What is the absolute strangest thing that you have ever seen that no one else could POSSIBLY beleive

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I have had 2 dreams that have changed my life for the better... they were more visions... but i like these types of threads so people can post there experiences... we come across events that are so strange that no one could ever believe them unless they were there to see it for themselves. Share your experiences here so we can all believe.

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Now to start... just over a year ago I was struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. I began using drugs and alcohol when I was 16... I just turned 23 last month. I was addicted to drugs for nearly 5 years... my vices were alcohol Marijuana and Opiates (any Opiates mainly heroin in the end) During this five years of drug abuse I felt trapped... there was always something inside of me that felt what I was doing was wrong... keep in mind I was raised in an extremely Christian family with 4 sisters (in the only boy) who are all extremely active in church.

Near the end of my 5 year binge I started to really get sick of the scene I was in and at one point I resented the fact I felt bad for what I was doing.... now I realize it’s what saved my life... I began to pray to god that I would somehow find my way out of the mess I was in... I was using some drug or substance everyday no matter what.... on top of that smoking a pack and a half a day of ciggys... My desire to do well in my life grew but I could not change my habits... I had gone door to door selling alarms the year before and had done very well and was planning on going out again the upcoming summer ... so during February 2011 I had a major decision in my life to make....the year before the sales office I went out with frequently participated in drug and alcohol abuse going to the bar, finding cocaine, smoking weed etc... So I knew that I wanted to be done with that life... and I had done very well the year before so there were multiple different sales managers trying to pressure me into going out with them..... Well I took a trip to Florida to sell for 10 days... funded by my last year’s manager....

During that time out in Florida with his team... I felt very alone.... I was using drugs still and I had a dream that changed my life forever.... in this dream I was lead into a party in a house by a girl who I had never met... she lead me past the regular party into a back room where only a few people were.... now these people were doing something bad like doing a drug deal or something... you could just tell they were making a shady deal... I sat down on the couch and didn’t care or pay them any attention being that I was used to being around things like that.... then one of these men walked over to me and put a shotgun in my face and said "you can’t be here" and I was like Okay dude chill I will leave...

so I got up and walked back into the main room where the party was and most everyone had cleared out... he then pointed a pistol at me and said "If you do not get out... we will kill you"... he then put the pistol down and walked out... I picked up the gun and pulled the slide back and saw that there was ONE SHOT.... which later became symbolic to me that I was at a turning point in my life and I had one chance to get out.... at this point I feel that I was not fully succumbing to the powers of satin and god gave me this dream to tell me that satin would rather have me dead then interacting with other people he was trying to bring down... so I made the decision to go into a different sales office that summer with people I knew did not party... if I had gone out with the other office I know in my heart I would be dead.

when I had this dream... it would not leave my mind and it was unlike any dream I had had before... it was so real... and not cloudy and hard to remember like most dreams are.... now about a week after that I had another dream but I cannot remember this one... but the impression I got at the time from this dream was that if I did not get my girlfriend (now my wife) out of that life that she could also be killed.... so after I got back home I made the decision to be DONE WITH EVERYTHING... I quit smoking weed drinking opiates and cigarettes all cold turkey... within a week.... my girlfriend who had also rebelled but raised Christian followed me and said she would stop everything also.... so we did it we stopped.... a week later I asked her to marry me... because I knew she was the one after she made that commitment to me.... two weeks after that we found out she was pregnant.... and a month later on April 5th 2011 we were married...

My life has never been better

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I have one...

There was this woman in our ward a while back. She was on the verge of divorce - she's Christian but very inactive. She's a cop. So in the depths of her divorce-induced depression, she sat on the bed with her police-issue gun in her mouth and pulled the trigger. The thing jammed and she was about to pull it a second time when there was a knock on her door. She decided to open it and... it was the missionaries.

Edited by anatess
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How about a very simple but different miracle. I was very addicted to pepsi. One day I was talking to the missionaries and they were talking about overcoming habits. My addiction had been bothering me for some time so I decided on the spot to quit. After a week and a half of withdrawal I was clean. Now comes the miracle.

My husband stilll drank pepsi. I accidently grabbed his drink and took a swallow. And promptly spit it out. It was the most revolting thing I had ever tasted. Seriously, it made me gag. Not to mention the odor of a long dead body emanating from the drink.

Now I do not know exactly what was going on but there is no way I am going to ever drink that foul stuff. Sometimes I think I was able to finally smell and taste what it REALLY tastes and smells like. ^^

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I have one...

