What Lds Teaching Do You You Find The Most Compelling?


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I posted the following on another string:

Where I stand today: I am convinced that the teaching that most distinguishes the COJCLDS is the premortal existence of humanity--and all that falls from that teaching. It's more important that the "grace vs. works" arguments, the closed vs. open canon, and perhaps even the nature of God.

So, how about you. Which church teaching touches you the most? Which do you find compelling or fascinating?

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For me I stand amazed that Christ would submit himself to the will of the Father. To come to Earth and subject himself to mortality and the suffering that he suffered so that I would not have to pay for my own sins if I recognize him as my Savior and do all I can to follow him and his teachings. Primary teachings of loving God and my neighbor.

That because of His death and resurrection I too will be resurrected and live again.

That is a gospel truth that in cherish the most.

Ben Raines

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I posted the following on another string:

Where I stand today: I am convinced that the teaching that most distinguishes the COJCLDS is the premortal existence of humanity--and all that falls from that teaching. It's more important that the "grace vs. works" arguments, the closed vs. open canon, and perhaps even the nature of God.

So, how about you. Which church teaching touches you the most? Which do you find compelling or fascinating? </span>

I agree with your observation - that man lived a premortal existance in the presents of G-d, they we are G-d's spiritual offspring, and our destiny is to <span style="color:#993399">return to that presents of G-d, clothed with a resurrected physical body (the same as Jesus - which is the example of the Father).

The Traveler

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I posted the following on another string:

Where I stand today: I am convinced that the teaching that most distinguishes the COJCLDS is the premortal existence of humanity--and all that falls from that teaching. It's more important that the "grace vs. works" arguments, the closed vs. open canon, and perhaps even the nature of God.

So, how about you. Which church teaching touches you the most? Which do you find compelling or fascinating?

You went from...

... sharing what you think distinguishes the COJCLDS from other churches or groups of people...

... to saying you thought that teaching was the most important teaching to us (LDS)...

... to asking what teaching touches me (and other LDS) the most... (my answer: the love of God)

... to asking what I (and other LDS) find compelling or fascinating. (my answer is, again: the love of God)

So, how about you?

What teaching of the gospel touches you, personally, Tommy?

What do you find compelling or fascinating?

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the teaching that has touched me the most would be that of an eternal family. not the one here, but the fact that i have heavenly parents, the family here helps me to understand what that really means. someone that i can talk to, trust, rely on, and yet will allow me to learn and grow, to be me.

i didn't get that as my testamony was built, i had a poor relationship with my father and so when ppl would say god the father that meant nothing. now that i'm a parent, i'm starting to get that. what it means to love without condition, to feel joy for other's joys, to feel pain for others pain, for my life to be so dependant on another and yet so seperate.

i personally think that is a huge part of why the emphasis on family. i would not have this relationship with my heavenly father without children. it's a means of understanding and growth. the fact that earthy familys can be eternal is further emphasis to me of how strong such bonds are, many lessons could easily be taught without the necessity of earthly families being sealed for eternity (why not just spouse sealing), but once you have been through such experiances together you become tied so spiritually and emotionally that you desire to have a physical tie that will last beyond this physical world. you want to have that bond in all ways.

the principle of family is the most compeling, comforting, and important teaching of the chruch for me. if i teach my children nothing i want them to understand as i do what it means to be able to say "i am a child of god", not just a primary song.

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... to saying you thought that teaching was the most important teaching to us (LDS)...

I meant to say that the doctrine of human premortal existance is the LDS distinctive that I find most important. It's not my place to speak for you.

So, how about you? What teaching of the gospel touches you, personally, Tommy? What do you find compelling or fascinating?

During worship, one praise I offer is, "Dear God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, lover of my soul..." I find it compelling, fascinating, and all together lovely that the one true and living God, author of all that is, loves my individual soul.

