Question for converts to the LDS church


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Hello all,

I am new on this forum. I am a Catholic who has been engaging in friendly discussions with missionaries for many years. I must commend the LDS on the kindness and openness of their missionaries to actually discuss differences rather than just spouting information. I have a question that is not intended to be offensive, but may come off that way.

A standard line of missionaries is to read a passage of the BOM (the exact one escapes me at this point in time) and to pray for confirmation about its truth. This has always struck me as an odd test of truth from the following standpoint. If you pray about the BOM would you not also have to pray about any other book that makes similar truth claims. The Koran, the Vedas, the deuterocanonical books of the Catholic bible and many many more?

In order to validly test would you not have to ask for confirmation for all of the books?

I am very interested in thoughts on this. Thank you in advance.

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Hello all,

I am new on this forum. I am a Catholic who has been engaging in friendly discussions with missionaries for many years. I must commend the LDS on the kindness and openness of their missionaries to actually discuss differences rather than just spouting information. I have a question that is not intended to be offensive, but may come off that way.

A standard line of missionaries is to read a passage of the BOM (the exact one escapes me at this point in time) and to pray for confirmation about its truth. This has always struck me as an odd test of truth from the following standpoint. If you pray about the BOM would you not also have to pray about any other book that makes similar truth claims. The Koran, the Vedas, the deuterocanonical books of the Catholic bible and many many more?

In order to validly test would you not have to ask for confirmation for all of the books?

I am very interested in thoughts on this. Thank you in advance.

Where does the Qur'an instruct you to pray about its truthfulness to receive a divinely revealed testimony? Or the Vedas? Or the Bhagavad Gita? As far as I recall, even the Bible does not instruct the reader to read and pray about it in order to gain a revelatory testimony, as does the Book of Mormon. Which is to be expected: The Bible is a collection, not a compendium.

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I'm not sure which scripture you're referring to either.. but I'd guess it was James 1:5: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

That is the scripture Joesph Smith came across when he was struggling with which church to join. With all due respect, I believe they're asking you to pray over their message and about the Book of Mormon.

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I was baptized last fall and am about to receive my endowment.

I honestly cannot explain to you 'how' it works, but I can testify that if you do pray about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, you will receive an answer. It's unlike any other experience I've had (I came from Judaism). I just had to truly open my mind and heart and listen for the answer. I can tell you that I received an answer and that Heavenly Father confirmed that answer for me again and again as I was still investigating....and continues to do so even today.

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In order to validly test would you not have to ask for confirmation for all of the books?

I am very interested in thoughts on this. Thank you in advance.

First off, welcome to Maynard.

The verse of scripture you are probably referring to is Moroni 10: 3 - 5. Which specifically invites readers to read, think upon the mercies of God from Adam down to this present time, and then ask God if it is true.

We are then informed, that when we pray about this God will reveal the truth by the power of the Holy Ghost.

On my mission, and afterwards, when I was asked this question, especially when speaking with a Christian, I would respond something to this nature:

If Christ revealed himself unto by the power of the Holy Ghost, would I also then need to get confirmation from the other Saviors mentioned in other cultures?

The answer is simple, No. When dealing with men, it is wise to gather more than one witness. When dealing with a spiritual witness from God, seeing God does not lie, then I do not need to discover any other witness.

EDIT: However, if a person has read the Koran and decides to pray about it, then that is fine also. If a person reads Hinduism and decides to seek a witness through prayer, that is fine also. The moment a witness is provided, it is pretty null to seek any other witness. The invitation to pray is honoring the agency, God given moral agency, to choose for themselves. This way when a person stands before God, they have only themselves to blame for their choices and decisions in this life.

These are my thought Maynard.

Edited by Anddenex
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Welcome, I'm also new here. I'm both a convert and returned 4 years ago after being excommunicated.

My answer to your question is rather simplistic, I fear. If you feel the spirit is leading you to learn about the Koran, than by all means pray about. If you feel at this time you are being lead to the Book of Mormon than pray about that. I don't think you need pray about every book in the library just to give them equal treatment.

