Green Lantern-Gay


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I have to admit i was annoyed for a few reasons with their choice. First off i hate when comics do a complete reboot, just always seems a desperate grab for cash, and with DC doing the "new 52" reboot it just rubbed me the wrong way. Second was they made a big fuss over this character and they go with a safe choice. The pick a character that most people don't ever really know about. This isn't the green lantern that every one knows, it's a character from ages ago that rarely ever gets used. They made a safe choice to make a splash but to keep out of a massive fire fight they made it a rather obscure character. LOL oh well that's why i tend to prefer marvel, They have a gay Canadian mutant getting married next month :)

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I guess I have to wonder if it really is an accurate depiction of the times. IMHO, suddenly changing people's sexuality has nothing to do with "the times".

On another note, I have a co-worker who is flummoxed. She has a young grandson who is as flamboyant as can be. Yesterday, the boy's parents took him to a gay rights parade. While Co-worker insists she will love her grandson no matter what, she isn't sure his tendency for women's garments for dress-up when the boy is five is surefire evidence of his sexuality. Her daughter and son-in-law said they want him to be "comfortable" but Co-worker wonders if a gay rights parade, for a kid no one knows is gay or not, is appropriate for that age.

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I guess I have to wonder if it really is an accurate depiction of the times. IMHO, suddenly changing people's sexuality has nothing to do with "the times".

On another note, I have a co-worker who is flummoxed. She has a young grandson who is as flamboyant as can be. Yesterday, the boy's parents took him to a gay rights parade. While Co-worker insists she will love her grandson no matter what, she isn't sure his tendency for women's garments for dress-up when the boy is five is surefire evidence of his sexuality. Her daughter and son-in-law said they want him to be "comfortable" but Co-worker wonders if a gay rights parade, for a kid no one knows is gay or not, is appropriate for that age.

Really depends on the parade. i get to go to my second one on saturday. Last years was very tame, almost a let down considering all the rants i've heard against them. Had tons of kids in the audience as well and quite a few in the parade it's self.

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I guess I have to wonder if it really is an accurate depiction of the times. IMHO, suddenly changing people's sexuality has nothing to do with "the times".

On another note, I have a co-worker who is flummoxed. She has a young grandson who is as flamboyant as can be. Yesterday, the boy's parents took him to a gay rights parade. While Co-worker insists she will love her grandson no matter what, she isn't sure his tendency for women's garments for dress-up when the boy is five is surefire evidence of his sexuality. Her daughter and son-in-law said they want him to be "comfortable" but Co-worker wonders if a gay rights parade, for a kid no one knows is gay or not, is appropriate for that age.

One of my sons loved barrettes. He was very annoyed when he was told they are for girls. He was about 5 or so as well. Now he is an adult. Married. No he is not gay. He was kinda cute in the barrettes. lol. So should we have assumed he was gay? Hardly. Should we have assumed he liked barrettes? Yes. Was he ticked off his sisters could wear them but not him? Yes he was.

My husband told me that when he was about in the second grade he wore a pair of cool girls shoes to school. His mom saw them and didnt say a word. He is mortified to this day. Was she just letting him explore his sexuality? lol I dont think so.

By the way transvestite is not = to gay. It means they like dressing in female clothes. Not even close to the same thing.

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I had all my melodrama about the issue, when I read where Rowling always had in the back of her mind that Dumbledoor was gay.

Green Lantern? Whatever. It's old news now. The next cultural shift won't happen until someone decides to make Batman gay - I don't anticipate that for at least 20 years or more.

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I had all my melodrama about the issue, when I read where Rowling always had in the back of her mind that Dumbledoor was gay.

Green Lantern? Whatever. It's old news now. The next cultural shift won't happen until someone decides to make Batman gay - I don't anticipate that for at least 20 years or more.

Homosexuality in the Batman franchise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Meh. The dude dresses up in a skintight outfit that may as well have been designed for Gay Future Robin Hood. It doesn't surprise me.

Other characters that wouldn't surprise me to find out they were gay: He-man, an unmarried Royal who prances around in pink when he isn't walking around in a fur thong, and Burt and Ernie - Who, if they're straight, are just two straight dudes who happen to enjoy taking bubble baths together.

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This comic strip should further help the cause of tolerance. It should eliminate intolerance in children by showing them people they look up to are gay. To me that is much needed, a land without intolerance is a land I want to live in. As Latter-day Saints our religious ancestors faced such intolerance. That should make us ever more tolerant and plant a desire in our heart to remove any intolerance.