There was this woman in our ward a while back. She was on the verge of divorce - she's Christian but very inactive. She's a cop. So in the depths of her divorce-induced depression, she sat on the bed with her police-issue gun in her mouth and pulled the trigger. The thing jammed and she was about to pull it a second time when there was a knock on her door. She decided to open it and... it was the missionaries.

wow that is great. thank you for sharing. god realy knoiws usd all. keep em coming people. no story is to weird

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How about a very simple but different miracle. I was very addicted to pepsi. One day I was talking to the missionaries and they were talking about overcoming habits. My addiction had been bothering me for some time so I decided on the spot to quit. After a week and a half of withdrawal I was clean. Now comes the miracle.

My husband stilll drank pepsi. I accidently grabbed his drink and took a swallow. And promptly spit it out. It was the most revolting thing I had ever tasted. Seriously, it made me gag. Not to mention the odor of a long dead body emanating from the drink.

Now I do not know exactly what was going on but there is no way I am going to ever drink that foul stuff. Sometimes I think I was able to finally smell and taste what it REALLY tastes and smells like. ^^

niceeee u know i dont drink pepsi i heard on the news and researched it. they actually use dead featus tissue toi test some of their products... discusting

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niceeee u know i dont drink pepsi i heard on the news and researched it. they actually use dead featus tissue toi test some of their products... discusting

I guess you had better not use any of these products either:

Kraft Mayonnaise, Pepsi, Nestle Chocolate Milk, Starbucks Iced Coffee Drinks, Nestea, Nestle Ice Cream products and Kraft Salad Dressings.

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It was not the slant you wanted in the thread but that whole flavoid testing thing is just hard to believe but it is true. I was talking to my husband last night about it and he thought I had gone off the wall. Only after I showed him the snopes.com report did he even start to believe it.

There are a lot of things in the world that are hard to believe that are real. Wonder why its so hard, for many, to believe in miracles?

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Dunno if this is a miracle or just one lucky dog but.. My husband was on a job site and one of his foremen had his pooch tag-along. Anyway, long story short, the dog was running amok everywhere. It was running up and down level from level. The dog ended up missing his leap and jumped some 30 feet or so from off the building to solid ground. It lived and I guess was doing just fine after that..

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I guess you had better not use any of these products either:

Kraft Mayonnaise, Pepsi, Nestle Chocolate Milk, Starbucks Iced Coffee Drinks, Nestea, Nestle Ice Cream products and Kraft Salad Dressings.

Okay I can live without this list too, even my beloved Starbucks..

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Okay, okay... since the thread has mentioned human fetus and Pepsi, Starbucks, et. al., in the normal course of conversation I'm going to just make sure everyone doesn't come to the mistaken idea that Pepsi, Starbucks, et. al, are actually using human fetus or parts thereof in its ingredients.

So, here's the straight story:

Pepsi, Starbucks, et. al., partner with Senomyx to supply flavor enhancers. Senomyx is a company that makes chemical additives that enhance the flavor and smell of a particular food product to make it more yummy tasting to the general public. So, how does Senomyx know if a particular chemical additive will enhance the flavor of certain food? They go through taste tests in their Research and Development. Okay, of course, it's going to be impossible to find out what chemical does what unless you line up a zillion people who will taste the food after adding the chemical and tell you if it tastes better. Or, you can do away with hiring a zillion taste testers and just do the taste research by looking at the reaction of certain proteins that biochemists know indicates positive taste bud flavor reaction.

For example, the protein TAS1R1 react to sweetness. TAS2R1 reacts to bitter taste. Now, there are over 5,000 different types of proteins that comprises the taste buds, so biochemists run every kind of chemical to each of these 5,000+ types of proteins to just determine the effect on flavor.

Okay, so, where are they going to get these proteins? They can get it from stem cells. Currently, there is stem cells from a Chinese hamster that is being used. There's one from a monkey that is also widely used. I don't know if the effects of proteins from these non-human stem cells would be the same as a human's. Or... they can get it from human proteins whose origins come from an embryonic stem cell from a fetus. Now, President George W. Bush okay'd the continued use of existing embryonic stem cells but banned the use of stem cells from future embryos. There are a few embryonic stem cell lines grandfather'd in by Dubya's motion. Most, if not all of them, are from the 60's and 70's. Senomyx uses HEK 293 which is stem cells from an aborted fetus (either elective abortion or miscarriage, one cannot tell) back in 1972. Proteins synthesized from this same stem cell from that same 1972 fetus is widely used in the biochemical field. It is so common that a Biochemistry student would encounter this embryonic stem cell in his course of study. This same stem cell is widely used in pharmaceutical industry to cure things like rheumatoid athritis. Senomyx is the first, if not the only, company that uses HEK 293 in a non-pharmaceutical manner.

