my friend (mormon) has depression, what gospel can i show/talk to him to make him feel better?


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hi guy ^^

i just received a letter from one of my friend who currently on the mission field. he told me that he wants to come home because his depression is getting worse in everyday:( (he had diagnosis with clinical depression,, probably between mild and moderate..) but in the other hand, he wants to complete 2 years mission because it is his dream to serve the Lord.

he prays and prays a lot for help ,but seem like every thing is getting more worse in everyday (he get door-slam when knock on the door, few people can speak English in his area, rainy almost everyday...that aren't help with his depression). he feels trapped and worthless.

he never doubt in the Lord and Jesus Christ. he loves the mission. but his emotional and physical health are worsen. he get stress up easily :(

if you guy can provide me any scripture or advice that would be great. i pray for him too , but i feel that it would be nice if i can share some good scriptures that can lift up his spirit.

i do not know why God gives him depression,but there must be some good reason behind it :)

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Depression is a medical condition... that can have other root causes.

He needs to see a doctor. In my understanding, most mission president's wives take care of the medical care part for missionaries. On my mission we had "Mission medical". We had to get my "Mission Mother" to authorize a doctor visit before going.

He should call the Mission President's office ASAP and get this taken care of - PARTICULARLY because he has had a previous diagnosis that's currently going untreated.

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One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves, is that you can think or reason or pray or otherwise just willpower yourself out of the impacts of a chemical imbalance of the brain.

Consider the following:

i just received a letter from one of my friend who currently on the mission field. he told me that he wants to come home because his broken leg getting worse in everyday (it's in a cast but not really healing well) but in the other hand, he wants to complete 2 years mission because it is his dream to serve the Lord.

he prays and prays a lot for help ,but seem like his leg is getting more worse in everyday (it hurts to walk on it, it hurts to ride bike or drive in cars, the rain makes it itchy). he's in so much pain he can't think straight.

he never doubt in the Lord and Jesus Christ. he loves the mission. but his emotional and physical health are worsen. he get stress up easily

if you guy can provide me any scripture or advice that would be great. i pray for him too , but i feel that it would be nice if i can share some good scriptures that can fix his leg.

i do not know why God gives him this broken leg, but there must be some good reason behind it

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Depression is a medical condition... that can have other root causes.

He needs to see a doctor. In my understanding, most mission president's wives take care of the medical care part for missionaries. On my mission we had "Mission medical". We had to get my "Mission Mother" to authorize a doctor visit before going.

He should call the Mission President's office ASAP and get this taken care of - PARTICULARLY because he has had a previous diagnosis that's currently going untreated.

he alrady see the doctor and have been given like 4 differents medicine in this last few months already but he said it make him more sleeply and un energenice (he couldnot get out of bed in the morning and feel like sleeping forever) so he stop using them. he almost get send home several time becaue of this.

i think only thing he continue doing this because his love toward the Load.

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One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves, is that you can think or reason or pray or otherwise just willpower yourself out of the impacts of a chemical imbalance of the brain.

Consider the following:

actually, i advice him a lot to see the doctor. i'm studing in Psychology area (i want to become mental disorder therapist) and i have read several books on depression and also VDO. so i pretty have basic knowledge about what is going on inside his brain.

i advice him to eat food that rich in Tryptophan and talk about nice thing and try to encourage him that he has doing a good work. but that doesnot really helpful way to help with his depression. i told him that the medicine will take time to see the result (about 2-3 weeks) but the side effect of the medicine is quite strong also.

it would not effect him a lot if he isnot no the missionnary. he said that because the side effect of drung he couldnot get up at 6.30 in the morning (or it very hard to get up) because the side effect of the drug make him tired all the time.he stop using them so he can at least get up from bed and continue the work ,but his emotion is quite go up and down.

we write letter to each other once a week to see the update on my progress on scripture and his depression update.

i read from a lot of book and article that as a friend (cause i am not yet clinical psychologist) i can help make him happy by take him to movie, walking in the park, do something fun etc. but he is missionary and he cannot do anything fun to balance his mood out and he is also far away too. so it kinda stay burden inside him.

only way i can help is to give some advice for him (that not about seeing doctor) to keep him stay on this mission. and i think sharing gospel is the best i can do at this moment since i can contact him only by letter once a week.

