The 12th Doctor


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Going off of this post, I wanted to talk a little bit about The Doctor.

But first...

Posted Image that I got that out of my system (and into Eowyn's...), let's talk.

Matt Smith has officially announced his departure from the show. So by the end of this year, we'll have a 12. Apparently there's precedent for it to be a woman, though I think the precedent is pretty weak. What do you think? Should 12 be a female?

Male OR female, who are some of your picks for the new Doctor?

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Female Doctor, perhaps with a male companion? No, not sure it's fan base are ready to accept that.

Everyone seems to think David Tennant was THE Doctor (in the modern series) but I preferred Christopher Eccleston, I wish he would have stuck around longer. I hated Matt Smith to begin with but he kind of grows on you.

Who should be chosen as the next Doctor? -- some unknown (at least outside of G.B.) British actor.

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There are male and female timelords, so it would make zero sense for The Doctor to be a girl.

My heart wants David Tennant back. But I'd be okay with Rupert Grint.

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I keep meaning to pick the Dr. Who fandom back up, haven't really paid attention since Tom Baker. But it went further down the list after I saw what they did with their Torchwood spinoff. Suddenly, it's less about good British SciFi, and more about who is gay and who is linking up with who.

I hope they don't do that to Dr. Who. GLBTQI Doctor, anyone?

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I hated Matt Smith to begin with but he kind of grows on you.


There are male and female timelords, so it would make zero sense for The Doctor to be a girl.

In the article I linked, it mentions that when the current Doctor generated, he felt his neck, and confirmed he was male when he felt his Adam's Apple, seemingly indicating that there was a question as to whether or not he'd have to be male.

My heart wants David Tennant back.

David Tennant and Billie Piper are both in the 50th anniversary special, which has already been filmed.

But I'd be okay with Rupert Grint.

I would, too. He's one of my picks, mainly because of the red hair. My other pick would be Richard Armitage. As for females, the article suggested (among others) Lara Pulver and Lena Headey, both of whom I'd be okay with. But not Emma Watson. :eek:


I haven't watched anything in the current (just finished) series since Amy and Rory were taken by the angels, because I don't have cable. I'm waiting on Netflix. However, I did read that at the end of the finale, John Hurt appeared as "an unknown incarnation of The Doctor." So it's possible, I suppose, that he's already been cast. Or that there will be a 12, and the John Hurt will be 13.

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Male OR female, who are some of your picks for the new Doctor?

The Doctor is male, there shouldn't be any question -- male (period).

Female Doctor would be cool, but watching the male Doctor regenerate into a female doctor? -- morbid and just plain wrong. The show would definitely loose one fan, and would turn into any other sitcom of statement (toilet trash), rather than the Doctor.

I actually really liked Matt Smith to begin with. He, personally, reminded me of the original Doctors the most when I used to watch Dr. Who with my father as a child.

Not so sure why women find David Tennant attractive, but I do think he was/is a great actor. Is it his smile? :confused:

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It's totally the personality. My girlfriends and I have had this conversation. Just seeing his picture cold I wouldn't see the attraction either, but both the actor and the character have awesome personalities.

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So first of all, River is sort of a female Doctor, as a weird hybrid human/time lord. Second, The Sarah Jane Adventures was a female led spin-off and never really gained any support. It's not a good idea to mess to much with a formula that works. The worst companion of all time was a boy child from the planet Alzarius, named Adric. I think we're best off with a good strong female companion, who even out thinks The Doctor from time to time.

The John Hurt reveal is intriguing. The next Doctor should be the last one before the Valeyard. That, in of itself, is a painted-in corner we're waiting to see how Steven Moffat gets the series out of. Personally, I think he laid the groundwork for it in "Let's Kill Hitler" when River brought the Doctor back to life. Anyway, it's possible that John Hurt is the Valeyard (a mixture of all the Doctor's evil qualities and alleged final incarnation) and Moffat has worked out a plan for a 14th Doctor. That means John may only appear in one or two episodes.

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Considering the running joke after the last few regenerations it could be amusing if the new doctor is a ginger. Looking at the list of maybes from before Smith was chosen it might be interesting if one of them gets picked. As for John Hurt the way they talked about him i think he might only be around for the anniversary episode in November. And in case you ladies didn't know Mr. Tennant is back in november along with Rose.

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The John Hurt reveal is intriguing. The next Doctor should be the last one before the Valeyard. That, in of itself, is a painted-in corner we're waiting to see how Steven Moffat gets the series out of. Personally, I think he laid the groundwork for it in "Let's Kill Hitler" when River brought the Doctor back to life.

