to the Church. Having been raised Lutheran, I can say that there are many, many great Lutherans out there. But the Lutheran Church doesn't have the Restored Gospel or Priesthood authority. So again, welcome back! Meet with your bishop and he'll guide you. Don't worry!


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I'm not LDS, but my guess is that people only get excommunicated if they're not repentant, or are found to be practicing polygamy. I could be wrong, but while you were baptized in another church, it might not be enough for excommunication since it's obvious you really want to return to the LDS church. As the LDS church teaches that its own baptism is the only valid one, your baptism technically doesn't count since you never had your name removed from the LDS church's records.

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Dear paw722,

So happy to hear the great news! You are having the courage and faith to follow your spirit. It doesn't matter if it's been 26 days or 26 years, having courage and faith to follow the promptings of you spirit can be trying and difficult. While I may not be an expert on church doctrine (I don't believe you having been baptized Lutheran changes anything, let alone warranting excommunication), I would like to shift your perspective for one moment. Let me ask you one question. Who do you believe wants you to fear returning to our Heavenly Father? The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings love, peace, joy, and happiness. If it is fear you are feeling, my suggestion would be to "consider the source". It isn't from your Heavenly Father. Continue having faith and courage, do not allow the adversary to bring you down with the "what if's..." :)

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  • 6 months later...

UPDATE......SO while I should have talked to the Bishop MONTHS ago I didn't. I just didn't have the self confidence. Well today I was given a note during sacrament that the Bishop would like to talk to me after church. After church I went into his office and he asked me if I would ever consider talking in church. I told him I didn't know if I knew enough to be able to do that. He said he would provide me with a topic and give me articles to help me. I said ok....Then I said Bishop I have some things I want to talk to you about. He said should we pray and I said yes please. We prayed and then I explained to him why I left the church at 16 and that when I had kids I wanted them to know about God and Jesus and started going to church with my mother in law. I told him how I was baptized into the Lutheran Church. I then shared with him the letter I wrote to the Lutheran Pastor back in May ( that I have carried in my church bag since may just waiting for the oportunity) I know I should have done it long before know but was scared and didn't have the strength to do what I know I should have. Last night I couldn't sleep and woke up at least 6/7 times. I had a don't go to church feeling but I got up and said Devil I am going to church go away. SOOOO glad I was strong enough to shake off the don't go to church feeling. The Bishop was very understanding and said that I did everything I should have and that he would have asked me to do. I asked him about me taking the sacrament and he told me to continue to. He asked that I continue to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it every day and that I attend the Gospil Principle Sunday School class to help me fill in the holes. I feel so much better after talking to him. Thank you to everyone for your support it means so much.

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