The world is watching


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I ran across this little article in the Washington Post. Mormons struggling with doubt turn to online support groups - The Washington Post

I think it highlights why we need to be careful about what we say in forums like this. Many come here questioning. I think we should always refer those whose faith is shaky back to the basics, scripture, words of the prophets in modern days, Conference talks, the official church website, etc.

Forums to discuss generalities are fine but I think there is some danger in delving into the mysteries too much or trying to come up with answers on our own for really dicey questions that people have.

There is so much misinformation out there. As I read the comments on articles like this I just have to sigh. How do people come up with some of the stuff they do? Oh that's right, from folks who don't know for sure and make it up, speculate, distort the truth for whatever impressions they want to make, or simply parrot something they've heard.

Edited by carlimac
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But, at the same time, this is an excellent forum to delve on speculation. There are so many knowledgeable people here that answers always end up presenting multiple sides of everything. And it's clear - at least to me - what is speculation and what is official doctrine.

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I'm not familiar enough with users on this forum to recognize anyone.

Well if you would pop your head out of the homosexual threads on occasion you might get to know people. :P

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I have the article on the other screen and would like to comment. I think that struggling with faith is good. It is the holy jihad of the soul. I want to understand God better and it seems that lots of us do also.

A problem for me is that I know what some other faiths believe and it causes me to get mixed up sometimes. So, I frequently have to go back and study the basics and it helps me to know our beliefs more completely.

Prop 8 was a problem for me, not because I believe in homosexual intercourse, but because I too have been judged in a very unkind way by other people and I would just not do that to anyone else. They felt that I was committing immoral acts, when I actually had done nothing at all. It would perhaps be less painful to just kill those whose life styles repulse us.

The article mentions Polygamy as usual and I don't actually care if it is practiced or not. Having been asked to be wife #2 when I was Muslim, it is no shock to me. Of course, I went right to wife #1 and asked her and she said NO. So for me it was easy. I said NO. Sure, the presidency says offenders shall be excommunicated if discovered. Does that mean that if you do it, the marriage has to be on the shtum? As long as no one is hurt, I don't care. Its better than living alone with 5 children and no husband.

Even if the book of Mormon is simply metaphorical, there are still a lot of good principles in it. And even high up guys in the church mention that we have not found archaeological proof. That's not a problem to me. We still have not found the Ark, we don't know where Moses parted the red sea. There are conflicting documents about what happened to Jesus Christ at the killing ground. I just think of Hebrews 11:1. "Faith is the substance of the things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen".

I have seen too much to just walk away from faith. Mormons have been "the good samaritan" to me. And through the unsolicited aid from the church, I found further proof about me that shows that what my detractors think was never true.

Sure, there are issues that people dissemble about. I just know that I will Choose The Right when I know what that is.

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I dont think we shouldnt be scared of posting, not that you are saying we should. I agree we should post knowing people may be watching. The great thing about the forum is that if I mis-speak, I know there are plenty out there that feel okay to politely correct me. There will always be people watching. This is what draws people towards us. Some of us may truely beleive what we write, only to find out later that we were not doctrinally sound on our opinion.

We shouldnt make guesses sound like doctrinal principles however. But I for one am not worried about if people are watching.

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I dont think we shouldnt be scared of posting, not that you are saying we should. I agree we should post knowing people may be watching. The great thing about the forum is that if I mis-speak, I know there are plenty out there that feel okay to politely correct me. There will always be people watching. This is what draws people towards us. Some of us may truely beleive what we write, only to find out later that we were not doctrinally sound on our opinion.

We shouldnt make guesses sound like doctrinal principles however. But I for one am not worried about if people are watching.

This (the red sentence) is mostly what I mean by the world watching. Obviously the whole world is not literally watching us, but we do need to be aware that we have no idea who is lurking. Could be those that the article is talking about- the fence sitters who have very fragile testimonies and we need to make sure that what we write isdoctrinally sound so that we're not perpetuating rumors and false doctrine.

I'm not suggesting at all that we should be afraid to post. In fact just the opposite. We need to be examples of truth.

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Sometimes we just need to be examples of human beings with some very different ideas and opinions even from the rest of 'Mormons'.

One of the most prevalent ideas non mormons have is that we all walk quickstep with each other and with leaders with no ideas, opinions or brains of our own. Being open will surely help dispel that notion rather quickly.

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Sometimes we just need to be examples of human beings with some very different ideas and opinions even from the rest of 'Mormons'.

One of the most prevalent ideas non mormons have is that we all walk quickstep with each other and with leaders with no ideas, opinions or brains of our own. Being open will surely help dispel that notion rather quickly.

I think it's quite possible to be human and imperfect (just look at the heckling I've gotten here), and even ask questions without coming across as borderline apostate.

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ok then :) Another misunderstanding averted!

The internet is a rotten place to try to make oneself understood to strangers. Especially without the benefits of tone of voice and facial expression. Sometimes I seriously question the wisdom of even trying. Seems so fruitless sometimes. Probably better for me to just go play with my kids or fold the laundry or help my neighbors or volunteer at the homeless shelter than to endlessly try to make myself understood in online forums. Know what I mean? :cool:

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Well DUH Pam. What do you think this thread is?? It's not remotely about SSA. Perhaps you could pay better attention yourself.

Sheesh chill out. Did you not notice the :P at the end of my comment. That meant I was teasing you.

And in all fairness, the article you provided a link to did mention homosexuality in 2 of the paragraphs. Just saying...

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Sometimes we just need to be examples of human beings with some very different ideas and opinions even from the rest of 'Mormons'.

One of the most prevalent ideas non mormons have is that we all walk quickstep with each other and with leaders with no ideas, opinions or brains of our own. Being open will surely help dispel that notion rather quickly.

That is very true, and it seems to be the idea behind the "I Am A Mormon" campaign. Problem is, you do run into Mormons who insist that their opinion is the very definition of orthodoxy, and get all unpleasant with those who disagree. Ah well, what can you do, other than what you say, set a good example? ;)
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