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hi guy ^^

i just received a letter from one of my friend who currently on the mission field. he told me that he wants to come home because his depression is getting worse in everyday:( (he had diagnosis with clinical depression,, probably between mild and moderate..) but in the other hand, he wants to complete 2 years mission because it is his dream to serve the Lord.

he prays and prays a lot for help ,but seem like every thing is getting more worse in everyday (he get door-slam when knock on the door, few people can speak English in his area, rainy almost everyday...that aren't help with his depression). he feels trapped and worthless.

he never doubt in the Lord and Jesus Christ. he loves the mission. but his emotional and physical health are worsen. he get stress up easily :(

if you guy can provide me any scripture or advice that would be great. i pray for him too , but i feel that it would be nice if i can share some good scriptures that can lift up his spirit.

i do not know why God gives him depression,but there must be some good reason behind it :)

You may consider contacting his mission president - include asking him how you can best assist and support.

The Traveler

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  • 2 months later...

I have spent the last 15+ years of the 28 I have been alive dealing with depression. I have chemical imbalance form of depression and it is effect by seasonal too. I spent the last 10 years being inactive and coming back to church my depression has been mild compared to where I was at 10 years ago. We have to remember are all given trials and we were counseled with God before come to Earth. We knew our battles and struggles we would have. I know that the Lord will not give us any trials we can’t handle. I know that through faith and trust we can find hope. In Jeremiah 17:7 says “Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.” This has given me hope. I know that we do needs the proper medicines to help if the case applies. I know many members that have gone through something similar. When it is chemical imbalance it is harder to control. Remind him to receive weekly blessing from his companion and to remember the promises the Lord has given in the walls of temple.

Things he can by is a UV light to wear. It is a common practice in places like Alaska where it dark from almost 3 months. This is something to think about due to the weather. Writing has always helped me.

If you have more questions I can try to help. Nothing is worse than this struggle and feeling alone.


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(I know this thread is a few months old by now, but I still think it's important...)

If he just "quit" his meds on his own without appropriately tapering off of them under medical supervision, he could be exacerbating his condition. He still needs to visit a doctor to discuss medication. He may just not have the right combination -- it's often trial-and-error with anti-depressants.

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If he's still in the mission field, perhaps suggesting a combination of herbs (St. John's Wort is a good natural remedy for depression) and healthy food and other healthy living habits (physical and mental exercise, etc.) would be best. I'm not a fan of pharmaceutical answers to psychological problems, and getting it "wrong" only makes the problem much worse- the mission field is no time for trial and error.

Call for the elders, get a blessing, and use the natural remedies God gave him to help it better. It might be better for him to go home early if none of those help, for his sake as well as everyone else's.

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(I know this thread is a few months old by now, but I still think it's important...)

If he just "quit" his meds on his own without appropriately tapering off of them under medical supervision, he could be exacerbating his condition. He still needs to visit a doctor to discuss medication. He may just not have the right combination -- it's often trial-and-error with anti-depressants.

The truth your words speak!!

In 2004 I went through a major depression. Medication then became my life for the next four years. However, it didn't really do what I needed it to do. The "clouds" were never really gone, just reduced. Basically, the meds kept the darkest part of depression away from my mind.

I started working full-time in 2006, which I know now saved my life, saved my mind, and saved my spirit.

Then in 2008 the clinic that I went to closed. Instead of finding another psychiatrist, I just took my meds until they ran out (very dumb!!).

Then I started college (2008). Family, church, work, college, and all the other things that I do in and around my home became part of the daily grind--without medicine.

All went dark clouds, no depression.

But in the Spring of 2012 I started having symptoms of a heart attack. I was a couple of months away from graduating, I was in the middle of my student teaching, and I was Stake YW President. I just didn't have time to go to a doctor. I lived with the recurring and painful symptoms of a heart attack for 3 or 4 months (again, very dumb!!) Finally went to the ER this past fall. Had extensive testing.

Guess what? Anxiety. Horrible and painful physical symptoms all from anxiety. Is it any wonder, though, with all that I was doing?

