Missionary prep for sisters questions?!!

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I have some questions?

1- The last time I went to a dentist he said there was plenty of room for my wisdom teeth to come in without any problems. Since then 1 has come in fine. I'm 21 and planning on serving a mission. Do they have to come out?

2- I have never had an shot in my life (except for stitches and strep throat which don't really count). I know how destructive they are... will I be forced to get them? I'd rather take my chances of getting malaria or worse then risk becoming a vegetable like so many kids in my ward.

Please help answer this if you can.

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I guess I was always under the assumption that wisdom teeth had to come out prior to a mission. At least every young person I've known personally had to have them removed first.

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I think I got a hepatitis shot in the MTC based on my medical records. It wasn't a big deal to me. Being state-side, it might not be an issue for you. However, taking the chance of getting sick will hurt your missionary work... as well as impact the quality of your mission for you and your companion.

Please think about your companions while thinking about these decisions.

You will want to ask your bishop these questions and see if there are any specific guidelines or requirements to be met.

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I have some questions?

1- The last time I went to a dentist he said there was plenty of room for my wisdom teeth to come in without any problems. Since then 1 has come in fine. I'm 21 and planning on serving a mission. Do they have to come out?

2- I have never had an shot in my life (except for stitches and strep throat which don't really count). I know how destructive they are... will I be forced to get them? I'd rather take my chances of getting malaria or worse then risk becoming a vegetable like so many kids in my ward.

Please help answer this if you can.

Seriously? So many kids in your ward became vegetables from having immunizations? Sorry I find that really hard to believe.

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I'd rather take my chances of getting malaria or worse then risk becoming a vegetable like so many kids in my ward.

Exactly how many kids in your ward have become vegetables from immunization shots?

Immunizations are a matter of public sanitation. Those who do not get immunized put everyone at risk and should not be allowed out in public.

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I have some questions?

2- I have never had an shot in my life (except for stitches and strep throat which don't really count). I know how destructive they are... will I be forced to get them? I'd rather take my chances of getting malaria or worse then risk becoming a vegetable like so many kids in my ward.

Please help answer this if you can.

I know where you're coming from. Though I had my vaccines, for a few years I was against them and was not going to have my kids get them. However, like Vort said, it puts everyone at risk.

In addition, they still have the rumor going around that the MMR vaccine causes autism. There have been numerous studies proving that this is not true.

What is your definition of vegetable when you're referring to the kids in your ward?

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Wisdom teeth usually affect other teeth when they develop and many times becoming impacted or come in sideways. People usually develop them between the ages of 16 and 25.

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On wisdom teeth: My dentist before my mission also said that there was enough room for my wisdom teeth, wrote that on the application, and I served my mission with all 4 wisdom teeth. (they came out several years after my mission). Unless things have changed, if your dentist will put that on the form, then there may not be a problem.

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Missionary medical is about making sure that there are no known health issues unaddressed before having a missionary serve. While they can't get everything that might come up, they get every thing they can.

Wisdom teeth are a known factor that can impact a missionary while serving. Therefore they need to be 'dealt' with before the missionary leaves. However how they are 'dealt' with is individualized per the missionary. If doctor/dentist says everything is fine then they are 'dealt' with by being left alone. If the doctor/dentist says they are going to cause problems then they are 'dealt' with by being pulled.

Many people have issues with wisdom teeth so many pending missionaries have them pulled... But pulling the teeth is not the default requirement. Having them checked and following the advice given is

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My daughter is in the MTC at the moment. It was touch and go regarding her Wisdom teeth. They are a little impacted but give her no problems so her Dentist signed the form and said to worry about it when she got home from her Mission.

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2- I have never had an shot in my life (except for stitches and strep throat which don't really count). I know how destructive they are...

Please, enlighten us. Be sure to use scientific evidence.

Oh, and since when are stitches and strep throat considered shots?

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Please, enlighten us. Be sure to use scientific evidence.

Oh, and since when are stitches and strep throat considered shots?

Well the connection with stitches and a shot can be made if a local analgesic shot was used prior to the stitches. Strep is leaving me with a blank though, unless for some strange reason the antibiotics were given in a shot.

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I am in my 40's with all my wisdom teeth. My grandfather on my father's side, my father and my mother and 2 of my siblings have all their wisdom teeth as well.

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