Equality vs. Religion???

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Reading the comments on this article demonstrate how polarized this nation is on this topic. There are so many twists and turns, so many half truths and personal interpretations going on, I can't keep track of it.

What I'd like to know is how many people have prayed about it ( religious people of course) and what has God told them about it.

My answers were in essence, " They are my children and I love them, too. Be kind." And "Marriage is meant for only men to women- not same gender." So I guess that means give and take on the part of both sides of the issue is needed.

Therein lies the biggest problem in my opinion. Not that gays exist or that they want to get married or that believers in the Bible and God abhor (or at the very least, get a little sick at the thought of gay relations) and want to prevent gay marriage, but that there is so much disrespect between those who are passionate about their own position. If people would just say- "OK, how would I want to be treated if I were the other guy?" and then respond appropriately, this issue could be handled and we really could live harmoniously. But egos, pride and lack of compassion for the other guy or gal are the root cause of this rift. Satan must be enjoying the show immensely.

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Gay marriage and gay rights may the issue that either reinforces the honor of faith in our country or undermines it. I have feared the latter. Sadly, I may be right...

NFL Player Brendan Ayanbadejo on Homosexuality: Equality Trumps Religion

Ah, yet another Kool-aid drinker sounding off to the approbation of Babylon.

Setting aside the fact that he's embracing a false (and rather bigoted) dichotomy, I seriously doubt Mr. Ayanbadejo could craft a cogent summary of the religious objections to homosexual marriage, let alone rebut them.

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:)Its honestly the 'versus' which concerns me the most.

Religion v Science... We lost hundreds, if not thousands, of years & untold lives & innovation due to this opposition. True still today. While many of the great scientists I have known are deeply religious, there's STILL this grinding. We lose great scientific minds who don't go into science because of this supposed contention, and we lose great moral hearts and foundations who feel they have to leave religion to be people of science.

Religion versus Equality... I fear... Both has & will continue to have similar affect.

I just wish (in my happy utopian fantasy between my ears) that religion would stay out of politics. And, conversely, that Politics (government) would stay out of religion. Although I do admire the Vatican's Intelligence Service (arguably the best in the world). Sigh. So even my utopian make believe world has hypocrisy in it.

I can see why they don't myob...

I simply wish they would.

I cannot think of a single time when mixing religion & politics had led to good, instead of evil, when a church (or mosque, etc.) has succeeded in forcing its doctrine upon the populace at large instead of remaining self selecting.

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The only way to remove religion from politics completely is to remove religious people from politics. As long as religious belief informs people's world views it will also inform their political views.

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I'm not sure respect is going to protect us in the long run. It's the difference between opponents of traditional marriage teling us to shut up or telling us to be quiet. It's the difference between us saying, "Your sin stinks" and us saying "We love you, but hate your sin." If you believe your sin is simply part of your biological makeup, then my respectful wording and tone will be lost on you.

We'll continue to be salt and light, and try our Spirit-anointed best to love the sinner, while hating the sin. However, eventually persecution is likely to come. The Chaplain of the Senate as much as predicted that the day is coming, and perhaps soon, when to preach against active homosexuality will be deemed hate speech. On that day, it will indeed be religion vs. equality.

Military Chaplains Must Contend With 'Hate Speech' Accusations; Inclusive Prayers Not an Issue, Senate Chaplain Says

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I'm not sure respect is going to protect us in the long run. It's the difference between opponents of traditional marriage teling us to shut up or telling us to be quiet. It's the difference between us saying, "Your sin stinks" and us saying "We love you, but hate your sin." If you believe your sin is simply part of your biological makeup, then my respectful wording and tone will be lost on you.

We'll continue to be salt and light, and try our Spirit-anointed best to love the sinner, while hating the sin. However, eventually persecution is likely to come. The Chaplain of the Senate as much as predicted that the day is coming, and perhaps soon, when to preach against active homosexuality will be deemed hate speech. On that day, it will indeed be religion vs. equality.

Military Chaplains Must Contend With 'Hate Speech' Accusations; Inclusive Prayers Not an Issue, Senate Chaplain Says

Doesn't sound very hopeful. But I agree, it's heading that way.

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There is a difference in the L.D.S. belief of Christ's coming versus what many Christians believe. We believe that Christ comes after the hard trials and tribulation on this earth. There are going to be many disappointed believers and I hope that they do not lose faith when the harsh trials start.
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There is a difference in the L.D.S. belief of Christ's coming versus what many Christians believe. We believe that Christ comes after the hard trials and tribulation on this earth. There are going to be many disappointed believers and I hope that they do not lose faith when the harsh trials start.

There are Evangelicals who believe in a "rapture" that takes place AFTER the time of Great Tribulation. They might be closer to the LDS timeline. Me? I'm on the first flight out. :D

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There is a difference in the L.D.S. belief of Christ's coming versus what many Christians believe. We believe that Christ comes after the hard trials and tribulation on this earth. There are going to be many disappointed believers and I hope that they do not lose faith when the harsh trials start.

You mean it gets worse than this? :eek:

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