Anyway, the doctor prescribed anxiety medicine. I have been taking it for four or five months now. It is wonderful! No more heart attack symptoms, and I can handle my everyday stresses SO much better now.

NEVER stop taking medicine without talking to your doctor. If your clinic closes or if you move, then make it a priority to find a new doctor IMMEDIATELY.

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  • 1 month later...

Whether this information will still be of use or not I do not know.

Personal revelation lead me to understand that SAD was a reality for me. In pursuing solutions I was lead to the following products which I feel would immensely help someone suffering from depression. Below is the article my mother sent me which lead me to prayerfully pondering whether I should use this product.

The answer... was yes.

Dr. James Howenstine -- Rapid Therepy For Depression With AVEA


By Dr. James Howenstine, MD.

December 30, 2005

Approximately 10% of the persons visiting physicians in the United States are depressed. Pharmaceutical drugs are widely dispensed to treat depression but all have disturbing side effects. Safe alternatives will probably be readily accepted by the U.S. public.

Depression can be found in individuals who are:

Lacking the essential omega 3 fatty acids

Using synthetic transfats in their diets (soy, corn, saffola, canola, sunflower seed oils)

Vitamin D deficient This can even be found in persons who cover themselves with sunscreens and wear sunglasses when out in the sun. The RDA for Vitamin D of 400 I.U. daily is set far below the correct requirement for maintaining health of 1200 I.U. daily. As a consequence 60% to 70% of U.S. citizens are Vitamin D deficient.

Depression and every psychiatric illness in the psychiatric nomenclature can be found in persons with undiagnosed infections[1] (toxoplasmosis, Lyme Disease {borrelia burgdorfi}, mycoplasma, fungi, yeast, parasites).

All the above conditions should be rectified before starting any therapy for depression as many depressed patients will have a favorable response to correction of these health problems.

How Safe Are Widely Prescribed Pharmaceutical Drugs Used To Treat Depression?

The two most widely used U.S. pharmaceutical types of anti-depressants are the older tricyclics and the newer more potent SSRIs. Among the tricyclic anti-depressant drugs are amitryptiline (Elavil), Etrafon, Limbitrol, desipramine Norpramin, doxepin Sinequan, trimipramin Surmontil, protriptyline Vivactil).

Significant side effects that can be seen with tricyclic anti-depressants include heart attack, stroke, abnormal electrocardiograms, low blood pressure, coma, seizures, hallucinations, tremors, tardive dyskinesia (often permanent movement disorder involving the extremities), neuritis, anxiety, insomnia, fluid retention, paralytic ileus, inability to empty the bladder, constipation, rash, hives, bone marrow depression, abnormal liver function, vomiting, breast enlargement in males and females, impotence and weight gain. The older tricyclic anti-depressants have less SSRI effect than the newer SSRI drugs.

The currently most popular category of anti-depressants are the SSRI drugs (selective, serotonin reuptake inhibitors) (fluoxetine Prozac, sertaline Zoloft, paroxetine Paxil, citalopram hydrobromide Celexa.).

A serious under appreciated problem from SSRI drugs is gastrointestinal bleeding in the elderly. Anti-depressant drugs act by causing more serotonin to be available to the brain where it promotes calmness, peace and contentment. The greater the inhibition of serotonin uptake the greater the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Taking SSRI drugs diminishes the amount of serotonin that is available to platelets to cause blood to clot. Generally the platelets use the excess serotonin absorbed during reuptake. When this process is blocked by SSRIs there is less serotonin available for platelets .and formation of clots is less effective.

In a recent study published in the British Medical Journal 317,824 Canadians in Ontario over the age of 65 were followed. During the study 974 of these persons developed upper gastrointestinal bleeding. 41% of the bleeding patients had been taking the high inhibition SSRIs (Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac). The risk of bleeding jumped by 9% in persons using medium inhibiting SSRIs (imipramine Tofranil and amitriptyline Elavil) when compared to those on lower inhibiting drugs (desipramine Norpramine and doxepin Sinequan).

Patients who had previously experienced upper g.i. bleeding were 5 times more likely to bleed again and persons in their 80s had a 3 fold greater chance to bleed than persons who were between 65 and 70. The use of anticoagulants, cortisone, or NSAID drugs at least doubled the risk of bleeding.

