War in Heaven

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Several years back I read an article by Bruce R McKonkie that said something to the effect that the spirits who were injured in the War in Heaven have come to earth in handicapped bodies. Because they were so valiant and the Lord knew they could pass any test. Am I not thinking right? I can't even remember if it was Bruce r McKonkie either. Was I dreaming?

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There are apocryphal stories about a person with some sort of handicap (Down's Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy or somesuch thing) receiving a patriarchal blessing and being told something to this effect; but I can't point to anything authoritative.

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Several years back I read an article by Bruce R McKonkie that said something to the effect that the spirits who were injured in the War in Heaven have come to earth in handicapped bodies. Because they were so valiant and the Lord knew they could pass any test. Am I not thinking right? I can't even remember if it was Bruce r McKonkie either. Was I dreaming?

They must have done something valiant in order to gain automatic entrance into the Celestial Kingdom.

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Nonsense. How is one's spirit injured in a way that would cause physical handicap in this life? The war can't have been physical in nature. I think it was a war of faith and ideas. I know what it's getting at is more that they come handicapped as a "reward" for their valiance, but I just don't see that, either. My husband is a valiant man who would have been disappointed to miss out on the challenges and opportunities that this life offers.

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Nonsense. How is one's spirit injured in a way that would cause physical handicap in this life? The war can't have been physical in nature. I think it was a war of faith and ideas. I know what it's getting at is more that they come handicapped as a "reward" for their valiance, but I just don't see that, either. My husband is a valiant man who would have been disappointed to miss out on the challenges and opportunities that this life offers.

I see no other way somebody would be given a completely disabled body or mind. They must have been valiant(worthy; excellent), in the sense they didn't need all the experience we do. What other reason is there for them to not have a chance at mortality?

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Why do people get cancer, autoimmune disease, mental illness, infertility? Because that is the nature of mortality. Sometimes mortality sucks and makes us less than whole.

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Why do people get cancer, autoimmune disease, mental illness, infertility? Because that is the nature of mortality. Sometimes mortality sucks and makes us less than whole.

I agree, in fact I would go as far as saying all of us are made less than whole. Who here was born with a perfect body?

I think this comes with understanding how far we have fallen. We have fallen very very very far. One's testimony of how far we have fallen reflects how powerful they think the atonement is.

Also, during college I always hoped that I went into a final exam having learned all I needed to learn prior to the test. I knew I was in trouble if during the test I was learning something new. Learning about the gospel is often described as a recollection and a familiar spirit. That is because there is nothing really new to learn, it is just a matter of remembering what we have learned while overcoming the carnal distractions we face here.

We all were matured spirits before coming here. I think it is a misconception that mortality is a universally needed "experience" or learning step to become like our Heavenly Father. As there are some that will receive their body and not experience sin and make it directly into the Celestial Kingdom, that suggests that the mortal experience is not universally needed. It is like taking online classes or advanced placement tests instead of having to sit in the classroom. Not everybody has to sit in the classroom. For the rest of us, it probably is needed but even then I think there are some called to carry out certain assignments that could have easily been one of those that already "passed the test", such as Jesus. Not everyone has to prove that they can do what God asks them to do (second estate) and not just say that they would do it (first estate).

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I see no other way somebody would be given a completely disabled body or mind. They must have been valiant(worthy; excellent), in the sense they didn't need all the experience we do. What other reason is there for them to not have a chance at mortality?

Cause Stuff Happens. Also we have been promised that no one will be denied blessings due to something beyond their control.

Its a faith promoting rumor that people have made up to make others and themselves feel better.

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I couldnt find anything on it. The most I found was a good read at Disabilities

And this one.

LDS Disability Resources FAQ: Doctrines and Policies

"Q: Are there any gospel teachings about disabilities?

A: During His mortal ministry, the Savior and His disciples passed by a blind man. The disciples asked, “Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him” (John 9:1–3).

President Boyd K. Packer noted: “There is little room for feelings of guilt in connection with handicaps. Some handicaps may result from carelessness or abuse, and some through addiction of parents. But most of them do not. Afflictions come to the innocent” (“The Moving of the Water,” Ensign, May 1991, 8)."

It seems to be a good thought, but not gospel.

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It appears that those who pass through mortality without having become accountable retain the status of innocence spoken of by Mormon: “For behold that all little children are alive in Christ, and also all they that are without the law. For the power of redemption cometh on all them that have no law; wherefore, he that is not condemned, or he that is under no condemnation, cannot repent; and unto such baptism availeth nothing.” (Moro. 8:22.)

I Have a Question - Ensign Apr. 1976 - ensign
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A favorite saying of some singles I know is that their spouse was killed in the war in heaven.

Which means their spouse is a son of perdition (or daughter of perdition, whichever).

Edited by beefche
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