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the teaching that has touched me the most would be that of an eternal family. not the one here, but the fact that i have heavenly parents, the family here helps me to understand what that really means. someone that i can talk to, trust, rely on, and yet will allow me to learn and grow, to be me.

i didn't get that as my testamony was built, i had a poor relationship with my father and so when ppl would say god the father that meant nothing. now that i'm a parent, i'm starting to get that. what it means to love without condition, to feel joy for other's joys, to feel pain for others pain, for my life to be so dependant on another and yet so seperate.

i personally think that is a huge part of why the emphasis on family. i would not have this relationship with my heavenly father without children. it's a means of understanding and growth. the fact that earthy familys can be eternal is further emphasis to me of how strong such bonds are, many lessons could easily be taught without the necessity of earthly families being sealed for eternity (why not just spouse sealing), but once you have been through such experiances together you become tied so spiritually and emotionally that you desire to have a physical tie that will last beyond this physical world. you want to have that bond in all ways.

the principle of family is the most compeling, comforting, and important teaching of the chruch for me. if i teach my children nothing i want them to understand as i do what it means to be able to say "i am a child of god", not just a primary song.

Great post - my experience is different and at the same time similar. My father and mother are the best parents one could have. My father was well respected and honored in the community. I thought I understood what a family meant - I learned much more when I became a parent and father myself.

The Traveler

During worship, one praise I offer is, "Dear God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, lover of my soul..." I find it compelling, fascinating, and all together lovely that the one true and living God, author of all that is, loves my individual soul.

I am sure I asked this before but I am not sure why and how you think or believe that G-d loves your individual sole. Does he love your sole because you are a Christian? Is there a sole he does not love and value? I may be bating you with these questions because I have a very strong opinion on this matter and I am seeing if you and I can find another thing to agree on.

The Traveler

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I am sure I asked this before but I am not sure why and how you think or believe that G-d loves your individual sole. Does he love your sole because you are a Christian? Is there a sole he does not love and value? I may be bating you with these questions because I have a very strong opinion on this matter and I am seeing if you and I can find another thing to agree on.

The Traveler

In reference to the prayer I offered (God, lover of my soul), He loved me before I loved him. So, yes, he loves all souls, individually. He treasures each of us, personally, deeply, completely. At the same time, since I am reconciled to him, and can wallow in the love, be consciously empowered by it.

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I have an experience to share with all of you.

Last night I was thinking more about what I love the most about the gospel, or the good news that I know I have from God. And I was thinking it was nice that we seem to agree, here, about the fact that we love the love from God... and consider that to be the best thing about the gospel.

And then I thought, hmmm, it seems so selfish, doesn't it? What we love is the love we receive. It seems to be about us, and what we get from the gospel. But what about God? What does God get?

Is it right to think of only what we get from the gospel, or what the gospel can give to us, or to others? What about the "one" who gave us and keeps giving us the gospel? Is it a what, or a who, we should love?

Now, while I was thinking I also realized that all "gifts" actually come from a "giver" of those gifts, and the fact that we appreciate all the love we feel from God also shows we do appreciate the "one' who loves us.

But I think the change in focus also helped me to see that what I appreciate most is God, Himself... or the love I feel from God would mean nothing. And I think we'll agree I'm not adding a brand new thought here. It is simply another way to think of things.

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I think you're right Chaplin; the thing that brought the most light and understanding to me was the idea of our life before birth IN A FAMILY. It was because of this idea that these other concepts became real in my mind -

• Eternal families

• A reason for being created

• My purpose on earth

• A reason to love God - He's literally our Father

• A reason to be loved by God - we're literally His children (do you ever think of the Holy Ghost as a baby sitter?)

• A reason to love each other - literal bros & sis.

• A plan - the plan of salvation

• Eternity in both directions

• Deja vous - I know that’s a silly one too!

• Other worlds, other souls

• Progression

• Father also follows the governing laws of the universe

• We can become the same kind of being our Father is without being equal to Him.

• The purpose of correct principles and values.

• Lucifer - where he came from

It's true that all those things could be without a pre-existence, but to me it's like memorizing math facts compared to really understanding the concepts.

But also just as important to me as the pre-existence was the knowledge of personal revelation and my experience with it. Without it, none of the rest of it would matter.

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The most compelling teaching to me is the apostasy.

I define apostasy as a loss of gospel truths and valid priesthood authority.

Whether there was an apostasy or not changes everything.

I can see how you can think that, CrimsonKairos, but what does the apostasy, all by itself, mean to you?

I think the apostasy is about what was lost, or forsaken, and it was lost by other people... not you.

How would you know what was lost if you never had it?

