The Power of Prayer (Rolls)


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I have a co-worker who has just been beset by trial after trial. Yesterday she was venting about it. She is also LDS. Another co-worker, who is not LDS but has LDS friends, family, and us (and therefore knows the basics), innocently asked if her name is on the prayer roll at our temple. Co-worker #1 assured her it was due to friends and family, and Co-worker #2 seemed satisfied that would be enough.

This led to a discussion. While Co-worker #1 and I both have testimonies of the power of prayer, neither of us believe that prayer automatically equals solution of problem. Co-worker #1 even went as far to say that the prayer role is not signifcantly different from any other prayers any one else, LDS or not, gives--the same God hears them. And I agree with this.

But... are we wrong? Is there something significantly more powerful about the prayer roll? I'm asking this is utter naivete as I'm still pretty new to the temple.

(For the record, Co-worker #1 is very faithful, not too bitter about her trials, just needed a moment to have trusted friends listen, so she's in no danger of losing her testimony).

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For a minute, let's assume that the quality of prayer isn't a factor.

How about the quantity of prayers on behalf of those listed?

Multiple sessions each day for a couple of weeks? I know we're counselled to have a prayer in our heart, but that much focus and prayer for those listed can only be a good thing.

As far as quality? Well, it is a part of the endowment ceremony, so the hearts of those there, the authority and spirit can only help.

Just my thoughts.

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Prayer is based on faith. Therefore, the Temple prayer holds more power then any individual prayer. It is multiple people at the peek of their faith saying a prayer. In addition, it is the true order, in other words it has more power as it is a unity of faith.

That is how it is generally speaking. Although I am not disregarding the fact that one person could have faith that surpasses a whole group.

That s my .0000000000000000001 cent

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The people participating at the temple certainly aren't the only ones capable of giving a heartfelt prayer, so you and your coworker are correct there. I believe that any time you have a group of people praying fervantly, God will take that into consideration.

It's not so much that the people, the temple, the endowment session make for better prayers--just that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. It's a "perfect storm" of one-mindedness.

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The purpose of prayer is not to change or alter G-d's plan on a micro or macro scale. The plans and work or G-d will roll forth with or without prayer. Therefore, we can understand two very important concepts from prayer. The first is to better understand what G-d is doing. The second is to become an active participant in what G-d is doing.

So then there is a paradox. The greatest benefit possible in prayer is in the person exercising their faith through the power of prayer. However, this benefit is not in that person getting to be involved in the prayer but in becoming more like G-d in caring for and having compassion for others. This then puts the person involved in prayer in position to make personal sacrifice for the benefit of those for whom they are concerned.

The temple prayer roll provides several opportunities in prayer that cannot be achieved in any other way. First is that a one can plan in advance to attend the temple for the specific purpose of placing a name on the prayer roll. Second: after placing the name on the prayer roll they may participate in the prayer for that person whose name they and others have submitted. Third: they may meditate (shut up and listen) in the very sacred and holy place so dedicated for that very purpose in the temple of G-d. And Forth they can in their heart and soul covenant and pledge sacrifice at the very alter in the temple of G-d to exerciser their faith to work with G-d (by personal covenant) to assist G-d in behalf of others.

Now, at this point, I almost feel as though I have said too much and that those of this forum that love to debate such issues may find excuse to perhaps argue that temple prayers are not really so special from any other. I do not intend to argue any such points. My purpose in this post is to testify to the blessings and opportunity that have been given (restored) to us in these last days - and for those that have not experienced this opportunity - I strongly suggest that you put yourself in a frame of spirit and mind to do so.

The Traveler

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  • 3 months later...

For a minute, let's assume that the quality of prayer isn't a factor.

How about the quantity of prayers on behalf of those listed?

Well, I have to think the quantity can't hurt.

Before I converted, a friend's daughter went missing. About three weeks in, the family decided to step it up a notch. I figured it couldn't hurt to get the flyers to all the local churches, and ask for prayers and help looking for her. As I pointed out to her Saturday, come Sunday morning, at least 6,000 people were going to be praying for one thing, and Sunday afternoon, at least as many more sets of eyes were going to be looking for her.

Sunday evening, the PI got an unexpected break regarding one of the places he'd been watching, and was able to give the sheriff enough evidence for a search warrant. She was found safe that night.

On the other hand, when it comes to me praying for something over and over, I keep expecting an angel in a nice Italian suit to show up and tell me "Da big guy, He gets da idea, so you can shut up about it already." which point, I plan to hogtie that angel and refuse to release it until it helps my other friend. :ninja:

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On the other hand, when it comes to me praying for something over and over, I keep expecting an angel in a nice Italian suit to show up and tell me "Da big guy, He gets da idea, so you can shut up about it already." which point, I plan to hogtie that angel and refuse to release it until it helps my other friend. :ninja:

Ah yes, old Israel's pattern of prayer.

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