I heard a quote somewhere that I think sums this up, "You can't save the whole world, but you can help those that God places in your path!" You cannot know all things, but you can learn and gain a testimony of the things God has brought you to.

Edited by JosephP
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Hello all,

I am new on this forum. I am a Catholic who has been engaging in friendly discussions with missionaries for many years. I must commend the LDS on the kindness and openness of their missionaries to actually discuss differences rather than just spouting information. I have a question that is not intended to be offensive, but may come off that way.

A standard line of missionaries is to read a passage of the BOM (the exact one escapes me at this point in time) and to pray for confirmation about its truth. This has always struck me as an odd test of truth from the following standpoint. If you pray about the BOM would you not also have to pray about any other book that makes similar truth claims. The Koran, the Vedas, the deuterocanonical books of the Catholic bible and many many more?

In order to validly test would you not have to ask for confirmation for all of the books?

I am very interested in thoughts on this. Thank you in advance.

well most other spiritual sources don't instruct us to. it's not a bad thing to do tho- i'd certainly advise the method given in the Book of mormon no matter what religion you're investigating.

another thing i like to remind people is that while our hearts are important, we also need to use our minds and hands along with it.. in other words in addition to sincere prayer one must study and work for an answer.

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Welcome, I'm also new here. I'm both a convert and returned 4 years ago after being excommunicated.

My answer to your question is rather simplistic, I fear. If you feel the spirit is leading you to learn about the Koran, than by all means pray about. If you feel at this time you are being lead to the Book of Mormon than pray about that. I don't think you need pray about every book in the library just to give them equal treatment.

I heard a quote somewhere that I think sums this up, "You can't save the whole world, but you can help those that God places in your path!" You cannot know all things, but you can learn and gain a testimony of the things God has brought you to.

Indeed. I second this.
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We are then informed, that when we pray about this God will reveal the truth by the power of the Holy Ghost.

On my mission, and afterwards, when I was asked this question, especially when speaking with a Christian, I would respond something to this nature:

If Christ revealed himself unto by the power of the Holy Ghost, would I also then need to get confirmation from the other Saviors mentioned in other cultures?

The answer is simple, No. When dealing with men, it is wise to gather more than one witness. When dealing with a spiritual witness from God, seeing God does not lie, then I do not need to discover any other witness.

I'd like to beef this up a little bit.

I believe that the manner that God manifests truths to us is line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little... all according to the readiness of our hearts to accept such truths.

Therefore, as my experiences have shown, I have not experienced God through the power of the Holy Spirit ram truths into my head. I was devout Catholic for a reason. And it wasn't because the Holy Spirit that guided me through the Catholic Church was "Satan the great imitator". No. It was as true a Spiritual witness as I have always recognized then and now. And if I would have stopped there - stopped seeking truth in all things - then I would have remained Catholic.

In my experience, the Holy Spirit guided me to where I could grow and learn, little by little, line upon line. So that I am where I am today. And no, just because I feel that I have found the most complete truth revealed by God does not mean I'm done searching. I continue to learn, I continue to study, I continue to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.

So yeah, the Holy Spirit did not give me answers I wasn't ready to receive. Instead, He guided me in this long and laborious journey on my unique path towards God.

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A standard line of missionaries is to read a passage of the BOM (the exact one escapes me at this point in time) and to pray for confirmation about its truth. This has always struck me as an odd test of truth from the following standpoint. If you pray about the BOM would you not also have to pray about any other book that makes similar truth claims.

Well, at the end of the day, we give the advice because of the promise given in the first chapter of James.

Any of you who lacks wisdom must ask God, who gives to all generously and without scolding; it will be given. But the prayer must be made with faith, and no trace of doubt, because a person who has doubts is like the waves thrown up in the sea by the buffeting of the wind.

My church makes some incredibly bizzare and sensational claims. Christ came to the Americas? The concept of the holy trinity does not accurately reflect the nature of the three persons involved? Christ is restoring His old church through prophets, and the old organization of 12 apostles and quorums of seventy and whatnot are back?

For stuff this important, would you believe anything less than God's direct and unambiguous communication to you personally on the matter?

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