Dijon Mustard


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Vanilla extract pretty much is alcohol.

Not surprising, considering that's how the vanilla is extracted from the beans. You can make your own vanilla extract by soaking vanilla beans in vodka. If you use a lot of vanilla extract, it's a cheaper alternative to store-bought extract, and if you get good at it, it probably tastes better.

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Not surprising, considering that's how the vanilla is extracted from the beans. You can make your own vanilla extract by soaking vanilla beans in vodka. If you use a lot of vanilla extract, it's a cheaper alternative to store-bought extract, and if you get good at it, it probably tastes better.

I know -- I've been wanting to make my own, actually. A few years ago, my mom brought me a large bottle of Mexican vanilla that she bought while vacationing in Cancun. Once I finished that, I went back to store-bought, and it pains me to use it now. So I want to buy some Mexican vanilla beans, and take the two months to make my own, using vodka or bourbon, but I just don't know what kind to get, and haven't put any effort into researching it yet. This is where I first read about it.

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