SSRIs can cause nausea, headache, dry mouth, anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea, sexual dysfunction and tremor. The worst side effect is psychotic episodes called serotonin syndrome. Persons on SSRIs over age 65 might want to consider switching to a less dangerous non pharmaceutical depression therapy. SAMe is quite effective but very expensive. B complex with supplemental vitamin C and phenylalanine, omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil or flax oil), or St. John’s Wort (SJW) all can clear depressions. Drug interactions can be seen with SJW which must not be taken with SSRIs as serotonin syndrome may appear. Taken alone SJW is remarkably safe.

Few U.S. citizens realize that the mass murderers who committed the Columbine High School, Red Lake and other fatal school violence were nearly universally taking Prozac or similar SSRI anti-depressants. Eli Lilly Company knew that Prozac could cause users to commit violent acts against self (suicide) or against others (mass murders) but this information had been carefully hidden as awareness of this information would have certainly hurt the sales of this drug and other similar SSRI pharmaceuticals.

What Is Avea?

Tumeric (cucurmin) has long been used

in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine

as an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive disorders and liver problems and for the treatment of skin diseases and wound healing.

Cucurmin stimulates the production of bile and facilitates emptying of the gall bladder. In animals cucurmin protects the liver, has anti-tumor action, reduces inflammation and fights some infections.

Avea is an extract from the root of Curcuma longa commonly know as tumeric. Nutramedix has a proprietary formulation of cucurmin that is more effective than conventional cucurmin because of special extraction and enhancement techniques.

The primary uses of Avea are as an anti-depressant, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Cucurmin has found wide acceptance as a valuable therapy to suppress inflammation in persons found to have elevated CRP values and elevated sedimentation rates Statistical analysis of large populations has revealed that persons with elevated sed rates and CRP values are at greater risk for heart attacks and strokes than persons with normal CRPs and sed rates. Bringing CRP and sed rate values back to normal in these persons is believed to stop arteriosclerotic injury to arteries. Presumably inflammatory changes in the inner membranes of the arteries (endothelium0 are being healed by cucurmin.

A study published in the June 2005 issue of the European Journal of Pharmacology titled The effects of cucurmin on depressive-like behaviors in mice looked at two animal models of depression. Neurochemical assays showed that cucurmin produced a marked increase in serotonin and noradrenalin levels in the frontal cortex and hippocampus in the mice. Dopamine levels were increased in the frontal cortex and striatum regions. Monoamine oxidase activity was inhibited in the mouse brain.

The German Commision E reports that cucurmin has no known contraindications, no known side effects and no known interactions with other drugs. In May 2005 toxicology studies were completed on Nutramedix Avea at the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador. No toxic effects were seen even when the animals were given doses 160,000 times the equivalent human dose.

Patients suffering from depression report relief from depression within a few hours to a few days after starting Avea. A 38 year old woman had been seriously depressed for more than 10 years despite therapy with several different pharmaceutical drugs. When started on her first dose of Avea she felt less depressed after 30 minutes. The depression was gone in 24 hours but the therapy was continued.

The dosage of Avea is 10 to 12 drops three or four times daily. Patients who respond rapidly to Avea should remain on this therapy for one to two months to allow the body to reset neurochemical balances in the brain. Patients who have been taking SSRI drugs should slowly taper off SSRI therapy over many weeks.if they wish to terminate SSRI therapy.

We think that persons trying Avea for depression will be pleased with this safe rapidly acting therapy. Avea can be obtained from phone 1-800-416-2806 and from phone 1-561-745-2917.


1, Strick, Frank Townsend letter for Doctors & Patients April 2004 pg. 123-125

© 2005 Dr. James Howenstine

Onibasu Link: Tumeric (cucurmin) For Depression

Also of great use to me was a SAD light therapy box.

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  • 4 years later...
7 hours ago, runewell said:

Antidepressant drugs are prescribed in Utah more often than in any other state, at a rate nearly twice the national average.

Let me just point out that this thread is 5 years old and most of the people who participated are no longer around.  Also the article you linked to is 15 years old.

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