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1. Why do we have to pay a tip to people other than waiter/waitress? A hair dresser, manicurist, etc. all make normal wages. Why is it expected we tip them? How bad is it if they are not tipped?

2. What are some ways to earn extra money from the internet? Medical transcribing comes to mind, but doesn't that need some kind of certification? What are other ways to earn a little extra?

3. How is threading your brows any better than plucking or waxing them? Is it more expensive? Is it more painful than plucking?

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1. Why do we have to pay a tip to people other than waiter/waitress? A hair dresser, manicurist, etc. all make normal wages. Why is it expected we tip them? How bad is it if they are not tipped? Who doesnt like to get tipped. I think that in services where you may see the same people again and again....it is wise to tip. Especially if it has to do with your appearance.

2. What are some ways to earn extra money from the internet? Medical transcribing comes to mind, but doesn't that need some kind of certification? What are other ways to earn a little extra? You can basically start your own business with little startup costs by using the internet. You no longer have to have an office, or main street location. You can make some cash by sharing your tallents on youtube. There are plenty of lifers that do that full time. You just have to be creative and good at what you do.

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1. Why do we have to pay a tip to people other than waiter/waitress? A hair dresser, manicurist, etc. all make normal wages. Why is it expected we tip them? How bad is it if they are not tipped?

Tipping is a show of appreciation. The higher the tip, the higher the appreciation. Tipping should not have anything to do with the wage.

Now, I don't know how it became "mandatory" to tip - like in restaurants, the waitress' pay should be part of the price of the food. The tip shouldn't be "mandatory". And what really irritates me is going to a restaurant where they add gratuity to the bill without my say so.

So, technically, any place of business where you receive a personalized service can be tipped. Yes, that includes your local McDonald's. But, there are places where it is specifically stated that there's no tipping - like in Pollo Tropicale, there are signs posted to say "great service is part of our everyday business, it's not necessary to tip." or something like that. And in the grocery store by me, the baggers walk your groceries to your car and they are instructed to refuse any and all tips.

2. What are some ways to earn extra money from the internet? Medical transcribing comes to mind, but doesn't that need some kind of certification? What are other ways to earn a little extra?

There are tons of ways to earn money using the internet. Just like earning money elsewhere, pick a skillset you are particularly great at and capitalize on it.

Okay, like me, for instance... I'm Filipino so I have all these contacts from the Philippines that manufacture tons of Filipino stuff. And I have tons of contacts from the shipping industry in the Philippines as I used to work at an import-export business. And so, if I feel so inclined, I can open up an ebay store to sell all these Filipino crafts and groceries using my garage as a storage place.

Another thing... I've always dabbled in writing. Ever since I was a little kid. So, if I feel so inclined, I can self-publish my own book series, put the first book up for free at Amazon/iBooks/B&N and charge $2.99 for sequels.

Another thing I can do... I have a great interest in orchids. I have now just started dabbling in hydroponics. I'd love to combine the two. If I ever successfully get orchids to grow hydroponically, I can do a lot of things with it on the internet... 1.) I can make the process systematic and publish a book about it., 2.) I can make ready-to-go kits to set up your own orchid hydroponic garden to sell on ebay or through orchid forums, 3.) I can make how-to youtube videos and hopefully get subscriptions.

There's tons of things I can do... and I haven't even yet mentioned that I'm a programmer who can write iPhone apps...

Okay, some stuff that has made millions of dollars:

1.) A guy made one web-page and charged anybody 1 dollar per pixel to own a piece of his site. He made 1 million dollars selling 1 million pixels. Most people used his well-advertised site to put an image that you can click on to route to their website... so, free advertising for the little guys.

2.) A 16-year-old girl made millions of dollars making free "skins" for Myspace.

3.) I just bought a Visiting Teaching gift set from some lady selling it at her site. I found her site after doing a google search on gift ideas for this month's theme. First time I ever bought something for VT but, I have to say, I love this little kitchy trinket with the VT message on it! I might get another one for Christmas or my VT sisters' bdays. I don't think she's made a million dollars off that site, but if she did, I wouldn't be surprised!

Etc. etc. etc...

3. How is threading your brows any better than plucking or waxing them? Is it more expensive? Is it more painful than plucking?

