Missionaries And Pizza

Latter Days Guy

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I took the two missionaries that I've been meeting out for pizza at Pizza Hut the other day. Nothing unusual about that until you find out how much they can eat! One of the Elders is from the UK and the other is from Bulgaria, well my UK brother and I managed to eat about 8 pieces of pizza, but our Bulgarian brother was still going strong after 16 pieces :o I had 2 glasses of orange, he had 4 classes of coke! I think he would have gone on to eat a few more if they didn't have to go to another appointment after visiting me! Wow! I think we need to go and start a "Feed the Hungry Missionaries Society" before they all wilt and die from starvation!

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I took the two missionaries that I've been meeting out for pizza at Pizza Hut the other day. Nothing unusual about that until you find out how much they can eat! One of the Elders is from the UK and the other is from Bulgaria, well my UK brother and I managed to eat about 8 pieces of pizza, but our Bulgarian brother was still going strong after 16 pieces :o I had 2 glasses of orange, he had 4 classes of coke! I think he would have gone on to eat a few more if they didn't have to go to another appointment after visiting me! Wow! I think we need to go and start a "Feed the Hungry Missionaries Society" before they all wilt and die from starvation!

lol, i live out in the mission field and see the missionaries all the time, its so funny to hear how excited they get when they know they have a dinner apointment that night...some get even as excited as to say..."Oh yes we have a dinner apointment in 3 days!"
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I live 20 min from town and every week I take in frozen meals I made for them though out the week.

This time they are getting what is left in my frozen because of the move.

this all has to be divided between three sets of missionaries. This is on top of the meals I have cooked already. I have never learned how to cook for two so the elders are feed well though me.

It is sad when they are neglected.

Once we took them out to dinner at the country club on base, it sounds snooty but its not really. we told them order what you want, it took arm twisting to get them to do that but you would have thought we put gold in front of them.

I once heard a sister say "They would have enough food to eat if they did not spent all their money on stamps and film" That had to be one of the times I ever wanted to Pimp slap someone! :angry2:

I love the missionaries,

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Why would the Missionaries go hungry??? In our stake they are fed every night and lunch time. They only have to buy their own breakfast foods. That goes for when I lived in Oregon - where my family lives in Seattle, Enumclaw Washington and in Georgia! My sisters are now single - so they give them gift certificates at local and close to where they live restaurants. NOT fast food joints, though the Missionaries probably wouldn't care. The Missionaries were able to tract at the restaurants too - three people took the discussions and were baptized in Seattle!!!

So where are they not being fed every night ? Then the branch/ward/stake members are seriously dropping the ball and not doing the right thing.

:ph34r: In my NOT SO HUMBLE Opinion :excl:

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Why would the Missionaries go hungry??? In our stake they are fed every night and lunch time. They only have to buy their own breakfast foods. That goes for when I lived in Oregon - where my family lives in Seattle, Enumclaw Washington and in Georgia! My sisters are now single - so they give them gift certificates at local and close to where they live restaurants. NOT fast food joints, though the Missionaries probably wouldn't care. The Missionaries were able to tract at the restaurants too - three people took the discussions and were baptized in Seattle!!!

So where are they not being fed every night ? Then the branch/ward/stake members are seriously dropping the ball and not doing the right thing.

:ph34r: In my NOT SO HUMBLE Opinion :excl:

Unless things have changed, they're probably not being fed every night in FRANCE (hint, hint)! Which is a real pity, because French food is s-o-o-o-o good!

(Je vous prie de m'excuser, mes chers freres et soeurs francais, mais c'est vrai! Pendant ma mission, les membres de l'Eglise ne nous ont pas inviter chez eux souvent--on a manger a l'invitation des amis de l'Eglise plus souvent qu'avec vous! Mais, je vous aime tout de meme. La France me manque. ;))

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I live 20 min from town and every week I take in frozen meals I made for them though out the week.

This time they are getting what is left in my frozen because of the move.

this all has to be divided between three sets of missionaries. This is on top of the meals I have cooked already. I have never learned how to cook for two so the elders are feed well though me.

It is sad when they are neglected.

Once we took them out to dinner at the country club on base, it sounds snooty but its not really. we told them order what you want, it took arm twisting to get them to do that but you would have thought we put gold in front of them.

I once heard a sister say "They would have enough food to eat if they did not spent all their money on stamps and film" That had to be one of the times I ever wanted to Pimp slap someone! :angry2:

I love the missionaries,

Winnie....I think thats awesome......I really think its neat to fix their meals that way........Our Missionaries here don't get fed every night....but we do encourage them to do just what you mentioned.....it doesn't have to be a special meal......just something simple is great!!!!!!!!!!.......... :rockonsign:
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Since I still at times cook way to much, I started to buy those tinfoil-baking pans. I fill and freeze them and take then to church on Sunday.

You should have seen them today when my husband popped the trunk! :blink:

I told them that once the 23rd came what was left in the house is theirs.

The moving company will not take any thing that is liquid so that covers every thing from Ketchup to Windex.

Feeding the elders is not that hard I do not know why members deny themself’s of those blessings.

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We are asked to not only feed the Missionaries but to invite investigators to these meals and provide time for a discussion if needed. It is a great Missionary Experience-

Winnie - when I was seperated/divorced, I made up Seal-a-meal bags for the missionaries. I told them the safest way to reheat these meals was by placing the bag in boiling water. I did up: Corned Beef and cabbage w/ vegies and the broth, Beef Roast & Gravy, and all the fixings, Pork Roast & gravy, and all the fixings, Bnls/Sknls Chix Breast in Tarragon yogurt sauce with wild rice and baby vegies, Meat Loaf slices, scalloped potatoes and string beans. All in a bag, just heat in the boiling water and then cut the bag and slide your dinner out onto a plate or serving dish. Did lasagna too. Anything that I saw in the frozen meal section at the store - I made from fresh.