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This comic strip should further help the cause of tolerance. It should eliminate intolerance in children by showing them people they look up to are gay. To me that is much needed, a land without intolerance is a land I want to live in. As Latter-day Saints our religious ancestors faced such intolerance. That should make us ever more tolerant and plant a desire in our heart to remove any intolerance.

Maybe but in this case money overrules helping tolerance. Hardly anyone even heard of this Green Lantern, jr. before. Now who hasnt?

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I guess I have to wonder if it really is an accurate depiction of the times. IMHO, suddenly changing people's sexuality has nothing to do with "the times".

On another note, I have a co-worker who is flummoxed. She has a young grandson who is as flamboyant as can be. Yesterday, the boy's parents took him to a gay rights parade. While Co-worker insists she will love her grandson no matter what, she isn't sure his tendency for women's garments for dress-up when the boy is five is surefire evidence of his sexuality. Her daughter and son-in-law said they want him to be "comfortable" but Co-worker wonders if a gay rights parade, for a kid no one knows is gay or not, is appropriate for that age.

That is kind of interesting. It might be a pretty innocent "it's okay" move, but I'm suddenly imagining the kid 10-15 years later going to his parents "Mom... Dad... I love you so much but... I'm actually straight".

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Okay, just to clarify some points...

You can't make Silver Surfer gay because the Silver Surfer is not gay. You can't make Superman or Batman gay because they were not gay...

But, Green Lantern is NOT the person. It's the "calling". There are different people called to be Green Lantern. Hal Jordan was one in his lifetime.

Now, the new guy that was given the Green Lantern is gay. It's not the same as making Hal Jordan is gay. Make sense?

So, out of all the Marvel characters, Green Lantern is about the only one that can be made gay.

Now, X-Men is a different story. There are tons of x-men mutants. You can create a new mutant and make him gay. Like Wolverine's son is gay.

Okay, that said... I don't have to like it. I just don't buy those comics. I wish they'd have a gay mutant who is kinda like Raven who is struggling with her blue-ness and tried to find ways to "un-blue" herself... that would be cool. No boyfriends or anything... It would be even cool if they make the story arch into him failing to "un-gay" himself and get to a point of acceptance of his homosexuality and being comfortable with it... and still remain celebate.

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Okay, just to clarify some points...

You can't make Silver Surfer gay because the Silver Surfer is not gay. You can't make Superman or Batman gay because they were not gay...

But, Green Lantern is NOT the person. It's the "calling". There are different people called to be Green Lantern. Hal Jordan was one in his lifetime.

Now, the new guy that was given the Green Lantern is gay. It's not the same as making Hal Jordan is gay. Make sense?

So, out of all the Marvel characters, Green Lantern is about the only one that can be made gay.

Now, X-Men is a different story. There are tons of x-men mutants. You can create a new mutant and make him gay. Like Wolverine's son is gay.

Okay, that said... I don't have to like it. I just don't buy those comics. I wish they'd have a gay mutant who is kinda like Raven who is struggling with her blue-ness and tried to find ways to "un-blue" herself... that would be cool. No boyfriends or anything... It would be even cool if they make the story arch into him failing to "un-gay" himself and get to a point of acceptance of his homosexuality and being comfortable with it... and still remain celebate.

just a few corrections, green lantern isn't a marvel character he's DC. Second Alan scott is the original green latern, he existed before Hal and also wasn't part of the green lantern corps, he started as a character around 1940. Also daken, wolverines son is bi and not gay according to his creators, though his rumor of being gay was floating around for quite a while. In the marvel ultimate universe colossus of the xmen is gay and is dating northstar. Sorry I'm a comic nerd. Also a number of writers for batman have at times said they have considered the character as being gay.

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just a few corrections, green lantern isn't a marvel character he's DC. Second Alan scott is the original green latern, he existed before Hal and also wasn't part of the green lantern corps, he started as a character around 1940. Also daken, wolverines son is bi and not gay according to his creators, though his rumor of being gay was floating around for quite a while. In the marvel ultimate universe colossus of the xmen is gay and is dating northstar. Sorry I'm a comic nerd. Also a number of writers for batman have at times said they have considered the character as being gay.

Ah man! I didn't even notice it's THE Alan Scott that they're rebooting. Now, that's not right. It is super easy to just have a new green lantern character that this just screams foul. Go get your own characters and stop messing with the old ones.

Oh yeah, I started thinking X-men and got stuck on Marvel. I like Marvel much better than DC. Well, the old Marvel. The new ones are crap. I stopped reading Marvel when they gave Wolverine bone claws.

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