How would you know you lost something you never had?

I, personally, value the restoration of truth... the apostasy by itself means nothing to me.

It is only by knowing what was actually restored that I can know what was lost, or forsaken, by other people.

And btw, one of the things I got for Christmas was a very good book by Hugh Nibley. It's called "Apostles and Bishops in Early Christianity". It has a lot of truth that I know God inspired. :)

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i must add a correction to my previous post, that while i do find the knowledge of a heavenly father to be the most wonderful and beautiful part of the gospel i failed to recognise an equaly important principle in my life.

after a lengthly and facinating, for lack of a better word, conversation in chat i was reminded of how undeniably important personal revelation is to me. without the knowledge and ability to pray and receive answers that directly guide and inspire me i would not have the knowledge of my heavenly father or the ability to make the associations between heavenly and earthly families that allow me to continue forward in my progression toward eternity. without personal revelation and the understanding that god does and wants to talk to all of his children in all expances of time and cares about my individual and miniscule life i would have nothing, my life would be worthless. god gives me value by giving me time and answers and guidence. i must say that personal revelation to know and understand truths in this world must take a front seat to all other doctrines, for without it knowledge of the principles is a waste of time. before knowledge of the principles becomes useful in life the knowledge of it's truth must be had, that comes from personal revelation and no where else.

so i guess i must thank you the "facinating" individual that reminded me of how important this understanding is to me, how blessed i am to have this knowledge in my life today.

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I can see how you can think that, Almom, but what does personal revelation, all by itself, mean to you?

I think revelation from God can be a wonderful thing, but only when God reveals things to me which are wonderful.

If I didn't like what God did and does reveal to me, personally, do you think I would like His revelations?

It is only because I love God... and I know God loves me... that I love to receive His revelations. :)

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god reveals things to me all the time that i do not like. now that i know, will i do as i wish or give him my agency and follow him in faith. that is the test in life. even though i don't always like the answer i am grateful that he will answer me. i always love to receive revelation even when unpleasent, it means i am still progressing cause i'm able to hear to begin with.

personal revelation means everything to me. even if all my earthly posessions were lost, my scriptures gone, info from the prophet cut off, i could still pray and get comfort and guidence from the lord, what to do, where to get the things i need, comfort, anything. isn't that the point of the scriptures, nephi was in the wildnerss what did he do, he went to the lord, where to find ore, where to find food, how to get the plates, he sought personal revelation. that is the example to follow, to learn all we can while we can but to make decisions with the lord for the path our life should take, seek the lord in prayer. so while all the things the lord has provided me to learn and grow, nothing has changed my life like the lessons i've learned though personal revelation. though i know that they mean nothing to anyone else, i know it can never be taken away, i can stand and say with confidance "i know".

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I will apologize for miscommunication.

I still love to receive revelations from God even when He chastizes me, but only because I know He does that out of love... and only because I truly love Him.

What I love most, above everything, is God.

I hope you understand me at least a little better now. And I still don't expect you to agree with me. :)

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The most compelling teaching to me is the apostasy.

I define apostasy as a loss of gospel truths and valid priesthood authority.

Whether there was an apostasy or not changes everything.

You have a point. Without the apostasy, the COJCLDS simply becomes one of many Christian sects with teachings that make it distinctive, but not so much so that it would be necessary to invite those from the other sects to join a restoration.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PC, what does COJCLDS mean?

Just a wild guess :D but I believe he would be referring to the

Church OF Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints :) ;)

minus an O

I used that abbreviation a lot until I got lazy and usually just stick with wording it to use LDS :)

Crimson-I like your idea about the apostasy being the most compelling. Interesting...

But for me the most compelling gospel teaching revolves around the vivid contrast between Jesus moments in the garden of gethsemane and evils temporary rejoicing at the death and sufferings of Christ vs the hope and strength that arose from the resurrection of Christ. Its amazing to me. Because of it we have the ultimate example of rising above all. Evil may triumph for a time but even the bonds of death cannot stamp out the good. (makes me rejoice too in the LDS concept of the redeeming of the dead). Things will work out. Even death, one of our greatest enemies cannot gain victory over us. God's kingdom extends beyond the bonds of our mortalness and we can return to God again.

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