Dror - please I for one do not speak or read anything other than English, could you please translate. :blink:

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(Je vous prie de m'excuser, mes chers freres et soeurs francais, mais c'est vrai! Pendant ma mission, les membres de l'Eglise ne nous ont pas inviter chez eux souvent--on a manger a l'invitation des amis de l'Eglise plus souvent qu'avec vous! Mais, je vous aime tout de meme. La France me manque

I ask you to excuse me, my dear brothers and French sisters, but it is true! During my mission, the members of the Church do not have to invite us on their premises often--one has to eat has the invitation of the friends of the Church more often than with you! But, I love you all the same. I miss France

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While I lived in Utah, our ward/stake was so good about feeding the missionaries. Out here in Arizona, its like pulling teeth to get someone to sign up to have the missionaries over for dinner. Even my family isn't as good about it as we used to be. For some reason, people just don't stop to think about it anymore. Some of us are just to wrapped up in our own lives. God Bless those who still make the effort to feed our missionaries!! :)

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We are asked to not only feed the Missionaries but to invite investigators to these meals and provide time for a discussion if needed. It is a great Missionary Experience-

Winnie - when I was seperated/divorced, I made up Seal-a-meal bags for the missionaries. I told them the safest way to reheat these meals was by placing the bag in boiling water. I did up: Corned Beef and cabbage w/ vegies and the broth, Beef Roast & Gravy, and all the fixings, Pork Roast & gravy, and all the fixings, Bnls/Sknls Chix Breast in Tarragon yogurt sauce with wild rice and baby vegies, Meat Loaf slices, scalloped potatoes and string beans. All in a bag, just heat in the boiling water and then cut the bag and slide your dinner out onto a plate or serving dish. Did lasagna too. Anything that I saw in the frozen meal section at the store - I made from fresh.

Dror - please I for one do not speak or read anything other than English, could you please translate. :blink:

What's all these fixings things? Here in the UK the fixings are light sockets, curtain rails, that kind of stuff? I assume you mean all the veg and stuff, which we call all the trimmings!

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the mission president allowing us to have missionariey in our branch comes and goes, mostly because of our inability to feed them. we have few families that can feed them. most due to income, and others due to family circumstance (single sisters, unreceptive spouses, and what not). when we have missionaries we put a box out front and ask members to bring food, prepared or can goods, so we at least try to fill thier pantry. there are really only two familys that could feed them in the home and one of those lives on the edge of branch boundries so the miles just aren't there for them. that basicly leaves my home. to feed them according to what the ideal would be they would be eating at our house 5 nights or more a week. which financially and realisticly is almost impossible. so anyway, my point is that i truely understand the struggles for the units that have trouble feeding the missionaries. the irony for me is that the ones who can't support the missionaries are the ones that need them the most. very frustrating.

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When we get the opportunity to feed the missionaries I like to ask what they would like me to make for them. It seems that the meals they get here go in cycles. For awhile it will be this, and then it will change to that. Most of the time they tell me that they get feed way too much food..really big dinners.

I think of feeding the missionaries a wonderful opportunity to have them in our home. :D

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I feed the missionaries anytime that they come by. I own a restaurant and they know that if they want to eat or are hungry all they have to do is stop by and sign their guest check.

I have asked that if they can that they leave a tip for the waitress, however I try and wait on them so they don't even have to do that.

Shortly after opening in March, they came by. ALL 16 of them! Apparently there was a conference/meeting here in town for them. They had a good time, signed their ticket and left. I knew ahead of time that they would be in so I prepared for that. HOWEVER, I was told the wrong date............they came in a day ahead of time.

Oh well, still it was good to see them all here.


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What's all these fixings things? Here in the UK the fixings are light sockets, curtain rails, that kind of stuff? I assume you mean all the veg and stuff, which we call all the trimmings!

Yep, fixings are trimmings. Only in my family "Trimmings" means to get the family four-legged pets neutered! :wow: So we use Fixings in reference to food instead. :lol:

Thank you Marsha for the interpertation.

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Marsh, I am a firm believer in Every Member a Missionary. Where is that restaurant?

Ben Raines

And you are so correct! Anyway it is in Mid-Missouri, and yes any of you are welcome at any time.

I don't reserve the "free" meals to only missionaries. In fact a couple of weeks ago there were 2 young girls that came in and asked what could they get for $2.00 as that is all they had. Now these girls were I would say one was about 9 years old and the other one maybe 12.

We fixed them a grilled ham and cheese sandwich each and some potato salad. I tried to talk to them to see why they hadn't eaten all day and they just said, "we forgot." I really didn't push it, but if they come back then I will get more information from them.

They went to give me their money and I said that no, it was on me today - as I think any of us would.

My goal is to make a little living while making others lives a bit better if possible. No one leaves hungry, even if it is a 2nd hamburger or sandwich that we make for them. Kinda like a "buffet" menu!

However we make the huge deli sandwich's and most can't finish them anyway.

So yes you are all welcome. See you soon? :rolleyes:


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So yes you are all welcome. See you soon? :rolleyes:


I wish it were closer to where I live... then I would definitely come in. I think it's awesome that you help people out when they need it.

So, how is the restaurant going? Did you ever do the buffet thing like you were talking about ideas for? I hope you are very successful with your place.

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