It's an India thing. There's not much difference between plucking and threading. The threading uses a thread, the plucking uses tweazers. My friend from India says there's not much risk of ingrown hair in threading but she doesn't have any proof of that claim. Waxing is different. The hot wax can be extremely painful and dangerous that close to your eyes. I don't recommend it.

Edited by anatess
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Anatess, skins?


1. Most service jobs are tipped. It is my understanding that hairstylists aren't paid a regular wage when they work at a Salon. They have to pay to "rent" the chair from the Salon owner. Maybe that's changed. Tipping should be a way to say thank you for a job well done. It has become expected now and service has declined as a result.

2. I read about making money blogging. But I would have to open my life to the internet and I'm not ready to do that. I tend to ramble anyway. I have been looking for other ways to make money from home and I'm having trouble finding something. I'm interested in anything you find that really works.

I used to do data entry at home. We only had to pick up our work once a week. It was a nice way to work but the downfall was we were paid by the piece which for me meant more I worked the more I made. Some weeks I took home too much work. :(

3. As has been stated threading isn't much different than plucking. Hot wax isn't really HOT... or it shouldn't be anyway. I have not problem with hot wax when I can afford the salon visit. I tweeze my own at home, which is cost effective. :)

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1. Why do we have to pay a tip to people other than waiter/waitress? A hair dresser, manicurist, etc. all make normal wages. Why is it expected we tip them? How bad is it if they are not tipped?

Tipping is done in gratuitous appreciation. Depending on the venue, a tip may or may not be expected. And depending on type of service and or performance, the customer may or may not feel a tip is deserved.

2. What are some ways to earn extra money from the internet? Medical transcribing comes to mind, but doesn't that need some kind of certification? What are other ways to earn a little extra?

This isn't solely internet based but setting up an online shop via Etsy is really easy, and can potentially bring in some extra cash flow. I have an Etsy account that primarily sells infant hair accessories. I also have a DeviantArt account where I showcase and promote digital artwork. I have on and off done commissions since 2004. This last April I received a request from a client that wants various illustrations for a book. This is one of the bigger commissions I've had for artwork, and needless to say, my biggest paying "side job".

3. How is threading your brows any better than plucking or waxing them? Is it more expensive? Is it more painful than plucking?

The overall differences are that threading is cheaper and painless. This said, professional services will always be more costly than DIY.
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1. Maybe it's my cheapness coming out, but other than a waitress situation, I just can't see why I should tip. My accountant does me a service by doing my taxes. I don't tip him because he charges me for those services. My hairdresser owns her own business out of her home. She does me a service by cutting/coloring my hair and I don't tip her because she charges me for those services.

If I had to tip for every service provided, then the person who graciously holds the door open for me would have to be paid with money instead of a thank you.

I honestly, truly don't see why I need to tip on top of paying for the service. In a situation with a waitress, their wages are purposely below the minimum wage and they rely on tips as income. I'm happy to tip in that situation. But, when I have to pay the full wage on top of the service, then I don't see why I must tip.

2. I'm not talented as some of you. I can type really well and I can edit. But, I can't make cutesy, crafty things if my life depended on it. I was thinking more along the lines of editing, medical transcribing, spamming forums, etc.

3. I can't wax my eyebrows--it takes off the skin too often. I usually get them plucked about 2x/yr. I'm lucky in that I have really nice naturally shaped eyebrows. But, I've seen the thread stores and wondered if it was any different.

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Next random questions:

1. Who invented the deliciousness called a BLT? A bacon sandwich doesn't quite capture the flavors that adding tomatoe and mayo to it can do.

2. What do you do as a family to ensure that FHE, scripture study and prayers are being done as a family?

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1. Most service jobs are tipped. It is my understanding that hairstylists aren't paid a regular wage when they work at a Salon. They have to pay to "rent" the chair from the Salon owner. Maybe that's changed. Tipping should be a way to say thank you for a job well done. It has become expected now and service has declined as a result.

That's one of the reasons why I always tip the person who has done my hair for the last 15 years. She has to rent the space in the salon she works in. And it's my way of showing appreciation to her.

