Calling All Saints And Saintly Friends


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While I'd prefer not to enter into much detail on the matter as it is very complex and involves a lot of matters best not dwelved into on the forum boards.

I would appreciate any and all prayers on behalf of some heavy things going on.

It is some very serious stuff that compiled together are beyond me and the people involved. Some involve time constraints and will forever effect the futures of many.

I have recieved a blessing on it but would still appreciate all the prayers in the world. Its this serious to me.

I do believe in the power of prayer and would appreciate any and all.

While I do not wish to give much detail and names, some more specifics areas to pray for might be;

Wise decision on the part of a person pushed to make a decision (who's not used to making them :( ). That the person will consider the wise council of all who have gone to him before making the decision. For the rest of the people affected by the decision the strength to handle what may come to pass. That he will make the decision on a prompt basis before the decision is out of his control.

Peace, healing, and strength to some very distraught people. They do not have the gospel principles to pull them through :( . They have nothing to lose. Desperate people are capable of anything :( .

The situation is very complex and grave. If there is something I can do to help in the related matters that my eyes may be opened. Right now everything seems kind of hopeless in these related, compiled issues, and I don't know if there is anything more I can do. It's starting to overwhelm me a little although I'm trying to make sure it doesn't defeat me. I've went to all the sources I know of that could provide earthly help. If there's nothing I can do, may I find the peace and serenity in that so that I may be a strength to others involved. While I am affected by what's going on at least I do have the gospel to pull me through. The others do not and are keeping their eyes on me to see how I make it through and handle things. (nothing like a little gospel pressure :( ) They are coming to me for help and direction. I hope that they can find the eternal hope through Christ Jesus and the Will of God and will overlook my weaknesses in dealing with this .

I have to say this is one big giant we are facing :( .

Your prayers would be appreciated.

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I tried to PM you but your inbox is full. Apparently you have lots of messages or your PM isn't working. In either case, I'm sure you know that even if not everyone actually posts a reply to this thread, lots of people are praying for you.

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I have to say this is one big giant we are facing :( .

Your prayers would be appreciated.

May our God, creator of heaven and earth, lover of our souls, bring grace, wisdom, peace, and, if necessary, direct intervention to this matter. May the one who parted the sea, quited the storm, and who atoned for our sins, dispatch angels and believing people to come into this situation with godly words and encouragement. And, finally, my you, Rosie, experience God's peace and presence as you journey through this difficult season. In Jesus' name, amen.

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:angel: Thanks all for your love, support and prayers. :angel::pray:

While things will most likely take a bunch of time to heal and be made right as possible, I'm so grateful to feel and know the support and love around the world being offered from people I barely know (except through the posts or pm's).

It does help at this most difficult time.

I'm so grateful for all of you and this site....


:tears: Thanks :tears:

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thanks again all for the prayers.

on a much lighter note :) -

did someone slip in there prayer requests one of would you silence Rosie ? :mellow::rolleyes:

she drives me crazy?

or please would you shush this sister up???????????? :sparklygrin::rolleyes:

if so it only partially worked :rolleyes::blush:

i only broke one hand and can still type somewhat with the other. :sparklygrin::rolleyes::lol:

Please if you did no more... :excl: . :rolleyes:

My other hand can't take it... :lol:

One good thing out of this is my weaker non dominant hand is going to become stronger having endured and met the challenge. Even though its kind of complaining a little right now.

I must say this is going to take some major getting used to.

I never realized or really appreciated how great a gift two hands really are- especially around the holidays. B)

I feel a chorus coming on.....Count your blessings Count them one by one... That's as far as I'll go my working hand says enough :wacko::sparklygrin:

And by the way-no my head didn't get hit too. :rolleyes::D

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