River has used up all of her regenerative energy, though, so she can't get The Doctor out of his final incarnation. However, at the end of "The Doctor's Daughter," we see that Jenny didn't actually die, and she's out there somewhere. They could bring her back. (Side note: Jenny was played by Georgia Moffett in 2008. In 2011, Georgia Moffett and David Tennant were married, which they still are. As my husband said, "those two are going to have some very good-looking children.)

Anyway, it's possible that John Hurt is the Valeyard (a mixture of all the Doctor's evil qualities and alleged final incarnation) and Moffat has worked out a plan for a 14th Doctor. That means John may only appear in one or two episodes.

Interesting thought on it. I don't know much about the Valeyard. I've only watched the reboot of the show, none of the classic Who, and as far as I can remember, the Valeyard hasn't been mentioned. I've read briefly about it, though.

Considering the running joke after the last few regenerations it could be amusing if the new doctor is a ginger.

Hence the suggestions of Rupert Grint. :)

And in case you ladies didn't know Mr. Tennant is back in november along with Rose.

Oh, I know. :D

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I'm well behind with Doctor Who. That's because I only ever get to watch TV just before bedtime, and my wife refuses to watch Doctor Who before bed because she says it gives her nightmares. I quite liked Matt Smith though. I hope they don't cave in to political correctness and make the next one a woman. Yes there are male and female time lords, but Doctor Who is a male one.

Some female time lords:

The Rani (Kate O'Mara)

Romana (Mary Tam - later regenerated as Lala Ward)

Susan Foreman (Carol Ann Ford)

Ummm...can anyone think of any more?

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  • 1 month later...

I keep meaning to pick the Dr. Who fandom back up, haven't really paid attention since Tom Baker. But it went further down the list after I saw what they did with their Torchwood spinoff. Suddenly, it's less about good British SciFi, and more about who is gay and who is linking up with who.

I've watched up to half of season 7 of Doctor Who (that is all that is available through Amazon Prime) and in my opinion the Torchwood Spinoff isn't indicative of the spirit and character of Doctor Who. I made it through the second or third episode of Torchwood before I wrote it off, I so wanted to frolic about some more in the Doctor Who universe but Torchwood was not to be that vehicle.

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I've watched up to half of season 7 of Doctor Who (that is all that is available through Amazon Prime) and in my opinion the Torchwood Spinoff isn't indicative of the spirit and character of Doctor Who. I made it through the second or third episode of Torchwood before I wrote it off, I so wanted to frolic about some more in the Doctor Who universe but Torchwood was not to be that vehicle.

I haven't ventured into Torchwood, but I've heard very much the same as this.

I've also only seen the first half of series 7, because that's what on Netflix. :)

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Torchwood is about what I would expect of a show starring Captain Jack. We never got past a few minutes of the first episode.

I really love Doctor Who though. I think Season 6 is my favorite. It will be interesting to hear who the new Doctor will be. Probably someone I've never heard of.

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I really love Doctor Who though. I think Season 6 is my favorite. It will be interesting to hear who the new Doctor will be. Probably someone I've never heard of.

I'm torn on a favorite series. I think 6 is also probably my favorite, but David Tennant is my favorite Doctor (I've only watched the reboot, so I only have 3 Doctors that I know). But I really think that Amy and Rory (and River) are my favorite companions.

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I'm torn on a favorite series. I think 6 is also probably my favorite, but David Tennant is my favorite Doctor (I've only watched the reboot, so I only have 3 Doctors that I know). But I really think that Amy and Rory (and River) are my favorite companions.

I liked David Tennant as well, I found his regeneration to be rather poignant. I'm with you though, that I like Amy and Rory (a relationship that wasn't destroyed by the Doctor).

Season 7 Spoiler (It is in Wingdings, paste it in something and change the font or quote the post to see it):

I found the story departure of Amy and Rory to have one huge gaping issue. Okay, New York 1938 or what ever it was dangerously unstable and he couldn't go back to pick Rory up, at least to my recollection that was the explanation given. Why not first, pop into Iowa in 1938 and take a train to pick him up, or assuming the entire year was unstable (they may have said it was, I can't recall), why not go pick him up in 1939 or 1940? Or them if Amy doesn't want him having to go a year without her (and not knowing if he'll ever see her again). I do admit that it is possible this was all explained and I missed it because I was realizing that this was going to be goodbye for the dashing duo.

Edited by Dravin
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