As far as those that work in restaurants. You would think that the wages for waitresses and waiters would be part of the food price. But they are paid on a different scale than others. I have 2 friends that do it part time to bring in additional income. Their base pay is $2.15 an hour and their pay is totally subsidized by the tips they can bring in. It just how it is in the food service industry. It's a strange system to me and one I don't totally understand. And like so many other customer service jobs they have to put up with so much crap from ignorant customers that when they do a great job and go out of their way to provide that great customer service, I'm more than happy.

And I'm glad that restaurants tack on the gratuity to bills with large groups. I've been in too many groups where this isn't done and am appalled and usually embarrassed at my peers that leave no tips after this person has had to deal with a demanding group of 8 or more.

Perhaps it's just all my years of working in some kind of customer service field that has me thinking this way.

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Next random questions:

1. Who invented the deliciousness called a BLT? A bacon sandwich doesn't quite capture the flavors that adding tomatoe and mayo to it can do.

The Earl of Porkwhich? Of course I shun mayo and delight in replacing it with avocado.

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That's because you are weird--O, Mister I Hate Ketchup and Mayonnaise, but I'll Eat Fry Sauce...... :animatedtongue:

Now that makes absolutely no sense at all.

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I know! And I'm always the one who makes sense. I have no weird food things.........

Other than you are a cannibal. I mean you do like beef.

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Anatess, skins?

Yeah. I don't know if anybody here ever got on the MySpace fad - it's like a dinosaur now... but, MySpace was a little different than Facebook as it allowed you to use html tags in your profile. So, some 16-year-old visual arts fanatic got a book to learn all the html tags so she can prettify her profile and figured out the css names of each element in the profile window through "view source" which allowed her to use entries in her profile to apply graphic elements like changing the background color or even have it use an image, change the colors of the texts, etc. So, it's like adding a "skin" layer on top of the MySpace profile window to personalize the page.

She made dozens of different "skins" and she put it on a website and people just has to pick which skin they want to use and copy-paste the html code into their MySpace profile. Really simple thing - I mean, if I was creative enough to have thought of it, I can write those html codes in my sleep. But, her website had so many hits from people checking out skins (she comes up with new ones every week) that advertisers started lining up to advertise on her site.

So, before she entered senior year in high school, she made over a million dollars and her mom had to quit her job so she can manage her business while she finishes high school...

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Perhaps it's just all my years of working in some kind of customer service field that has me thinking this way.

Perhaps. I deal with crap at my job all the time. It's just part of the job of working in service. My boss doesn't rely on the customers' graciousness to get me paid to deal with crap everyday. He pays me a good amount of money because he knows I have to deal with crap everyday and it takes a special skill to be able to put up with it.

So yeah, a great waitress getting paid $2.15/hr is not the fault of the person not leaving tip money. It's the fault of her boss who refused to pay her more than she's worth.

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Perhaps. I deal with crap at my job all the time. It's just part of the job of working in service. My boss doesn't rely on the customers' graciousness to get me paid to deal with crap everyday. He pays me a good amount of money because he knows I have to deal with crap everyday and it takes a special skill to be able to put up with it.

So yeah, a great waitress getting paid $2.15/hr is not the fault of the person not leaving tip money. It's the fault of her boss who refused to pay her more than she's worth.

Actually no it's not the fault of her boss. It's the fault of the restaurant business as that's how the structure is in this particular type of business.

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Now that makes absolutely no sense at all.

Something tells me you are picturing me telling them to remove the mayonnaise and ketchup on my hamburger and replacing it with fry-sauce, which isn't the case. And I don't particularly enjoy fry-sauce, I just think it's more palatable than either mayonnaise which is mostly tasteless globbiness, and ketchup which is over-powering but somehow still bland in the salty, sour, and sweet department, it masks most foods rather than complimenting them. You're basically 'watering' down the ketchup with mayonnaise when you make fry-sauce which takes the edge off the reasons I dislike them, as now the mayonnaise has flavor and the ketchup isn't so overpowering.

Generally I put mustard on my sandwiches and burgers and if eating out tell them to keep the ketchup and mayo off my food (the one exception being a Royal Red from Red Robin though I could easily forgo the mayonnaise).

Edited by Dravin
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Now which one of us was it that was eating a green onion like a carrot at the family get together?

Hey! You're lucky there wasn't any raw garlic around. I like eating those like M&Ms....:lol: <--that's me breathing on all ya'll!

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