Okay, so, that said... Pepsi, Starbucks, et. al., do not use proteins from human embryos in their products. That would be silly. But, they do partner with Senomyx who uses HEK 293 to taste test some of their chemical additives. Now, Pepsi did issue a statement that the flavor additives that they got from Senomyx do not use the HEK 293 taste test process.

Of course, this post doesn't provide my opinion about the use of embryonic stem cells, in pharma or other uses. On purpose.

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Okay, okay... since the thread has mentioned human fetus and Pepsi, Starbucks, et. al., in the normal course of conversation I'm going to just make sure everyone doesn't come to the mistaken idea that Pepsi, Starbucks, et. al, are actually using human fetus or parts thereof in its ingredients.

So, here's the straight story:

Pepsi, Starbucks, et. al., partner with Senomyx to supply flavor enhancers. Senomyx is a company that makes chemical additives that enhance the flavor and smell of a particular food product to make it more yummy tasting to the general public. So, how does Senomyx know if a particular chemical additive will enhance the flavor of certain food? They go through taste tests in their Research and Development. Okay, of course, it's going to be impossible to find out what chemical does what unless you line up a zillion people who will taste the food after adding the chemical and tell you if it tastes better. Or, you can do away with hiring a zillion taste testers and just do the taste research by looking at the reaction of certain proteins that biochemists know indicates positive taste bud flavor reaction.

For example, the protein TAS1R1 react to sweetness. TAS2R1 reacts to bitter taste. Now, there are over 5,000 different types of proteins that comprises the taste buds, so biochemists run every kind of chemical to each of these 5,000+ types of proteins to just determine the effect on flavor.

Okay, so, where are they going to get these proteins? They can get it from stem cells. Currently, there is stem cells from a Chinese hamster that is being used. There's one from a monkey that is also widely used. I don't know if the effects of proteins from these non-human stem cells would be the same as a human's. Or... they can get it from human proteins whose origins come from an embryonic stem cell from a fetus. Now, President George W. Bush okay'd the continued use of existing embryonic stem cells but banned the use of stem cells from future embryos. There are a few embryonic stem cell lines grandfather'd in by Dubya's motion. Most, if not all of them, are from the 60's and 70's. Senomyx uses HEK 293 which is stem cells from an aborted fetus (either elective abortion or miscarriage, one cannot tell) back in 1972. Proteins synthesized from this same stem cell from that same 1972 fetus is widely used in the biochemical field. It is so common that a Biochemistry student would encounter this embryonic stem cell in his course of study. This same stem cell is widely used in pharmaceutical industry to cure things like rheumatoid athritis. Senomyx is the first, if not the only, company that uses HEK 293 in a non-pharmaceutical manner.

Okay, so, that said... Pepsi, Starbucks, et. al., do not use proteins from human embryos in their products. That would be silly. But, they do partner with Senomyx who uses HEK 293 to taste test some of their chemical additives. Now, Pepsi did issue a statement that the flavor additives that they got from Senomyx do not use the HEK 293 taste test process.

Of course, this post doesn't provide my opinion about the use of embryonic stem cells, in pharma or other uses. On purpose.

"PEPSI puts fetus cells in their beverages" makes such a better headline though. Enough sensible talk, back the the FUD talk!

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If it were a living fetus instead of a dead one, would that make it better?

I do prefer my meat fresh, unfortunately the Bible condemns eating any flesh which came from something that was still alive so I'd have to sit the taste testing out.

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I do have something I'd actually like to add to the thread that is of substance.

A long time ago, when I was a lad we set the forest on fire during our annual fathers and sons camp-out. While the leadership was putting the fire out and us lads were ferrying water back and forth, the bishop called for a priesthood blessing. Right before the blessing it was probably a 20x30 fire and raced 10 feet up a pine, started pouring smoke into another dead pine, it was windy too. After the blessing the wind stopped and we controlled the fire untill the fire dept arrived. It was a very building experience for our us all.

Edited by jerome1232
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uhh I dont believe that Vort. You are being sneaky and twisting words. You should have, more accurately said, "While an alien, I visited Byu as a student".

That's cruel. Besides, I was telling the truth.

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I have had 2 dreams that have changed my life for the better... they were more visions... but i like these types of threads so people can post there experiences... we come across events that are so strange that no one could ever believe them unless they were there to see it for themselves. Share your experiences here so we can all believe.

Finding out that Vort is a guy and said that his avatar was a picture of him. :huh: (Psst... it's not.)

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Aw, you knew I was a guy, skippy. This self-portrait was my early avatar:

Posted Image

It cracks me up when the missionaries throw gang signs when having their pictures taken. I once asked if it wasn't a tad inconsistent with their 'mission,' but apparently it's a young guy thing and throwing the wrong one won't get you killed if you do it in Utah or Idaho. :D

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