that "member" returned to church


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I can't remember if this is the forum where I posted about the guy posing as an active member to run an anti-mormon site.

Well, now he's attending church again.

[Direct link deleted - Mods.]

And writing about it.

I understand we can't stop it, but, he's not being straight about his intent.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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I can't remember if this is the forum where I posted about the guy posing as an active member to run an anti-mormon site.

Well, now he's attending church again.

[Direct link deleted - Mods.]

And writing about it.

I understand we can't stop it, but, he's not being straight about his intent.

And this is your business how?

I trust those who have stewardship over him to handle things appropriately.

Edited by estradling75
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I agree with Leah. Who are you to tell this man where he does and doesn't belong?

Heck, smile, give him a firm handshake. If anything get this off your shoulders and have a heart to heart with your bishop about how you feel. One only has to read the account of Alma to see the rewards in store for those who activly try to tear down the Church of Christ.

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I agree with Leah. Who are you to tell this man where he does and doesn't belong?

Heck, smile, give him a firm handshake. If anything get this off your shoulders and have a heart to heart with your bishop about how you feel. One only has to read the account of Alma to see the rewards in store for those who activly try to tear down the Church of Christ.

No one in this thread said anything about treating this man badly. However, people should be warned about him and his motives.

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My advice from the previous thread remains the same. Notify the bishop... to add; if the bishop hasn't done anything about it and you think its important enough, notify the stake president. IF he's getting up in meetings and sharing stuff thats very detrimental/anti-themed and no one is doing much about it then i'd definitely say go to the bishop, and letting him know the situation... as well as sending a notification to the stake president that explains the situation.

After that its not really in your hands, save for praying hard. If anyone asks you about it, then you can give them your advice, but don't go around trying to "counter" him.

Sooner or later everyone is going to encounter something that will not seem palatable in the church and they will have to find out where they've built their foundations of faith. Sometimes this comes from within, from those who are wolves in sheeps clothing, or from peoples behaviors, and sometimes it comes from external sources.

On the spiritual side of things i'd like to point out that God generally gives people quite a bit of wiggle room to either repent, or to truly condemn themselves before justice comes.

Edited by Blackmarch
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Sadly, he is so educated (or so his blog claims) that his ego likely never allowed him to truly understand that the things of God can only be understood by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Since when is education a bad thing? I was under the impression that the Glory of God is intelligence. If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed. - J. Reuben Clark, D. Michael Quinn, J. Reuben Clark: The Church Years. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1983, p. 24.


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Education isn't bad. It's when they cross the line over to thinking they know better than the church leadership, or even God. "The learned think they are wise, and hearken not to the counsel of God. . ." I've seen this happen recently with someone I've known and loved as a brother since I was a young girl. He got an advanced degree at an ivy league college, decided he knew better that what he had been taught his whole life, and started on a road that began at a more "open" manifestation of Mormonism and ended at doubting the very existence of God. It happens and it's very sad.

starlight, I understand where you're coming from. I have a hard time sometimes when I see someone perceptibly getting away with something; especially something I could not imagine ever having the gall to do, and ESPECIALLY when it involves treating sacred things lightly and mocking covenants. The beauty is that we don't really have to carry that burden. Certainly notify the appropriate leaders, and then let it go. In the end, the truth is that he won't be getting away with anything at all. But that's on his head, not yours.

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Since when is education a bad thing? I was under the impression that the Glory of God is intelligence.

Education is not a bad thing, per se. But the intelligence of which is spoken in that verse is not the kind you get by attending university classes. And pride, so rampant among the "educated" classes, is most definitely a bad thing.

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Since when is education a bad thing?


When education becomes a bad thing:

28 O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.

When education becomes a good thing:

29 But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God.

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Since when is education a bad thing? I was under the impression that the Glory of God is intelligence. If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed. - J. Reuben Clark, D. Michael Quinn, J. Reuben Clark: The Church Years. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1983, p. 24.


Nothing. I note that in his "about" he listed a great many academic achievements and after reading the blog, my guess is that those achievements have placed a barrier between him and the Spirit. Some call it pride..... That said, intelligence and education, in my estimation is of little value if it leads us to deny the source of all intelligence. I have always considered intelligence as in the verse you cite as coming from Above and not that found in universities.

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The proper thing to do in this case is to vaguely welcome them or, in proper Mormon culture fashion ignore them, discuss their clothes and sins amongst your clique and then run to the bishop to explain everyones sins but your own.

Then we wonder why so many fall away.

Wow. Bitter much? It's so freeing to know that as a Mormon I am incapable of ever being a good person. Now I can stop trying.

To the OP: Well, you can't really stop him from attending church. I hate to encourage a rumor, but you can express your concerns to those in power and those who are close to you. Nothing wrong with protecting others.

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